Temple of Madness

Chapter 101 Heaven and Earth Have Righteousness

Chapter 101 Heaven and Earth Have Righteousness

Chapter 102

His mind was quasi-absent, not only that, but Zhang Yang could even hear the long cry erupting in the depths of his soul!
The stabbing pain from his soul made him want to scream, but he couldn't make any sound.

However, this feeling also came and went quickly, Zhang Yang regained his freedom in the next second, and the bloody knife in his hand suddenly became bloody, and a thick blood mist instantly filled the entire passage from the tip of the knife.

Not only that, the moment the blood mist spewed out, the blood mist began to devour crazily.

The white mist that had already begun to retreat was constantly being eaten away, and soon several shadows trembling with fear appeared.

However, Zhang Yang didn't pay attention to those shadows, and didn't pay attention to the consumption of mental power. Instead, the figure flashed and ran backwards until he saw the figure of the young man before jumping high.


Zhang Yang shouted loudly, and the blood-red blood-transforming magic knife skyrocketed again, turning into a blood-colored phantom and slashing down fiercely!


The sword energy is vertical and horizontal, and the smoke is filled.

With one blow of the knife, gold and stone were broken, and the young man with dull eyes was cut into two pieces by the knife energy at the moment of knowledge.

It was also at this time that a black smoke slowly seeped out from his head, then gathered together and turned into a darker black bead and fell to the ground.

Warrior level shadow!

Zhang Yang looked at the young man with two parts of his body on the ground in a complicated mood.

Although he was sure that the warrior-level shadow was possessing the young man, he was not sure if the young man was still alive.

But under such circumstances, he had no choice.

Very helpless.

Very selfish!
It is also cruel!

But Zhang Yang didn't regret it, since the day the Dihu World was opened, he knew that the world had already developed in another direction.

Although the governments and armies of various countries can still suppress everything, even human beings still live under the sun because of technology.

Will this still be the case?

With the recovery of aura, the weather is getting colder. Even in a livable place like the middle of Sichuan, where the four seasons are like spring, the temperature has now dropped to above 0 degrees below 10 degrees, and it is even worse in places such as the north. Zhang Yang even heard about the north some time ago. There's a big migration of people there.

Not only that, as the global temperature drops, the effectiveness of weapons that can be used under normal temperature conditions is also greatly reduced.

Take the grenade as an example. The explosion damage range was about 10-20 meters on average before the Jito World was opened, but now it has been reduced to 5-10 meters, and its power has been reduced by nearly half.

Of course, it is not only the reason of the climate, but more of the kind of suppression that is vaguely added between the heavens and the earth.

When Zhang Yang entered the Dihu for the first time before, he felt this kind of oppression from another world in the Dihu.

The suppression was obvious, so he could spot it right away.

But the earth world is different. The suppression of the earth world seems to be increasing with the recovery of the spiritual energy. Although it is very slow, it does exist.

Nowadays, the ability of ordinary people all over the world to rapidly increase their physical fitness is actually related to this kind of suppression.

The power of thermal weapons has diminished, fierce beasts continue to show off their power, and the earth and the world are eyeing. Humans may be able to maintain certain advantages with the help of thermal weapons or even nuclear weapons.

But if this bad winter continues, one day hot weapons will withdraw from the stage of history, and cold weapons will re-enter the battlefield.

Therefore, Zhang Yang needs to improve his strength and reach the level of self-protection as quickly as possible.

For himself and for his family.

No right or wrong!

So he regrets the death of the young man, but if everything can be done again, he will do it without hesitation.

Zhang Yang put away the black beads on the ground and continued towards the mortuary. After dealing with the black shadows in front of him, the morgue was already in sight.

There were voices talking inside, and Zhang Yang could tell that Gu Xiaoya was inside.

And it wasn't just Gu Xiaoya, there were at least three of them.

In this way, it coincided with the message given to him by the dead young man.

But Zhang Yang didn't rush in, but waited a little longer outside. He needed to make sure that the people inside were as dark as the young man.

After all, this is only the first time he has encountered this thing, and even if they fight, most of them are youths possessed by shadows who carry out mental attacks on him.

In real face-to-face horse-to-horse battles, he encountered only low-level shadows, and those shadows could not harm him at all.

Zhang Yang followed and moved to the door.

The voice inside became much clearer.

But it was not Gu Xiaoya who was speaking now but a male voice.

And Zhang Yang frowned, the other party seemed to be reading the text aloud.

He even wondered if he had heard it wrong, but the cadence and clear sentences really conveyed every word and every sentence to his ears.

Moreover, Zhang Yang himself can understand what the man read aloud, not only can he also memorize two paragraphs
"Heaven and earth have righteousness, and are mixed with manifold shapes. Below are the rivers and mountains, and above are the sun and stars.

Yu Ren said Hao Ran, Pei Hu Sai Cang Ming.Huanglu should be Qingyi, Hanhe Tu Mingting.

I will see you when the season is poor, and you will see them one by one.In Qi Taishi Jian, in Jin Donghu's pen.

In Qin Zhang Liangzhu, in Han Su Wu Festival.He is the head of General Yan and blood for Ji Shi. "

It's just that all this made him feel like a ghost.

The buddies were beating people to death outside, and they were almost turned into idiots by the shadow, but you guys...the fuck even read the text inside.

What's going on?

However, Zhang Yang's thoughts were only in his mind for a while, but in an instant he felt that the surroundings had become a little different.

Although he is now carrying the blood-transforming sword, which has a certain deterrent effect on shadows, the thick white mist and haze seeping out from the morgue has not completely disappeared.

According to the youth's information, Gu Xiaoya and the others were already surrounded by shadows in the morgue, at least dozens of them.

With so many shadows, there is no need to think that the morgue should have been cold and filled with white mist long ago.

But Zhang Yang didn't feel the coldness emitted by the dozens of shadows collectively, not even what he felt in the corridor.

The most important thing is that as the man inside kept reciting the familiar song of righteousness, the cold feeling was slowly decreasing.

"Could it be that the problem lies in the Zhengqi song?"

Zhang Yang muttered something in a low voice, and then tried to say a few words himself.

"Heaven and earth have righteousness, mixed with manifolds.

The lower part is Heyue, and the upper part is the sun star.

Yu Ren said Hao Ran, Pei Hu Sai Cang Ming. "

He couldn't remember much, and all he could read was the first few sentences.

However, what Zhang Yang never expected was that when he finished reading the first sentence, he felt an abnormal upright air slowly emanating from his whole body, and his whole soul seemed to be baptized by some kind of mysterious and mysterious It became a feeling of grandeur and dignity.


All of a sudden, Zhang Yangfu was as spiritual as he was, and the words Haoran Zhengqi suddenly flashed in his mind.

And at this time, he finally understood the sect that he was familiar with but had become unfamiliar with when he met the two sisters Bai Ling for the first time.


(End of this chapter)

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