Temple of Madness

Chapter 102 Surging

Chapter 102 Surging
Chapter 103 Surging

Bright, upright, upright.
At this moment, Zhang Yang only felt that the blood was surging in his chest, slowly converging from a trickle into a river, then from the river into the sea, and finally turned into the continuous roar of waves!

At the same time, a faint silver glow was revealed on the edge of Zhang Yang's blood-colored body. Although it was faint, it was unusually holy in this dark passage.

Seems to be a little clearer.

This feeling is very mysterious, but Zhang Yang feels it very clearly. Not only that, he also slightly feels that his aura for the surroundings has deepened a lot.

It should be that the mental power has increased to a certain extent!

Zhang Yang secretly realized this sudden feeling, and quickly opened the attribute bar.

Occupation: First Class Warrior

Vitality: 746/1055 (+)

Spirit: 41/70
Muscle training: Dzogchen, completion (100%)
Bone Refining: Completion (12%)
Aura: 2699 (transformation)
When Zhang Yang saw the attributes on the attribute bar, he couldn't help but his eyes lit up.

Sure enough.

After reciting the "Song of Righteous Qi" just now, his mental strength has increased by 10 units.

We must know that even in the Southwest Military Academy, there is no such thing as spiritual power to teach cultivation methods. What does this mean?
It shows that at least in the hands of high-level people, there should be no way to cultivate spiritual power.

Or even if there is, it cannot be popularized.

More importantly, in Zhang Yang's perception, even Li Dongyang, the vice-principal, has the same mental strength as him except that he is stronger in energy and blood.

So it can be seen that it is difficult to improve mental power.

However, the amazing thing is that now he just recited a few lines of Zhengqi songs, and his mental strength has been improved. Could it be said that thinking about Zhang Yang here makes him excited.

In fact, this is not the first time Zhang Yang has recited the Song of Zhengqi. The teacher asked him to recite it when he was learning Chinese before the spirit revived.

In other words, not only him, but almost everyone who has received exam-oriented education has read and recited this Qiangu Hongwen.

However, there was no effect of increasing mental power before, so... is it related to the recovery of spiritual energy?
In just a few seconds, Zhang Yang thought of a lot of things, and he even felt that he had grasped something vaguely, and he only needed to go back and experiment a bit to get the final conclusion.

With the increase of qi and blood, the degree of refinement of the bones has also increased a little. Of course, there is also some consumption, which is already less than 2700 units. The cautious Zhang Yang once again regards earning aura as an important goal in the next step.

Satisfied, he closed the property bar. The "Song of Righteousness" in the mortuary had already been read, Zhang Yang didn't know what was going on through the door, so he simply kicked the door open.


In an instant, a slightly excited man's inquiry sounded not far ahead.

Zhang Yang looked around, and the next moment he saw several figures sitting cross-legged not far from the front.

There is no light inside, so the figure is very blurry. The reason for being able to see the figure is mainly due to the first-level martial artist Zhang Yang. It is almost impossible for ordinary people to see things.

"I'm Zhang Yang!" Zhang Yang responded, and then hurriedly asked, "How's the situation here?"

"We're okay, but we're so hungry!" The man's voice became a little weak after the excitement, and he staggered to help the people next to him up.

"Brother!" One of the figures sobbed a little, weakly trying to move forward, but before he could take a step, his body shook unbearably.

How many people were tied up? The morgue starved for two or three days, and they had to guard against the shadow's mental attack. Both their bodies and nerves were on the verge of collapse. .

The arrival of Zhang Yang now undoubtedly made them see the dawn of survival, and the rest of this breath was full of exhaustion.

Of course, the main reason why they didn't fall down was because they all knew that the crisis had not yet been lifted.

Zhang Yang quickly walked over, grabbed Gu Xiaoya, and then said to the others: "Let's go out first!"

The rest of the people, including the man just now, nodded and followed Zhang Yang towards the elevator.

Some of the short-eyed shadows followed Zhang Yang up and down, one at a time, without any danger, and added a few black beads to him.

There was no danger along the way, when Zhang Yang and the others walked through the duty room, Zhang Yang suddenly found that several staff members who were playing games in the duty room had fallen asleep peacefully.

Under the bright light, it is a little permeable.
You don't need to think about it to know that these staff members have been dead for a long time, and the culprit should be the warrior-level shadow.

Zhang Yang didn't let Gu Xiaoya see what was going on in the duty room, he blocked it with his body, and then took a few people to the elevator.

He was going to have a good talk with the senior management of the hospital. The shadow in the mortuary was a big hidden danger.

However, instead of going to the hospital leader, he hurriedly found the lobby manager and asked the lobby manager to prescribe a few boxes of glucose for them.

Gu Xiaoya and the others need to pay attention to their dietary structure in this situation. The best way to go without eating for a long time is to take some light gruel, but he is really out of control now, so drinking glucose is the best choice.

Taking out his Southwest Military Academy cadet IDs, he registered a number for them. By the way, he asked a doctor to apply for a ward for them to rest. After being guided by a nurse, Zhang Yang found the director's office of Fengdu Third Hospital.

"Dean Liu should be in the office!" The little nurse looked very exquisite in a white coat, and although her fair face was not stunning, it was quite attractive, and she had the feeling of a small family.Countless extraordinary events have happened in Fengdu during this period, especially front-line medical staff like her can better understand the special meaning of military school students.

In fact, not only her, but everyone knows that a military cadet, or a military cadet who can perform tasks alone, is to some extent a shining diamond king.

It is a guarantee of safety!
Her little face turned slightly red, and then she added: "When I came here just now, I checked and it happened that Dean Liu was on duty in the afternoon!"

The semi-military life during this period made Zhang Yang feel pretty when he saw a mother, let alone such an eye-catching nurse.

Especially the feeling brought by the uniform made him a little excited.

Speaking of which, if Bai Ling, the little goblin, also comes with such a suit, well, I'm thinking too much.

Zhang Yang responded with a sunny smile to the little nurse's overtures, and was about to knock on the door.

But when his hand was less than half a foot in front of the door, it suddenly stopped.

Inside, a woman exclaimed with pain and comfort through the crack of the door.


Even the little nurse next to her couldn't help blushing.

Zhang Yang was speechless for a while, unexpectedly, unexpectedly, my buddies also encountered the unspoken rules in the legend one day!
(End of this chapter)

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