Temple of Madness

Chapter 325 Escape

Chapter 325 Escape
Chapter 325 Escape
Yan Guixing clenched his fists tightly, and was just about to insist, but Gu Chengfeng who was beside him pressed his shoulder.

"Yan Guixing, if we stay here, we will hold back Zhang Yang."

Yan Guixing closed his lips tightly and was silent for a moment, he could only nod heavily, and when he left with Gu Chengfeng and the others, he shouted loudly to Zhang Yang who was fighting with the demon monk in the air: "Zhang Yang! We are waiting for you in Xinhua Kingdom!"

Zhang Yang didn't speak, but gritted his teeth and held the long sword in his hand, competing for strength with the demon monk.

The demon monk didn't seem to care about Yan Guixing and the others, but said with a stern face: "Hehe, he is still a kind and righteous person. Don't worry, as long as you die, we will help you take care of your so-called Xinhua Kingdom .”

With a bang, the demon monk slapped Zhang Yang's heart with his palm, his blood surged instantly, and a cold breath spread from his heart. Zhang Yang felt as if his joints were frozen and his movements were slow.

"What the hell are you trying to do! I don't seem to have any enmity with you."

"Hehe, no injustice or enmity? Zhang Yang, if you hadn't founded the Xinhua Kingdom and protected those wastes, we would have no enmity with you, but you are too nosy, and you are doomed to die!"

After finishing speaking, the demon monk exerted his strength again, a layer of golden light floated on his body, and six arms appeared behind him, like a mutated monster, and patted Zhang Yang.

With a puff, Zhang Yang's body flew upside down like a kite with a broken thread.

At this moment, Zhang Yang already understood in his heart that he was no match for this demon monk at all.

In other words, in this land of China, no one is his opponent!
Because he turned out to be a master of Mahayana, it seems that he is only one opportunity away from being able to soar to the great power!

At this moment, he is an eighth-level warrior, and there is at least two levels of difference between him and the demon monk opposite.

This made Zhang Yang no longer interested in continuing to fight him. He just wanted to hold him back and give Yan Guixing and the rest of Emei time to escape here.

Zhang Yang was once again palmed by the demon monk, and felt that his internal organs were about to burst at any time. His mouth was already full of bloody taste, which made his painful brain a little dizzy.

"Isn't the people in the Buddha Kingdom their duty to help the world and save others? Why do you fight against me everywhere? Do you want to kill me?"

The corner of the demon monk's mouth was the same, and he said coldly: "We are helping the world and saving people, but you have become our stumbling block, so you must disappear!"

Zhang Yang was stunned for a moment, he didn't understand what the demon monk meant, and when he was in a trance, he hit his chest with a stick again, and he was unable to fight back.

Zhang Yang's eyes were red, and he had already been beaten.

This was the first time he was in such a mess since he practiced. The sense of honor and responsibility in his heart made his aura fully open again, and there was a faint aura of breaking through the eighth-level warrior.

The demon monk was startled, held the stick tightly in his hand, and said in a deep voice: "Hmph, boy, if you were from my Buddhist kingdom, you would be a man of plasticity and famous for thousands of miles, but it's a pity that you are our opposite! At this time, you can still advance, with such strength, I can't keep you even more!"

After finishing speaking, the demon monk held up the stick and raised his hand, hitting the Zhangyang Tianling Gai.

Zhang Yang raised his hand and held the stick tightly. After touching his hands, there was a chilly feeling of frost on the black stick, which formed layers of ice along his arms and went straight to his heart veins.

Zhang Yang's heart sank, he recited the Spirit Fire Mantra silently in his heart, and roared: "Break!"

With a click, the ice layer attached to his body instantly shattered, Zhang Yang raised his hand, condensed the Divine Emperor Sutra in the palm of his hand, gave up the weapon, held the wrist of the demon monk with one hand, and hit the demon monk's heart with his bare hands with the other hand. past.


The demon monk's eyes were full of contempt, and he didn't pay attention to Zhang Yang's attack, but when his fist touched his heart, his face changed, and he shouted in surprise: "You! You have reached the ninth level of warrior! "

With a bang, the demon monk's body was sent flying by Zhang Yang, and hit the green hill behind him.

Zhang Yang's figure moved, leaving only an afterimage. Facing the place where the demon monk fell, he fisted with both hands, silently recited the Divine Emperor's Sutra, and punched in the air.

In an instant, a golden phantom of a fist in the air hit the direction where the demon monk fell.

Boom, boom, the whole Emei began to shake violently.

Everyone in Emei who was about to leave immediately looked in the direction of the back mountain in surprise, and someone whispered: "Here, is this the real Zhang who won? Or the demon monk?"

Gu Chengfeng said solemnly: "No matter who wins or who loses, you should go back to Xinhua Kingdom with us first! This demon monk is obviously not a good person, so don't waste the time that Zhang Yang procrastinated to save your life!"

The head of Emei also immediately nodded in agreement, helped Yan Guixing to open the gap in the space in front of him, and ordered Emei's disciple loudly: "Emei's disciple obeys the order! Immediately rush to Xinhua Kingdom, there must be no mistakes!"


Emei disciples quickly walked into the black space tunnel. Yan Guixing and the others maintained the space tunnel. They already felt that their aura was not stable, a layer of cold sweat appeared on their foreheads, their faces became more gloomy, and they looked back worriedly in the direction of Zhang Yang's battle. .

Finally, after the last Emei disciple disappeared, several people hesitantly stepped into the space tunnel and disappeared into Mount Emei.

Now on the empty Mount Emei, only Zhang Yang was left confronting the scarred demon monk.

The blood on the demon monk's body rolled down drop by drop on the ground, and his face became more and more sinister.

Those evil eyes were completely opposite to the image of a Buddhist cultivator, with a venomous aura.

"Hehe, kid, you managed to piss me off."

The demon monk's sneer echoed in the mountains, it was so piercing, a strong dangerous aura spread out, Zhang Yang stood opposite him with frowned eyes, knowing that this time, he might really be doomed
The demon monk suddenly clasped his hands together, closed his eyes with a bloodthirsty aura, and silently recited obscure scriptures, and gradually a cold wind blew up all around, making it desolate and desolate.

"Namo Amitabha. My Buddha is merciful."

After the demon monk finished reciting the Buddhist scriptures, he opened his eyes again, and his aura completely changed. There was a faint golden light on his body, and he seemed to have a sense of sacred Buddhism.

Zhang Yang sneered and said, "My Buddha is merciful? Bald donkey, you are putting gold on your face too much, right? If you are really merciful, why would you come here to kill people?"

"Because I killed you, I can save all sentient beings!"

(End of this chapter)

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