Temple of Madness

Chapter 326 Serious Injury

Chapter 326 Serious Injury
Chapter 326 Serious Injury

The demon monk's body was shrouded in a golden Buddha's light, and he pushed forward lightly with both hands, and a huge golden palm pushed toward Zhang Yang like a mountain peak.

Zhang Yang's face changed, and he leaped back sensitively, barely avoiding it, but the place he was just now was already flat.

Zhang Yang was startled, and the aura of level nine on his body could no longer hold on, and gradually dissipated, returning to level eight.

He just used a secret method in the Divine Emperor's Sutra to forcibly raise his strength by a level, but he couldn't last long, and there was also a bad sequelae.

That is, in a short period of time, his strength will be suppressed, and it will take a while to recover.

Zhang Yang's complexion was even worse. Seeing the demon monk waved his palm again, a palm print of Buddha's light came towards him. This time, he didn't have the confidence to dodge it.

And here, when Yan Guixing was leaving, he let off a burst of fireworks, which was a signal among them, telling him that they had escaped safely.

Zhang Yang finally breathed a sigh of relief. Looking at the approaching palm print in front of him, he immediately turned around. Before his ninth-level strength had completely dissipated, he stretched out his hand towards the void and tore a space tunnel in front of him. He didn't have time to think about it. , and quickly rushed in.

At the same time, the golden palm print of Buddha's light also arrived behind him.

With a bang, the palm prints fell, and the space tunnel slowly closed.

The demon monk has been concentrating on casting spells and did not see Zhang Yang tearing up the space, but when he looked up and saw that he was no longer there, he already guessed that Zhang Yang had escaped!
Standing where Zhang Yang was just now, the demon monk slowly closed his eyes, feeling the aura fluctuations around him, only knowing that the space here had been torn apart, but he couldn't be sure where Zhang Yang fled to.

While he was feeling annoyed, a majestic and low voice suddenly sounded from the air: "Chemical weapons, don't chase after me, I have already calculated that your mission has failed this time."

The demon monk bowed respectfully to the air, and said annoyedly: "Great Buddha, can you give me some more time, I can definitely kill this Yang!"

"Forget it, Zhang Yang has escaped to a place that neither you nor I can enter. If you want to kill him, wait half a year later. I calculated that half a year later will be the day of his catastrophe."


The demon monk was reluctant, but he had no choice but to take out a teleportation talisman from his pocket, then silently recited the incantation, threw the talisman paper in front of him, walked towards the formed teleportation array, and disappeared into Mount Emei
At this moment, Zhang Yang didn't know where the space he had inadvertently torn was, but he managed to escape.

Just when he was about to get up and take a closer look at the surrounding environment, suddenly a strong wind came from behind, rushing towards his back without any defense.

Zhang Yang followed abruptly, when all the golden light palm prints that came here with him penetrated into his body, he fell directly to the ground, and after a mouthful of blood spurted out from his mouth, he lost his mind and fainted past.

In a trance, Zhang Yang heard a beautiful and quiet singing voice slowly, which swept away the dryness and heat in his body, and relieved the feeling of being broken all over his body. His body sank, and he fell into a deep coma.
Zhang Yang felt that his body was very strange. It was scorching hot for a while, as if being burned by a sky fire, and for a while, he felt as if he had fallen into an ice cave. His whole body was so cold that he lost any consciousness.

Under the back and forth of these two different feelings, Zhang Yang only felt that he wanted to understand his life immediately, which was too painful. '

This was the first time Zhang Yang had the idea of ​​committing suicide. He couldn't open his eyes, but he groped around with both hands. After touching a cold and stiff dagger, he immediately held it, and pulled out the dagger forcefully. The dagger was aimed at his heart, wanting to stab it down and end his life.

At this moment, a deep and majestic voice suddenly echoed in my ears: "What is the purpose of your cultivation?"

Enduring the severe pain all over his body, Zhang Yang was suddenly taken aback, and began to meditate on this question in the dark.

Why is he practicing?

It was because of the chance at the beginning that he started the road of comprehension inexplicably.

Or was it because of the determination to take revenge after seeing the monsters murdering innocent humans in the world?
Or maybe he fell in love with the feeling of being held in the palm of everyone's hands and treating him as the savior?
Zhang Yang was confused and didn't know how to answer, so he could only purse his dry lips with a serious face, and sighed in a low voice: "I don't know."

".Young man, what is your dream?"

Zhang Yang thought about it, and this time without hesitation, he blurted out: "Peace! What I want is peace!"

The person who spoke fell silent, and Zhang Yang waited intently for his next question, but the person who asked the question seemed to have disappeared, and after a long time, he never said anything.

But at this time, Zhang Yang found that the two air currents in his body no longer tortured him.

I don't know if it was the person who asked the question in the dark who was helping him, or because he was concentrating on thinking about the problem and ignoring the pain on his body.

After a long time, the man didn't speak, Zhang Yang felt his whole body go limp, and drowsiness swept over him again, and he fell into a coma
When Zhang Yang regained his consciousness again, he was surprised to find that he could open his eyes and move freely all over his body.

He slowly got up from the dry and hard bed, looked around frowning, and found that he was actually in his own room!
This, what the hell is going on here?

He remembered that he was seriously injured by the demon monk and fled for his life. After fleeing to an unknown place, he passed out, but why is he in his room now?
Could it be that Yan Guixing and the others went to save him?
The more Zhang Yang thought about it, the more doubts filled his heart.

He moved his body and found that he didn't have any wounds on his body, nor any pain, as if he was not seriously injured at all, but just had a dream.

Is he just dreaming?
Zhang Yang pushed open the door suspiciously, and heard a burst of chaotic voices all around.

I saw my younger sister rushing over covered in blood, grabbed his arm in panic, and cried out in a full voice, "Brother! Parents are dead!"

Zhang Yang froze, and immediately said in shock: "You! What are you talking about! How could parents die!"

"Brother! You have been sleeping for a long time, and those monsters and Buddhists know that you can't wake up, so they joined forces to attack us! Parents were killed by them."

"This, this is impossible!"

With a roar, Zhang Yang quickly rushed outside.
(End of this chapter)

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