Chapter 327
Chapter 327 Slaughtering the City

Zhang Yang tremblingly looked at the mess in Xinhua, the ground was covered with cold corpses, the smell of blood made his stomach churn, and he vomited continuously.

Gu Xiaoya rushed in front of him with tears all over her face, and said in a trembling voice: "Zhang Yang, I, my father is dead!"


Zhang Yang's whole body softened, and he knelt on the ground, his mind was full of his parents' usual appearance, and Gu once's simple and honest appearance.

"No, this, this is impossible! How could he die!"

Gu Xiaoya cried into tears, and shouted hoarsely: "Why can't you wake up earlier! If you woke up earlier, they, they might not die!"

Zhang Yang's heart was full of self-blame, his vision was blurred by tears, and he walked forward with difficulty as if he had lost all consciousness.

Looking at the familiar faces all around, but at this moment they were lying around lifelessly. The bleak scene made Zhang Yang feel that he had no strength in his body, and he almost tripped over a corpse under his feet.

At this moment, Xia Xiaoya's exclamation suddenly sounded behind him.

Zhang Yang turned his head immediately, and saw a monster clansman with huge black wings spreading behind him, using his sharp claws to lift Gu Xiaoya up and hang him in the air.

The sharp claws pierced Gu Xiaoya's shoulder, and the blood flowed down her body like running water, rolling from the sky to the ground.

Zhang Yang's eyes tightened, and he immediately transformed into a sword in his hand, raised his feet and flew in front of the monster clan, and stabbed his heart with force.

"Hey, Zhang Yang, so what if you kill me? Your human race has all been wiped out!"

He was killed by a single sword, but the words of the monster clansman before his death echoed in Zhang Yang's mind like a nightmare.

Holding Gu Xiaoya's dying corpse with trembling hands, he fell from the air, and tears kept gushing down Gu Xiaoya's face.

Gu Xiaoya wanted to wipe away the tears from the corners of his eyes with her hands, but her hands fell powerlessly in mid-air, swallowing her last breath.

Zhang Yang hugged Gu Xiaoya's body in pain, and yelled in mourning: "Yaozu! You and I are at odds!"

As soon as Zhang Yang's voice fell, more than a dozen corpses suddenly fell from the air in front of him, causing a wave of dust to rise in front of him.

Zhang Yang looked at the dozens of corpses with blurred eyes, and his whole body couldn't help but tremble.

Ancient Chengfeng, Yan Guixing, Ancient Once, Dad, Mom.
Those closest friends who accompanied him all the way, all turned into cold corpses, lying in front of him, he moved forward tremblingly, but a pair of weak hands under his feet grabbed his ankles .

I saw that Bai Ling's lively face was already full of blood at this moment, and his nimble eyes began to loosen, but he still struggled with his last strength and said to him: "Go! As long as you live."


Zhang Yang roared in pain, and the whole world trembled.

A cold laugh sounded from the top of the head: "Giggle, Zhang Yang, look at you, if you cooperated with me back then, they wouldn't have died. All of this is your own choice, you killed them !"

"Demon King!"

Zhang Yang stared at the Demon Emperor hanging in the air with red eyes, his heart was full of hatred, everything was because of him!

Before the Demon Queen could finish speaking, Zhang Yang rushed towards him recklessly.

But the Demon Emperor no longer had any wounds on his body, and his aura had become at its peak. Zhang Yang looked like a weak chicken thief in front of him, and was thrown away before he even approached him.

Zhang Yang turned pale with shock, only to realize that his current strength is not even a third-level warrior.

Once again, a person appeared out of nowhere in the air. The person looked at Zhang Yang with a sneer, and snorted coldly: "Zhang Yang, you broke our taboo, and you are going to die! They could have lived well, just because they were in the wrong team. So you killed them all!"

The demon monk who injured him!

Zhang Yang's whole body trembled, seeing that there was no one alive around him, only himself standing there alone.

Facing the powerful demon monk and the peak demon emperor, Zhang Yang suddenly felt that he could do nothing. He gasped like an ant in front of them, and felt empty for a while.

Did he really do something wrong?

Did all of them die because they chose to believe in themselves?

Zhang Yang's heart was as if someone had stabbed a dagger forcefully, the pain was so painful that he couldn't breathe, the pain was so painful that he was already numb.

Zhang Yang raised his head with firm eyes, concentrated his true energy in his dantian, and said in a deep voice: "Even if I die, I will avenge them!"

Zhang Yang resolutely chose to use self-explosion to avenge his relatives without any fear.

It's just that the demon emperor and the demon monk didn't react at all, they still looked at Zhang Yang with a sneer.

At the moment when Zhang Yang's whole body emitted a destructive white light and blew himself up, the voice of the old man in his sleep sounded above his head again.

"Young man, if you could exchange your life for the safety of all the people, would you be willing?"

"I am willing!"


Zhang Yang squinted his eyes and looked at the white mist all around. It was no longer the Xinhua Kingdom that was full of corpses just now.

Zhang Yang realized that everything that happened just now was just an illusion, but the pain of losing a loved one could not go away for a long time, the pain of being gouged out by life in his heart.

He took a deep breath, sat cross-legged tiredly, and said in a tired and hoarse voice: "I am willing, although I don't know who you are, but you let me understand how heavy the mission is on me. All of them They all trust me and put their future hopes on me. I don’t know how to repay such trust. If I can use my life to exchange their peace and joy and restore their peaceful life in the past, then I am willing to do it Yee."

It fell into silence again, the man did not speak for a long time, and Zhang Yang was not in a hurry.

At this moment, he also needs to relieve his depressed emotions and come out of the illusion just now, otherwise he is really afraid that he will burst into tears again.

The pain of losing a loved one and a close friend is too real, thinking about it now, Zhang Yang's heart still throbs.

The old man's sigh sounded in the air: "The people of the Buddhist kingdom should be helping the world and saving people, and saving all sentient beings. If they had the thoughts of a young man like you, maybe they wouldn't be like this."

As the old man's voice fell, the white mist in front of him began to fade away, and the surrounding scenes gradually became clearer.

Only at this time did Zhang Yang realize that he was in a dark cave with a familiar old man sitting opposite him.

(End of this chapter)

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