Temple of Madness

Chapter 328 Penglai

Chapter 328 Penglai
Chapter 328 Penglai

Zhang Yang looked at the old man, and said in surprise: "You, you are my senior on the top of the mountain!"

The white-clothed old man facing him at this moment was the one who had instructed Zhang Yang on the mountain to break through the barrier and become an eighth-level martial artist.

Zhang Yang clasped his fists to the old man with gratitude in his heart, made a big salute, and said humbly, "Thank you for your advice back then."

The old man waved his hand lightly, and said with a smile: "It's just that you have wisdom roots, don't thank me."

Zhang Yang looked at the old man, recalled the scene in the illusion just now, and felt that the old man must not simply let him experience the scene of life and death, but wanted to give him some warnings. After thinking silently for a while, his face changed, and he treated the old man more respectfully. He made a big kneeling salute.

"Senior, this junior understands what you want to tell me."

The old man touched his beard and asked with a smile: "Oh? You know what I want you to know? Then what do you know?"

Zhang Yang said in a deep voice: "Senior wants to tell me, don't ignore the dangers behind you because of the achievements in front of you, and be alert to the heavy responsibilities on your shoulders."

The old man nodded lightly, slowly got up from the stone bed, and signaled Zhang Yang to go out with him.

Zhang Yang humbly followed behind the old man, and walked slowly out of the cave. His eyes lit up and he suddenly became enlightened. His ears were filled with melodious birdsong, and his nose was filled with the fragrance of flowers.

The old man squinted his eyes, pointed at the lofty mountains surrounded by immortal energy in front of him, and said slowly: "Boy, you and I are also destined. In the past thousand years, only one person has strayed into my Penglai Wonderland, but he has never seen me. And You are the only person who has seen me twice and chatted with me in the past thousand years."

Penglai Wonderland?

Zhang Yang was startled, and cupped his hands to the old man and said: "This junior is grateful for your promotion, I wonder if there is anything you can do for this junior?"

The old man looked at Zhang Yang with satisfaction, nodded with a smile, and said appreciatively: "Your character is really rare, and you will definitely be among the immortals in the future."

Zhang Yang looked at the old man's high spirits, and the aura exuding from his body was so soft that one could not help but feel a sense of intimacy. He carefully probed, "I wonder which immortal in this list of gods are you, senior?"

With such a magnanimity and momentum, apart from the immortals who are already in the immortal class, Zhang Yang really can't find anyone else who can match him.

The old man smiled and did not speak, but walked down the mountain along the stone steps beside him with Zhang Yang.

It was only then that Zhang Yang discovered that the mystery of this Penglai fairyland could no longer be described in words.

At the beginning, Yan Guixing said that he also accidentally strayed into Penglai Wonderland, but he still didn't know anything about Penglai.

Now it seems to be true, because under the leadership of the old man, Zhang Yang passed through caves one after another. Looking in from the outside, the scenes inside the caves are different, some are dense jungles, some are like the furniture of the world, and some even It's like an amusement park.

It's just that there is a thin layer of restriction in front of each cave, preventing people from entering.

It is estimated that Yan Guixing back then was just staying in one of the many caves in this Penglai Wonderland.

As if aware of Zhang Yang's doubts, the old man stopped in front of a cave, pointed to the shade of trees and trees in the cave, and said, "This is the cave where your friend practiced at that time. There are 72 caves in this Penglai Wonderland, and each cave has [-] caves. They all have different chances, and they will all change with time. But this cave has its own intelligence, it is not people who choose them, but the people they choose to enter. If there is no fate, they will not let you I saw it. I don’t know my friend, how many caves have you seen?”

Before he knew it, Zhang Yang followed the old man to the foot of the mountain, slowly raised his head, and looked at the densely packed caves on the mountain.

Zhang Yang counted the number of caves one by one, and the old man's expression changed from approval at the beginning to shock and even panic in the end.

Zhang Yang pursed his lips and reported respectfully to the old man: "There are 73 caves in total."

The old man said with a trembling voice: "How come there are 73? My Penglai fairyland only has 72 fairy caves."

Zhang Yang shook his head, pointed to the cave where they first walked out, which was where the old man lived, and said, "Have you forgotten where you live?"

The old man pursed his lips, looked at Zhang Yang complicatedly and was speechless for a while, finally he could only helplessly shook his head and sighed softly: "Hey, it seems that it's time for me to retire. No matter, no matter, anyway, guarding this place, I It's also boring."

Zhang Yang looked at the old man suspiciously, not understanding what he meant, so he saw the old man shout into the air: "Scorching sun! Come down and take this little brother there!"

Zhang Yang was slightly taken aback, not knowing who the old man was talking to, and suddenly felt a gust of wind blowing, and he couldn't open his eyes, which were fascinated by the gravel and yellow sand.

"Hmph, can this guy do it? I think you want to leave your post without authorization, just find a weak chicken to take over!"

A sweet girl's voice sounded, full of arrogance and disbelief, but the voice was really nice, as crisp as a copper bell.

Zhang Yang looked curiously at the girl in red who suddenly appeared in front of him, and couldn't help but be taken aback.

He has seen many beauties, but they are not as beautiful as the girl in red in front of him. This beauty is as warm and hot as a small sun.

It's the kind of feeling that you can feel that you are being illuminated by the sun just by looking at it.

The girl saw that Zhang Yang was staring at herself, and immediately said in a displeased cold voice: "Master, I think this guy must have lied to you, he has no skills, you should drive him out quickly, anyway, we I have already healed his wounds, and I have done my best to him."

The old man said with a smile: "Jiaoyang, you really don't look like a little girl at all, can't you speak softly? For a girl, you should be secretly happy to make a man show such an expression."

"Stealing fun? Why are you having fun? At first glance, he looks like a disciple."

"Hey, it seems like you girl should be out of the world for a bit of experience, staying by my side, you don't even understand the most basic knowledge of the world."

Zhang Yang came back to his senses, touched his nose in embarrassment, and felt ashamed to show such an expression to a girl he met for the first time.

"I'm sorry, girl, it's really your beauty that makes me a little lost. Your name is the same as your own, and it carries a warm current that I have never seen before, just like sunshine."

What Zhang Yang said was very sincere, and his eyes were very clear, without any cover, full of appreciation, but without any dirty eyes of those disciples.

(End of this chapter)

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