Temple of Madness

Chapter 329 Test

Chapter 329 Test
Chapter 329
Jiao Yang raised his chin arrogantly, seemed to like Zhang Yang's praise very much, and said without any shyness: "You are a smart kid, I like your compliments, so I will reluctantly take you to the valley of trials, but you Don’t think that you can pass the level with these two rhetoric, whether you can get out of there alive depends on your own ability.”

Zhang Yang looked at the scorching sun curiously, then at the old man, and was about to ask, when the old man stretched out his hand to stop him.

"Young man, if you want to save the entire world, relying on your current ability is not enough. Just follow the scorching sun. If you can withstand the test, you will have a certain ability to fight against the monster race , and have the ability to protect your new Huaguo."

Zhang Yang originally wanted to ask about the trial, but after hearing the old man's words, his eyes became firm for an instant, and he nodded seriously: "Senior, don't worry, for my relatives, for my best friend, I will definitely pass the test .”

Jiao Yang snorted coldly with disdain, shook his shoulders, and instantly a pair of huge fiery red wings appeared behind him, grabbed Zhang Yang's shoulders with both hands, and lifted him into the air.

"Hmph, you idiot, do you really think you can pass the trial? If you could, that old guy would not be here long ago!"

"Huh? Girl, what do you mean by that?"

As soon as Zhang Yang asked, the whole person flew into the fairy clouds in the sky under the fluttering of the scorching sun's wings like a roller coaster, and there was a thrilling exclamation.
The old man stroked his beard with bright eyes, and said relaxedly and proudly, "Thousands of years! I finally found someone who can change shifts with me!"

If Zhang Yang heard this sentence, he would immediately jump down from the air regardless, and carefully ask the old man what it meant.

It's a pity, let alone asking now, as soon as he opened his mouth, the cold wind poured in, and his stomach was full of cold air, only feeling pain and discomfort.

The scorching sun didn't know if it was intentional, grabbed Zhang Yang, and turned him over and over in the air like a doll. When it was thrown into the air, you stabilized your figure.

Finally, Zhang Yang's knees were so soft that his legs finally felt solid. Before he had time to say more, he rushed to the side, leaned on a big tree and vomited crazily.

Jiao Yang said disgustedly: "Tsk tsk, my master must be out of his wits, thinking that someone as weak as you can pass the test."

After Zhang Yang vomited so much that he almost vomited out his internal organs, he sat on the ground depressed, and said to Jiaoyang with a pale face: "I said Jiaoyang is beautiful, and I just praised you for being beautiful. Why do you torture me like this?" Me? Don't you like to hear that you're beautiful?"

Jiao Yang crossed his arms and said disdainfully: "I'm beautiful, you don't need to tell me, I know it myself. It's just that you are really weak to the extreme, but you just flew in the air twice, why are you vomiting like this?"

Zhang Yang suddenly had black lines on his face, and said depressedly: "Girl, are you sure you just flew twice in the air? Are you not doing acrobatics? You are clearly trying to trick me, okay? Don't think that I don't know that you are going around in the air on purpose. Throw me around like an object!"

The sun grinned, and walked slowly towards Zhang Yang with graceful steps.

This scorching sun is really pretty, and every frown and smile makes Zhang Yang a little distracted, but after the scorching sun's next move, Zhang Yang swears that he will never trust women again in his life!

Especially beautiful women!

"Ah! You—you—"

I saw a beautiful arc flying across the air with the hand of the scorching sun, and finally landed in a dark cave not far ahead
Zhang Yang only felt his eyes go dark, and came into close contact with the earth with a bang.

"Oh, why is this girl so violent!"

Zhang Yang touched the big bulge on the top of his head in pain, and when he was cursing the violent behavior of the sun, he suddenly felt a cold war, and suddenly felt the muffled sound of a dangerous beast coming from in front of him.

A stench mixed with the beast's saliva blew towards Zhang Yang along with the strong wind.

Zhang Yang raised his head immediately, and was taken aback when he saw a rhinoceros beast with red eyes in front of him.

This is the first time he has encountered such a monster. It is the same as the animal world shown on TV, but its size is much larger, like a small hill. What scares Zhang Yang the most is the aura emanating from this rhinoceros monster.

"Damn! It turned out to be a monster at the peak of Mahayana!"

Zhang Yang exclaimed, and the rhinoceros spirit had already raised the huge rhino horn on its nose and rushed towards him.

Zhang Yang quickly supported the ground with one hand, turned over, and avoided the rhino's charge attack, but the tree behind him was not spared, and fell directly to the ground.

The rhino raised its head again, and rushed towards Zhang Yang.

This time there is no way to retreat, Zhang Yang can only bite the bullet, use his feet hard, condense all the true energy in the palm of his hand, face the rushing rhinoceros, grab her rhinoceros horn, then clenched his teeth, and raised his hand vigorously It lifted straight up and threw it back hard.

A discordant scene appeared, the thin man threw a mountainous rhinoceros, forming a parabola, and rushed far into the mountains behind.

Zhang Yang breathed a sigh of relief. Although this rhinoceros spirit has the strength of Mahayana, it seems that this spiritual wisdom has yet to be developed.

Zhang Yang looked around the dense forest, and didn't know what this so-called test was.

He didn't say anything just like that, and he was thrown here inexplicably, and he was really confused.

However, the spiritual energy here is very abundant. Zhang Yang's body is like a magnet, which automatically and madly absorbs the surrounding spiritual energy. Something is missing.

Zhang Yang knew that what he lacked was an opportunity, and a suitable opportunity would allow him to break through the eighth level and become a ninth-level warrior, that is, to reach the Mahayana level.

In that case, he can completely protect those relatives and friends he cherishes by himself!
Thinking of this, Zhang Yang cheered up and walked to the depths of the jungle, where the aura was most abundant.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the grass in front of him was pushed away, a black shadow rushed towards his face quickly, and a strong smell of blood came over his face
(End of this chapter)

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