Temple of Madness

Chapter 340 Heartbeat

Chapter 340 Heartbeat
Chapter 340 Heartbeat

After chatting with Yan Guixing for a while, the two went back to their respective rooms to rest.

It's just that Zhang Yang was lying on the bed, but couldn't fall asleep, tossing and turning, his mind was full of those legends and stories about the West, and finally got up directly, turned on the computer, rummaged through the stories about all Western myths, and began to study carefully .

He was so engrossed that he didn't notice the changes around him, especially a white spot flashed out of the coat on the sofa and landed directly behind him.

"Oh, I really didn't realize that you are still a person who loves to learn."

A crisp voice sounded from behind Zhang Yang, which instantly startled him.

Zhang Yang looked back in surprise, saw Jiao Yang's arrogant little face, unexpectedly at some point quietly approached his side face, looking curiously at the information on the computer.

"Why are you here? I have already blessed the protective formation around here, it is impossible to use spatial displacement!"

Zhang Yang looked at the scorching sun, and the light shone on her delicate side face, making her skin fairer and more beautiful. There was a faint fragrance on her body, which smelled very good.

At this moment, Zhang Yang's heart beat violently, as if it was about to jump out of his throat at any time.

Are you dreaming?

After reading the information on the computer, Jiao Yang stopped his body, raised his chin arrogantly, walked casually to the sofa behind him, sat on it, and looked at Zhang Yang curiously.

"Why is your face so red?"

Zhang Yang was slightly taken aback, turned his face away in embarrassment, and kept telling himself in his heart, don't be nervous, don't be nervous.

But the more he hinted to himself like this, the more violently his heart beat.

"You, why are you here? How did you come here?"

Zhang Yang turned his head away unnaturally, in order to ease the weird atmosphere, he turned around to fetch water for the scorching sun.

Jiao Yang said proudly, "I have been with you since you left Penglai."

"On my body?"

Zhang Yang took out a bottle of juice from the refrigerator, looked at the scorching sun with a frown, and thought about the scene when he left Penglai.

It seems that when he was slapped by the old naughty boy, the scorching sun didn't follow behind him?
What does it mean on your own?
"On my body?"

Jiao Yang took the juice from Zhang Yang's hand, and smiled brightly, his radiant appearance was even more disappointing.

"You don't know this. Anyway, I'm more capable than you, so naturally you won't be able to detect me."

Jiao Yang stuck out his tongue mischievously, took a sip of the juice, fell in love with the taste instantly, and took another two sips immediately.

Zhang Yang stared at the scorching sun intently, feeling an indescribable warmth flowing through his body. From the corner of his eye, he suddenly caught a glimpse of an embarrassing piece of clothing behind his scorching sun, and immediately leaned forward, grabbing the small four corners into himself. in the palm of your hand.

"what are you doing?"

Zhang Yang's movements were quick, just when he was about to pull away, scorching sun grabbed his wrist and looked at him frowning.

The distance between the two of them was only one breath at the moment, and a burst of ambiguous smell spread out. Zhang Yang looked at the little face so close, and couldn't help swallowing, the tip of his nose was filled with the unique fragrance of the scorching sun.

Lost in focus, Zhang Yang looked at the scorching sun, and a small desire slowly rose in his heart, and he moved his head closer to the scorching sun like a nightmare.

Scorching Sun had never been out of Penglai, and he almost didn't understand the relationship between a man and a woman, but he felt a little hot all over his body, his cheeks turned red, and he muttered nervously, "You, what are you doing?"

Zhang Yang didn't speak, but instinctively moved his head closer according to the call in his heart.

Finally, after the corners of the two warm lips touched each other, it was like an electric shock. Both of them kept their current movements and looked into each other's eyes.

The sun's cheeks were even more flushed, like a boiled shrimp.

Zhang Yang moved his body back in embarrassment, and stammered, "Hug, I'm sorry, I, I'm not."

Before finishing the following words, Jiao Yang quickly leaned forward, kissed Zhang Yang proactively, and then said, "This feels good, what is it for? Cultivation, or to prevent me from mocking you ?”

Looking at the clear eyes of Jiaoyang, Zhang Yang suddenly had a feeling of blaming the uncle for abducting the little girl. After thinking about it, he said seriously: "Well, this is a high-level cultivation method, but it can only be done with one person. So you can’t practice this way with others.”

Scorching Yang frowned and looked at Zhang Yang for a long while, then pouted his lips depressedly, and said, "Why didn't you say it earlier! Then I can only be like this with you in the future?"

Zhang Yang nodded solemnly, but he was already happy talking in his heart, and he didn't feel how strange he looked like now.

But this is all something later, although he has never talked about a girlfriend, but from the sound of his heartbeat just now, and the thought from his heart, he knows that he has fallen in love with this arrogant little girl at some point. girl.

Since she doesn't understand, then he doesn't mind letting her understand what liking is little by little.

It was late at night, so Zhang Yang let the scorching sun sleep on his bed, and lay on the sofa with excitement in his heart, with the corners of his mouth turned up when sleeping, as sweet as eating honey.

It was just a good night's dream, but was awakened by a scream.

Zhang Yang squinted his eyes and saw a group of people standing in shock at the door. The familiar faces became somewhat unrecognizable to him because of the various expressions on them.

"Zhang! Zhang Yang! Who is she!"

He Wan'er and Gu Xiaoya exclaimed almost at the same time, their eyes widened in shock, and they pointed at Zhang Yang with trembling hands.

Zhang Yang was still a little sleepy, rubbing his temples, frowning, following their gaze and looking into his arms, he froze in place for an instant!
When did the scorching sun get into his bed!

It's just that this inconceivable sense of shock was swept away by the laziness of scorching sun's mouth-flatting movements, and instead a strong sense of sweetness filled his heart.

The corners of Zhang Yang's mouth rose slightly, and that happy look stimulated He Wan'er and Gu Xiaoya even more.

"Zhang Yang! You, you are too much!"

He Wan'er was the first to flick her sleeves angrily, turned around and left the room, the rest of the people were Zhang Yang's relatives and friends, sister, parents, and some relatives, Yan Guixing and the others were also among them.

Everyone's expressions are also indescribable and colorful.

Zhang Yang's mother flattened her mouth, put on a smile, and looked curiously at the scorching sun that had been curled up in Zhang Yang's arms like a kitten.
(End of this chapter)

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