Temple of Madness

Chapter 341 Girlfriend

Chapter 341 Girlfriend
Chapter 341 Girlfriend

"Oh, Zhang Yang, who is this girl? Why haven't I heard you say it? Really, you said, since you already have a girlfriend, why didn't you tell me and your dad? I am also anxious to help you arrange a blind date."

Zhang Yang's mother looked at Jiaoyang, and the more she looked at her, the more she liked her, especially this Jiaoyang was so beautiful. She had seen so many beautiful girls, but compared with Jiaoyang, she was a bit eclipsed.

Zhang Yang also looked at his mother's gossiping smile in bewilderment, and didn't know how to answer for a moment.

But hearing that everyone referred to Jiao Yang as his girlfriend, Jiao Yang was still very happy, and felt a sense of pride.

Zhang Yang's father also reacted quickly and said to the group of spectators behind him: "Oh, don't watch it, we Zhang Yang can be regarded as a man in his prime, and it is understandable to find a girlfriend." You go out first, let the two of them tidy up, and then introduce to everyone!"

Zhang Yang finally found a girlfriend!

Moreover, they have already started living together when they are still unmarried. Although it is not easy for conservative people to accept, but for Zhang Yang's current status, everyone likes it the most.

After all, Zhang Yang shoulders the heavy responsibility of the fate of all the people in Xinhua Kingdom. Even if he has seven or eight wives now, they are all understandable.

With all kinds of mixed thoughts, everyone finally backed out, Zhang Yang let out a long sigh of relief, and looked at the silly girl in his arms, Jiaoyang, dumbfounded.

From yesterday's deer's beating heartbeat, he was sure that he fell in love with the scorching sun, maybe because men are still some visual animals in their bones.

Facing such an alluring face of scorching sun, anyone can't help but fall in love with her.

Zhang Yang thought to himself, since his boyish heart for many years has finally moved Fanxin, and they have some intimate contact with each other, then he must be responsible!
Thinking of this, Zhang Yang hugged the hot sun in his arms very gently, and when he touched it, the hot sun froze for a moment.

"Scorching sun! What's wrong with you? Why are you so cold?"

The quilt is made of duck down, which is very warm. Coupled with the embarrassing situation just now, Zhang Yang didn't notice the abnormal temperature on the scorching sun, but now that he encountered the scorching sun, he was instantly stunned.

Where is a person's normal body temperature?
It was clearly an ice cube!

Seeing the eyes of the scorching sun that had been closed all the time, Zhang Yang immediately wanted to understand why the scorching sun got into his bed. It turned out that her body temperature was too low, so she instinctively looked for a warm place.

From Zhang Yang's gentle push and shake, to a little more force, but Jiao Yang never opened his eyes, on the contrary, he seemed to be frowning in pain.

Zhang Yang was even more nervous, he was really at a loss, holding the scorching sun in his house, he didn't know what to do.

Suddenly he thought of the old urchin.

"That's right! He is Jiao Yang's master, he must know the weirdness of Jiao Yang's body!"

Thinking about it, Zhang Yang found the little cyan light cluster in the corner directly from his consciousness.

Although he didn't have time to study what it was, he still vaguely knew from the old urchin's last words and actions that the youth group was probably the Penglai Wonderland that the old urchin shrunk down and placed on Zhang Yang.

Zhang Yang embraced the scorching sun without hesitation, opened the Qingtuan from his consciousness, and in an instant a light door appeared in front of him, he raised his foot and walked in anxiously.

The fragrance of grass blowing against his face let Zhang Yang know that this is the Penglai Wonderland. While hugging the scorching sun, he quickly flew towards the cave of the old naughty boy on the top floor.

But after entering the cave, the old urchin was nowhere to be seen.

"Old naughty boy! Come out quickly! The scorching sun is sick!"

Zhang Yang shouted anxiously, he buoyed up his true energy in this voice, and the voice resounded throughout the Penglai Wonderland.

But no one answered, Zhang Yang walked into the cave with a solemn face, and saw a letter on the stone platform.

Zhang Yang lightly prepared to place the sun on the stone bed first, to read the contents of the old urchin's letter, but as soon as she let go of the hand around the waist of the sun, she instinctively tightened her body into a ball and hugged her tightly With a flamboyant neck.

Zhang Yang had no choice but to sit on the stone bench and pick up the letter while hugging the scorching sun.

"Little guy, if the temperature of Jiaoyang's body is very cold at the moment, it is because you have done unreasonable things to her. If you want to sober up the sun, you can only use your body to heal it! Hehe, I think you understand this matter, so I will not explain it clearly. In short, treat the sun well in the future, she is a poor child, but I have counted, she will also be the savior of your people in the future, and will help you through A catastrophe. From now on, you will be the master of Penglai, and I can finally go out to relax if you want to use it as you like. If there is a destiny, we will meet again. Or, we will meet in the sky in the future."

After reading the letter, Zhang Yang froze in place. He didn't study the content in detail, but he could only treat her with his own body.

After saying this, Zhang Yang naturally thought of that aspect.

It's just that the scorching sun became like this, could it be because he kissed her?
Or did she take the initiative to kiss herself?
Zhang Yang sighed softly, the little man in his arms began to shiver involuntarily from the cold, which made him feel worried.

After reading the letter, and then at the villain in his arms, Zhang Yang's face darkened, and he walked slowly towards the stone bed with the scorching sun in his arms.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the scorching sun was placed on the stone bed, suddenly, the surrounding dark cave suddenly changed its appearance.

Not to mention festive bright red everywhere, even the quilt on the stone bed suddenly turned red, and there was a striking happy word on it.

Surrounded by red wedding candles, this scene is really a bit like a wedding room.

Zhang Yang's eyelids twitched involuntarily, and a somewhat obscene laughter sounded from all around.

"Hey, boy! I've already forgotten that you are married to Jiaoyang, so you specially prepared a new house for my apprentice! You have to be nice to my apprentice, or I won't beat you to death!"

The voice dissipated, and Zhang Yang knew that this was the last message left by the old naughty boy.

Looking at the scorching sun with his eyes closed in front of him, Zhang Yang felt shy for a while.

Are they going a little too fast this way?
And the most important thing is, she still doesn't know if Jiaoyang likes her in her heart, if she does this before she is conscious, will she kill herself when Jiaoyang wakes up?
The more Zhang Yang thought about it, the more he regretted it, but suddenly a strong medicinal fragrance emanated from the red candle
(End of this chapter)

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