Chapter 356 Go Back
Chapter 356 Go Back

As soon as Bai Ling saw Zhang Yang, he burst into tears immediately, and then rushed into Zhang Yang's arms, hugging him tightly like a gecko.

"Woo, Zhang Yang, are you trying to scare me to death? I thought I would never see you again!"

Seeing Bai Ling crying hoarsely, Zhang Yang was also very moved.

It's just that when the baby on his shoulder sneered, he immediately pushed Bai Ling away from his arms with a stiff body.

The baby looked at the scorching sun who had been expressionless all the time, and said flatly: "Sure enough, he is from the Suzaku clan, he is really slow in dealing with emotions by nature."

Bai Ling wiped his tears, looked curiously at the baby on Zhang Yang's shoulder, and immediately blurted out after seeing the eerie appearance: "What is this monster?" '

Zhang Yang's face darkened. Although he didn't know the identity of this baby, seeing that it was rare for Jiaoyang to be so respectful to a person, he could guess that this person must have an unfathomable identity, and his strength was also bottomless.

Zhang Yang was afraid that what Bai Ling said just now would anger the baby on his shoulder, so he immediately said, "Bailing, what are you talking about? This is just a baby, a person from another world, and his appearance is naturally a little different from ours."

Seeing that Zhang Yang kept winking his eyes, Bai Ling pursed his lips, and then asked suspiciously: "Could it be that the thing that guy asked us to get is this baby? Can he talk at such a young age? Could it be that a child from another world Is it all like this?"

Zhang Yang waved his hand, he really didn't want to get involved in this troublesome problem, so he said to Bai Ling: "You should not delve into this matter, let's go back quickly and complete the commission."

Bai Ling looked curiously at Zhang Yang and the baby on his shoulders, and finally stopped his gaze on the scorching sun behind him, smiling slightly embarrassed.

"Well, that. Thank you."

Jiao Yang said calmly: "Oh, it's nothing, the master said that we should care for the weak."

Bai Ling froze on the spot for an instant, and the sliver of goodwill she had just had with great difficulty for the sun was gone in an instant, and after glaring at her angrily, she turned her head away angrily.

And Zhang Yang had already opened the teleportation spell that Mingyi had given him, and threw it on the ground at will. In an instant, the spell was ignited by a black fire, and a teleportation array appeared in the air.

"Let's go, Mingyi said that this teleportation array can send us directly to his old house."

Zhang Yang walked into the teleportation array first, followed by Jiao Yang.

Bai Ling looked at the backs of the two of them disappearing, feeling angry and annoyed in his heart, half of it was publicity, and the other half was anger at himself.

Why is my strength so weak? If I practice hard, maybe I won't be treated so arrogantly by Jiaoyang.

In the end, Bai Ling could only lower his head and walk into the teleportation array feebly.

The few people returned to the gloomy old house again, still a little uncomfortable.

Zhang Yang searched around and found that Mingyi was not there, but he found letters left by Mingyi on the desktop.

It said that Mingyi had something to go out for a trip, if they came back first, they could live in the guest room at home, and he had prepared food and water, and let them solve it by themselves.

Zhang Yang closed the letter and shook his head helplessly, feeling that Ming Yi really trusted him too much.

"Mingyi is not here, it seems that we have to stay here for two days."

Both Jiaoyang and Bailing shrugged their shoulders indifferently, but the baby on Zhang Yang's shoulders said, "I'm going out for a while, you can do whatever you want."

"Where are you going?"

Zhang Yang felt his shoulders loosen, and the baby had jumped to the ground lightly, and then walked slowly towards the door with its five short limbs.

The baby didn't look back, but said slowly in his hoarse voice: "This has nothing to do with you, don't worry, I will come back after I finish my affairs."

Just as Zhang Yang was about to speak, he felt his hand being gently tugged by the scorching sun around him.

Zhang Yang looked at the scorching sun suspiciously, and saw her shaking her head slightly.

Zhang Yang pursed his lips, and said to the baby's back: "Okay, then you must come back on time, don't cause trouble outside, and be careful, don't be caught by someone!"

"Hmph, brat, you'd better take care of your rotten peach blossoms first. People who are philandering are destined not to have great achievements."

The baby, Old Chen, with his little hands behind his back, waved to Zhang Yang and left an inexplicable sentence.
Zhang Yang looked at the scorching sun beside him with some embarrassment, seeing that she didn't respond, and then looked at Bai Ling, only to see that her eyes had been locked on the scorching sun.

"Are you hungry? Would you like something to eat?"

Jiao Yang stretched his neck and said, "No need, I'm a little tired, I'm going to find a random room to sleep."

"Okay, then go to sleep, I'll find you later."

"Looking for me? Why are you looking for me? Didn't Mingyi say that you can choose any room here."

Zhang Yang looked at the scorching sun with black lines, and said depressedly: "Honey, have you forgotten that we are husband and wife?"

Jiaoyang snorted, and said calmly: "Oh, I forgot, sorry, then I'll go to sleep first, I will light the lamp, and you will know which room I am in."

The scorching sun was really tired, he waved his hand casually, and walked towards the dark guest room.

Zhang Yang sighed helplessly.

They can be considered to have experienced life and death together, but why does the scorching sun still seem to know nothing?
When Zhang Yang was thinking about how to let Jiao Yang know what a husband and wife are, Bai Ling beside him asked, "Zhang Yang, are you sure you are married? Why do I feel like she doesn't care about you?"

"Ahem, Bailing, Jiaoyang and I are really married. It's just that your sister-in-law has always been isolated from the world. She treats her feelings differently from us ordinary people. She loves her more deeply."

Zhang Yang smiled awkwardly, and walked towards the kitchen, deciding to make some meals by himself, the scorching sun must be hungry too.

in the guest room

Jiao Yang kept looking at the jade pendant in his hand with a gloomy expression, after thinking about it, he drew a complicated pattern on the jade pendant with his fingers.

The jade pendant suddenly lit up, and after a while, the old urchin's familiar voice came out from the jade pendant.

"Apprentice, what's the matter? Did that brat Zhang Yang bully you? You let him come over, and I will reprimand him properly to vent your anger!"

The sun closed his lips tightly, and after a moment of silence, he said in a deep voice: "Master, I may have seen the legendary Yuanhua Tianzun." '

(End of this chapter)

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