Temple of Madness

Chapter 357 Cooperation

Chapter 357 Cooperation
Chapter 357 Cooperation

"What! How is it possible! Apprentice, are you dreaming? Maybe I told you too many stories, and you just had a dream."

"No, master, I saw Zhu Jiuyin!"

"What! Jiaoyang, where are you now?"

"Zhang Yang and I are in a different world. Their second prince asked us to go to Changbai Mountain to get something. I saw a strange baby there, and I also saw Zhu Jiuyin. Now that Zhu Jiuyin has shrunk, just On that baby's wrist."

The old naughty boy fell into silence and didn't speak for a long time, and he didn't know how long it took before he said in a heavy voice: "Jiaoyang, since Yuanhua Tianzun has appeared, then the prophecy my master said is likely to come soon." Come true."

"What prophecy?"

"Jiaoyang, don't worry about this matter. In short, what should come is impossible to avoid. You can just follow Zhang Yang's side and help him. He still has a long way to go, and it is very dangerous. "


Jiao Yang thought that after she and Zhang Yang came out of Penglai, she saw two big battles. Although the first battle was relatively easy for Zhang Yang, the second battle, facing Zhu Jiuyin, was also close to death.

Jiao Yang also fully understood that the dangers that the old naughty boy said were really many, and his expression was even more serious.

"Okay, apprentice, I still have a little trouble to deal with here as a teacher, so you just follow Zhang Yang obediently. I will help you when I finish handling the matter here."

The old urchin's voice suddenly changed, and he was a little anxious, as if he had encountered a serious situation.

Jiao Yang hurriedly asked with concern: "Master, is there something wrong with you?"

"Hehe, scorching sun, you don't have to shut down my affairs, I can deal with them myself. Oh, yes, there is one more thing, you have to tell Zhang Yang that the people of the Yaozu have reached an agreement with the people of the Buddha Kingdom. The alliance is currently preparing to gather all the troops and start attacking the flamboyant Xinhua Kingdom, you told him to be careful."


Jiao Yang always felt that something was wrong with the old naughty boy's voice, and he must have encountered some dangerous situation, so he anxiously opened his mouth to continue asking, but the old naughty boy had already cut off the signal over there, and the jade pendant was also in a mess. In the tranquility.

Jiao Yang sighed, a little depressed, and didn't know what the old urchin master was doing, so he hurriedly handed over Penglai to Zhang Yang, said that there was a very important thing to do, and left.

And when Zhang Yang was still in the secret realm, the old naughty boy had already told her that he would follow Zhang Yang in the future, but he was not very firm that they would become husband and wife, and he just said lightly that if she woke up At that time, she found that she had returned to the cave, surrounded by happy characters, and Zhang Yang was her husband.

So until now, Jiaoyang only feels that everything has been calculated by the old naughty boy, but he doesn't tell himself anything.

For the first time, Jiaoyang felt like a puppet, not knowing what to do or why he existed.

"Hey, old fellow, master, what else did you not tell me?"

Scorching sun let out a depressed sigh, dragged his chin, looked at the dim candlelight, and fell into silence.

The door was gently pushed open, and Zhang Yang came in with a smile on his face, carrying the food.

"Jiaoyang, what are you doing? Why don't you look very happy?"

As soon as Zhang Yang came in, he saw the gloomy look on Jiao Yang's face, curiously placed the food on the table, sat opposite her, and looked at her beautiful face seriously.

Jiao Yang twitched the corners of his lips, and asked Zhang Yang: "Zhang Yang, what does it mean to be husband and wife? Does it mean that the two of them can't be separated no matter what they have to do in the future?"

Zhang Yang was taken aback for a moment, then paused for a moment, he really didn't know how to explain the word husband and wife.

"Um, Jiaoyang, why did you suddenly ask me this question?"

"I'm just curious. If you don't want to say it, you don't need to explain it."

Zhang Yang's cooking skills are still very good. After all, he is also an otaku who stays at home all year round. Self-sufficiency is a must-have skill.

So the aroma of the food immediately attracted the attention of the scorching sun, picked up a piece of braised pork with chopsticks, and ate it with relish.

"Well, this tastes good, Zhang Yang, did you make this?"

Seeing a smile finally appeared on Jiao Yang's face, Zhang Yang also felt very happy, so he said with a smile: "Well, if you like to eat, as long as we have time, I will cook for you every day."

"Well, okay. Anyway, we are husband and wife now, isn't it just where I want you to go, and I will go there? I guess there will be plenty of time in the future."

Zhang Yang watched Jiaoyang eat his meal bite by bite, his attention was completely attracted by the food, he didn't continue to ask about the husband and wife, and he didn't continue this topic either.

It's just that this problem has become a heartache in Zhang Yang's heart, because she can feel that Jiao Yang still has no husband and wife feeling for her, and treats it as a task as always.

"Hey, hot sun, I want to know how you see me in your heart?"

Zhang Yang looked at the scorching sun seriously, exuding a serious aura all over his body.

Jiaoyang slowly put down the chopsticks in his hand, thought for a while, pursed the corners of his lips, and said, "Zhang Yang, to be honest, my opinion of you has changed a lot. When I first met you, I felt that you really It is a bit too weak, and there is no sense of coercion at all. I suspect that those people outside deliberately exaggerated you. But after seeing your friends and the Xinhua Kingdom you manage, I think you have something like The feeling of being a leader has improved, and I have changed a little bit towards you. Later, when I faced Zhu Jiuyin and Lei Jie with you, I felt that you treated me very well, which moved me very much. The first time I cried, it was also because of you. So now I think you are a reliable person."

After Jiao Yang's words fell, Zhang Yang was overjoyed instantly, and asked excitedly, "Is what you said true?"

Jiao Yang nodded and said: "Well, I never lie, I think my impression of you has changed a lot now. You are a nice person, I am sorry for your previous attitude."

Zhang Yang looked at the scorching sun and sighed helplessly.

To put it bluntly, she still doesn't like herself in her heart!
How can this silly girl know what love is and what a husband and wife are?
Zhang Yang found that he seemed to have encountered the biggest problem in his life, which gave him a headache
(End of this chapter)

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