Temple of Madness

Chapter 358 Cooperation

Chapter 358 Cooperation
Chapter 358 Cooperation

The three of Zhang Yang lived in this ancient house for two days, and every day Zhang Yang acted as the cook, cooking for everyone.

Every time Bailing saw the scorching sun, she was basically with Zhang Yang, especially when Zhang Yang saw the scorching sun, his eyes were filled with a sweet taste, which made her feel very uncomfortable, and finally she simply hid in the Practice in your own room, just let them put the food at the door.

For Bai Ling's sudden change, Zhang Yang only thought it was because he was stimulated in Changbai Mountain and wanted to go crazy and try to improve himself, so he started to practice hard.

Two days later, Mingyi finally appeared in the ancient house.

Because there is no distinction between day and night in this different world, Zhang Yang and the others can only estimate according to the time when they came back here, and they calculated that Ming Yi has not come back for two days.

When Mingyi came back, the weird baby was still sitting on his shoulder.

"Did you go out to find him?"

Zhang Yang curiously pointed to the baby on the shoulder of the Mingyi, only to realize that until now, he still didn't know the name of the baby.

Ming Yi looked at the baby on her shoulder and said with a smile, "Zhang Yang, I think our cooperation can start now."

"What? Have you become the king here? Why haven't I heard any movement outside? Is it because you can't celebrate in another world?"

Ming Yi smiled strangely, and then said respectfully to the baby on her shoulder: "Master Hades, let you do the talking."

Zhang Yang and Jiao Yang froze in place for an instant, looking at the baby calmly sitting on Mingyi's shoulder in surprise.

"What! Could it be, could it be that he is the current king of another world?"

Mingyi nodded calmly, then carefully placed the baby on her shoulders on the main seat, knelt down respectfully on one knee, cupped her fists and said to him: "Master Hades, it's up to you."

Zhang Yang looked at the weird baby curiously, and saw that the clothes on him were really dressed like an emperor, with exquisite patterns embroidered on them, but the clothes were black.

"You, you really became the king of another world? But didn't you always say you were the city lord? Why did you suddenly use the word king?"

Mingyi smiled with a strange expression, and then looked at the baby who had been sitting calmly on the main seat. He really looked like a king, completely inconsistent with his small body.

The baby opened his mouth slowly, glanced at the scorching sun who had been standing quietly in the corner, and said, "Little girl, you should know why I am the king here, right?"

Zhang Yang immediately looked back at Jiaoyang curiously, and asked suspiciously: "Jiaoyang, what's going on? Do you know his identity?"

Jiao Yang glanced at the baby hesitantly, and asked in a low voice: "Senior, can I tell you your identity now?"

The baby nodded with a smile, and said appreciatively, "Sure enough, I'm from the Suzaku clan, but I'm more trustworthy, but I still don't want others to know my identity, so it's better not to say it."

The baby turned his head to the surprised Zhang Yang, and said flatly: "Now, I have officially formed an alliance with you as the Pluto of another world."

Zhang Yang still didn't react, and stood there blankly, looking at Pluto's thin body in disbelief, feeling as if he had made a joke.

Mingyi smiled helplessly and said: "Zhang Yang, what are you still doing in a daze? Shouldn't you be happier? You must know that the Yaozu has already reached an alliance with the people of the Buddha Kingdom. If you don't have a strong alliance, your Xinhua The country will not be destroyed."

Zhang Yang closed his lips tightly and looked at Pluto with gloomy eyes. Thinking of the current situation in Xinhua Kingdom, he nodded heavily, and asked with some doubts: "But aren't you unable to touch the sun? How about you?" Can you help us?"

Pluto let out a baby giggling, but this laughter made people feel creepy, which made people very uncomfortable.

"Don't worry, I naturally have my way, this thing, you take it, if the people from the monster race and the Buddha country attack your human race, you will crush this, and we people from other worlds will naturally Went to help."

Zhang Yang looked at Pluto holding a black bead in his little hand, with a gloomy light flashing, exuding a mysterious aura.

After thinking about it, Zhang Yang still took the beads from Pluto's hand, and said seriously, "Okay, although I don't know who you are, I still want to thank you for being an ally with us."

Although Zhang Yang didn't know the identity of this Pluto, but at this time, the human race really needed a strong ally to help them deal with the next attack from the monster race and the sudden appearance of the Buddha kingdom.

Pluto looked at Zhang Yang's outstretched hand, and didn't hold it together with him, but continued: "Okay, I still have a lot to do, but I can send Mingyi to act as the envoy of both of us. Go out and let Mingyi follow you."

Zhang Yang looked at Mingyi beside him in surprise, and asked weakly, "But aren't you unable to see the sun?"

"You don't have to worry about this, I naturally have my way."

As he said that, Mingyi took out a piece of talisman from his sleeve, and waved his hand in front of him, the talisman burned into ashes, gray powder floated around Mingyi, and instantly his gray skin transformed into The complexion of a normal person changed, and those gray-white pupils also turned into ink-like black pupils.

Zhang Yang looked at the change of Ming Yi in surprise, and said curiously: "You, you belong to a normal human race now?"

Ming Yi smiled and nodded, looked at Pluto adoringly, and said: "This is all thanks to our lord Pluto. Without him, I would never have the opportunity to go to the outside world."

Zhang Yang looked at Mingyi's eyes that had been as calm as water, and a radiant light began to appear. It seemed that he was not a quiet person, and he also had a deep curiosity about the mortal world.

"Well, okay, then you can go to Mortal Realm with me, maybe you will like it there."

Ming Yi was already extremely excited, but still looked at Hades first asking.

Pluto stood up slowly, his small body floating in mid-air, and kept eye-level with Zhang Yang and the others, and said majesticly: "I guess it will take a while before the people from the Yaozu and the Buddha Kingdom will completely vent to you." They successfully attacked, and now they are hiding in a place to recuperate the demon king."

When Zhang Yang thought of the demon king, his heart was filled with anger. He clenched his fists and said firmly, "This time, I will definitely make that demon king look good!"

(End of this chapter)

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