Temple of Madness

Chapter 369 Relic

Chapter 369 Relic
Chapter 369 Relic

Xia Zhenyuan frowned and said: "This is a Buddha relic. It is probably because of this that the Buddha asked me to go. It's just that I didn't expect that the glory of the Xia family was exchanged for the disaster. Our generation is already shattered." , I also ask you two to save my son, I will give this thing to you, I believe that for you practitioners, you will gain supreme power."

Zhang Yang curiously took the kit, and poured out a crystal clear golden bead, which looked very beautiful, especially in the palm of his hand, the warm current and the tangy fragrance made him feel refreshed Cool, the mental power is instantly full.

He has read from the book that these relics are usually those capable Buddhists who have practiced the Tao. After passing away, they use their own bodies to transform them. Enlightenment, for those who practice Buddhism, this is a treasure.

Zhang Yang suddenly felt that the relic in his hand was extremely heavy, and quickly stuffed it into the kit bag, and handed it back to Xia Zhenyuan.

"Uncle, I can't take this thing, don't worry, Xiao Hai is a good boy, we will definitely rescue him, but we may need to stay for a few days, and we will take him to a safe place when I leave .”

Xia Zhenyuan shook his head, and returned the kit to Zhang Yang's hands again.

"Little brother, this thing is useful for you cultivators, but for ordinary people like us, it's just something to watch and play with. I don't know what is the purpose of your coming to my Buddhist country, but no matter what the purpose is, After all, the two of you are not bad people, I can feel from you that the breath on your body is very gentle, you are not heinous people, but you also have a compassionate heart."

Zhang Yang was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly found that Xia Zhenyuan also seemed to have an unknown secret.

Xia Zhenyuan smiled lightly and said: "Don't be surprised, our family has been cultivating Buddhism for generations. Although we can't practice in the later generations, we have inherited a set of secret methods. It can penetrate people's hearts and see through a person's truth and goodness. That’s why I’m doing business so smoothly.”

After Xia Zhenyuan finished speaking, he looked in the direction of the gate, and sighed softly: "Okay, I won't say any more, it's the same sentence, please take my son out of here."


Xiao Hai was already in tears at this moment, holding Xia Zhenyuan's arm tightly, begging him not to leave.

"Xiao Hai, I don't have any wishes for my father. I only hope that your life will be safe and smooth. We can't save other people, so we can only selfishly hope that you can live on. Don't have any desire to save me or the people of the Buddhist country. The way of thinking, the Buddha Kingdom is already different.”

After Xia Zhenyuan finished speaking, he pushed Xiaohai in front of Zhang Yang, and walked forward calmly with his hands behind his back. Zhang Yang and Jiao Yang were just about to catch up, when they suddenly saw a faint golden light emerging from Xia Zhenyuan's body, covering the doorway. Location.

The scorching sun exclaimed: "Buddha's light!"

Zhang Yang didn't know why, but he was pushed back by an invisible force at the door.

"This is the seal!"

Zhang Yuan and Jiao Yang looked at each other, looked thoughtfully at Xia Zhenyuan's back disappearing in the direction of the door, then looked at Xiao Hai who was crying so hard, and patted him on the shoulder.

"Don't cry. Your father will be fine for the time being. If you believe me, give me some time. I will definitely rescue your father."

Upon hearing this, Xiao Hai immediately wiped away his tears, looked at Zhang Yang excitedly, and asked, "Brother, is what you said true?"

"Don't worry, I will do what I say. As long as your father can persist for 5 days, I will definitely be able to rescue him, but now, you need to help me a little."

"Brother, what do you need me to do? As long as my father can be rescued, I'm willing even to let me die."

Zhang Yang looked around the Xia family gloomyly from a distance, and said to Xiao Hai in a deep voice: "Tell me everything about your family, and everything that happened in this Buddhist kingdom recently."

"Okay, brother, what do you want to know? I'm definitely telling you. I've told you even the eighteenth generation of my ancestors. Even if you want to dig my ancestral grave, I'll take you there."

"Fuck off, whoever wants to dig your family's grave, you take me to your family's study first, and look at your family's previous genealogy, or some records that record important things in your family."

Xiao Hai took a deep breath, suppressed his tears, then dragged Zhang Yang and walked towards his study, while Jiao Yang stood at the door, looking thoughtfully at the faint golden light that hadn't dissipated, The hand slowly stretched out.

There was a tear, like an electric shock, but it didn't do any harm.

Jiao Yang stretched out his hand, and said to himself, "Could this be the Maitreya light that Master said?"

in the study

Xiao Hai used the fastest speed to put the family tree and the notes on important events recorded in the past on the bookshelf in front of Zhang Yang. There were three stacks.

The corners of Zhang Yang's mouth twitched as he looked at the mountain of books in front of him, and said gloomily, "Hehe, I didn't read well when I was in school, but now I have made up for it. I have few words."

Xiao Hai said anxiously: "Brother, these are all the books in my family. My father and I rarely talked about the family affairs, so I can't tell them myself, but you can read these, and I will help you read them again. See what else has been overlooked."

At this time, the scorching sun who walked to the door of the study room asked thoughtfully, "Xiao Hai, go find it. Are there any secret doors, secret rooms, etc. in your house? , will definitely be hidden by your father."

Xiao Hai frowned and thought about it, and said, "I don't know about this, but don't worry, I'll look for it, and I'll definitely find it."

Xiao Hai ran out of the study in a panic, his feet were unsteady, he fell directly at the door, and then got up quickly, and continued to rush towards Father Xia's bedroom.

Jiao Yang walked to Zhang Yang's side, divided the book into two parts, and said, "The two of us will divide the work and cooperate, so it will seem faster."

"Okay, but the sun, Xia Zhenyuan showed his hand just now, but it was really powerful. He emitted a Buddha's light directly from his body without any seals, blocking us inside. Why do you think he wants such a skill?" Afraid of the Great Buddha? I think if he really wants to face the Great Buddha, the Great Buddha may not be his opponent."

Zhang Yang thought for a while, and then continued to ask: "Also, he is obviously cultivated and unfathomable, why hasn't he been discovered?"

(End of this chapter)

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