Temple of Madness

Chapter 370 The Xia Family

Chapter 370 The Xia Family
Chapter 370

Jiao Yang pursed her lips and shook her head, expressing that she didn't know, so she continued to bury her head in the book, reading all the history of the Xia family.

After three days in a row, the two finally finished reading the thick book, and also got a general understanding of the history of the Xia family. They knew that a hundred years ago, the Xia family, or in other words, in this Buddhist country, could practice Taoism freely , but everyone will still take the initiative to choose to repair it, and both men and women can comprehend it by themselves.

It was about 300 years ago that ordinary people were not allowed to repair, and strict screening was carried out. All those who practice Taoism and Buddhism must become monks, or practice with hair, so those women are automatically excluded. , can only be used as a tool for reproduction.

The members of the Xia family have always practiced Buddhism with a pure heart, and their ancestors have produced many powerful Buddhist families, which have a profound influence in the Buddhist country, but after 300 years, there are no people who practice Buddhism. They also became businessmen.

However, Xia Zhenyuan was like a mist, there was not even a trace of records on it, and Xia Zhenyuan's skills when he left, he had clearly reached the Mahayana realm of Buddhism, or even higher.

Zhang Yang was confused and asked by Jiao Yang: "You said that the relic that Uncle Xia gave me when he left, was it an illusion created by the ancestors of the Xia family?"

"I don't know about this, but I think it should be. Didn't it say in this book? The Xia family once produced a Buddhist master, and he has become a great elder under the ruler of the Buddhist kingdom. Not weaker than the ruler or even higher."

Zhang Yang twitched his lips and sighed softly: "I feel that the records of these things don't have much to do with the Xia Family, but have a lot to do with the history of the Buddha Kingdom. Just read this one and record it. It was recorded 500 years ago. A group of men in black suddenly descended from the sky, and the then ruler Buddha personally received them, and discussed in the conference room in the center of the city for three days and three nights. Then I started to remove and update the monks under my own."

Jiao Yang thought for a while, then slowly said: "I think those men in black should be the evil gods of the West."

"Yes, I think so too. It's just that this Xia family is so weird. The more I look at it, the more I don't understand. What kind of status do they have in the Buddhist kingdom? , What kind of realm has it reached?"

Just when Zhang Yang and Jiao Yang were at a loss, analyzing the history of the Xia family, Xiao Hai finally rushed in from outside the study, and said excitedly: "Boss, I found it, I finally found our secret room, Come with me quickly."

Without saying much, the two followed Xiaohai to a dry well outside the yard.

"The secret room you mentioned is not right here?"

Xiao Hai nodded earnestly, explained the process of finding himself and the secret room under the dry well, and then moved a ladder.

"What kind of ladder do you use? Let me show you what a real practitioner looks like?"

As Zhang Yang said, he grabbed Xiao Hai's shoulders and jumped into the dry well, and Xiao Hai's terrified cries sounded all around.

Scorching Yang shook his head helplessly, followed by him, and jumped into the dry well.

Xiao Hai yelled in panic, feeling like his heart was about to jump out of his throat, but suddenly, his toes touched the ground, and fire lights lit up all around, illuminating his dim sight all at once. .

Xiao Hai widened his eyes, looked at the ball of fire in Zhang Yang's palm in disbelief, and said excitedly: "Is this the spiritual fire? My God, I finally saw the spiritual fire!"

Zhang Yang raised his chin proudly, and said arrogantly: "I have never seen the world, look at your sister-in-law, she is much better than me."

The scorching sun shook his head with a smile, but he still waved his hands, and a dozen fireballs appeared around him, floating in the air, illuminating the surroundings brightly.

"My God! This is really amazing."

Xiao Hai's eyes widened in surprise, and he felt like he was dreaming.

Zhang Yang knew that hundreds of years ago in the Buddhist kingdom, it was also possible to practice ordinary Taoism, which was to transform the five elements.

But starting 500 years ago, the Great Buddha changed the way of cultivation, so that all practitioners could not practice the five elements, but could only cultivate the Buddha, so the exercises they used were all related to the Buddha, and the spiritual light was a single golden Buddha light.

Xiao Hai looked thoughtfully at Zhang Yang and the fireball of the scorching sun, then suddenly knelt down on the ground with a plop, and said to Zhang Yang with firm eyes, "I beg you to accept me as your apprentice."

Zhang Yang pursed the corners of his lips, and with a wave of one hand, a burst of true energy hit Xiao Hai, but instead of attacking him, he gently lifted him from the ground.

The child looked at Zhang Yang in surprise, and said annoyedly: "Boss, do you think that I am a waste because I don't have spiritual roots and can't practice, so you don't want to accept me as a disciple?"

"Brat, you think too much. Your spiritual root is very good. With time, you will definitely surpass me, and the speed of cultivation will be very fast. It's just that I'm not in the mood to accept disciples now. And you don't want to save me. Is it your father? So the most important thing for us now is not to accept or not, but to find the information I want to know, so that we can determine whether we can save your father."

After reading all the history of the Xia family in the past few days, Zhang Yang became more determined. There must be more secrets hidden in the Xia family, including the secret of the current ruler, the Great Buddha.

When Xiao Hai heard this, he nodded seriously, knowing that now is really not a good time to collect pictures.

"Okay, whether you say I'm an apprentice or not, I now regard you as my master."

After Xiao Hai finished speaking, without waiting for Zhang Yang's answer, he walked straight forward, leading the way, and kept shouting: "Come here quickly, I just found a gate here, but why can't I see it now? "

Zhang Yang and Jiao Yang curiously walked to the stone wall in front of Xiaohai, touched the cold stone wall with their hands, and showed puzzled expressions on their faces.

"Are you sure you just saw a gate here?"

"I use the happiness of the rest of my life, and my peach blossoms in the future, to swear to you, I definitely saw it, right here, a huge bronze gate."

Zhang Yang looked at Xiao Hai dumbfounded, and felt that his vow was too childish.

However, Jiaoyang stretched out his hand and knocked on the wall with a serious face, then looked at the ground thoughtfully, and suddenly said: "Didn't the kid lie to me? There is indeed a gate here, but they seem to use it." What kind of secret technique hides this door for a period of time, and then reappears for a period of time."

(End of this chapter)

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