Chapter 371
Chapter 371

Zhang Yang and Xiao Hai looked at the scorching sun curiously, and asked, "Then how do we make this gate appear?"

Jiao Yang shook his head suspiciously, expressing that he didn't know too well.

Zhang Yang thought for a while, then asked hesitantly: "Jiaoyang, can you see it? Does it appear according to the time, or do you find some mechanism to appear?"

"I'm not too sure about this, but if you look at the ground, there are slight traces of sand and soil loosening, which proves that a wall has slipped here. Maybe it's similar to what you think, this is a mechanism, but this mechanism is According to the time when it appears, I don’t know what mechanism I have to set out to open it.”

"Xiao Hai, when you found this blocked door, was there anything strange about it? For example, is there anything on this door, or is there any change this time?"

"I didn't look carefully at this. I was too anxious at the time, so I just wanted to find it, so I hurried to inform you, and I didn't look around carefully."

Zhang Yang sighed helplessly, and began to press the surrounding walls with his hands to see if there were any spaces or hidden compartments.

But Zhang Yang searched around and found nothing, so he could only look at the scorching sun helplessly, hoping he could do something.

"Don't look at me, I didn't find anything, but I think the surrounding space is a bit strange, because I feel that there is a kind of pressure approaching us?"

Zhang Yang was slightly taken aback, and suddenly found that the air around him seemed a little rushed, as if something was pressing towards them.

Xiao Hai also suddenly changed his face, and exclaimed: "No, this wall will move this week, and he is approaching us."

Zhang Yang anxiously looked to both sides only to find that the walls on both sides were slowly approaching them at some point without making any sound, so he quickly pulled out Jiao Yang's hand and leaned towards the middle.

"What's going on here? Wasn't it fine just now? When did this wall move?"

With his lips tightly closed, Jiao Yang thought for a while and said, "It is estimated that when we were looking for the mechanism just now, we took out the protective measures here, so these two walls are close."

Xiao Hai looked at the walls on both sides wanting to cry but without tears. He is a person without any cultivation. In his opinion, this is the quietness that is like facing an enemy and will soon be buried here.

"Master, master, think about it quickly, what should we do?"

Zhang Yang rolled his eyes in disdain, looked at the wall in front of him and said, "Don't call me master, I haven't admitted that you are my apprentice yet. Scorching sun, if there is a secret room behind this wall, let's just blow up this place." gone."

"You still don't move around, I think this place is very weird, and you have also seen Uncle Xia's skills, the Xia family must not be simple, we still don't act rashly, and quickly find out what mechanism is here."

After Jiaoyang finished speaking, the three of them frantically touched the nearby wall, but as soon as the wall touched it, an electric current instantly shocked the three of them. The whole hair is blown up.

"Damn it, this electric current actually has Mahayana realm! Xiaohai is your home, so hurry up and think about how to crack the mechanism here."

"What can I do? I don't even know when my house had this secret room, and my father never told me anything. What should we do now? Are we going to wait here to die?"

The two walls during the conversation had already squeezed three people together. Zhang Yang and Jiao Yang were supporting the wall on one side. Although the store had a Mahayana realm, it was like static electricity to the two of them. It doesn't hurt much.

But Xiaohai was different, as the wall approached, his whole body was numb from the shock, foaming at the mouth, Zhang Yang looked at it, and immediately had no time to think, he waved his fist at the front wall, and punched down.

With a bang, the entire space began to vibrate, and a piece of sand was stirred up in front of him, but Zhang Yang used a lot of strength in this punch, and he was now as hard as iron, and directly punched a big hole.

Zhang Yang quickly entered the hole and shouted loudly to the scorching sun: "Come in quickly."

Jiao Yang glanced back, Xiao Hai, who had been blinded by the electric shock, grabbed her by the shoulders, and rushed into the big hole like lightning. In an instant, there was a bang behind him, and the two walls closed together.

All the actions happened in an instant. Zhang Yang shot a ball of fire in the hand letter and threw it into the distance, instantly lighting up the whole space.

"It seems that we were thinking too much just now. This place should be an institution, and the real thing is behind it. If I had known earlier, I should have punched this place earlier."

Jiao Yang was also slightly taken aback, touched his nose in embarrassment and said: "It seems that I was overthinking just now, I thought this is a space with positive and negative, it seems that it is just a mechanism."

"It's okay, we're all in anyway."

After Zhang Yang finished speaking, he turned his head and glanced at Xiao Hai, who was paralyzed on the ground in a big font, and helplessly tapped on the center of his brows, sending his true energy into his body, and saw Xiao Hai let out a long sigh of relief. The electric current on his body also rushed into Zhang Yang's body along his fingers, relieving Xiao Hai's pain.

"Well... I... Am I dead? I've already gone to see Hades, are you two here to see me off?"

Zhang Yang rolled his eyes speechlessly, and then patted Xiao Hai's forehead with his hand. The painful Xiao Hai immediately turned over and sat up, touched the place where he was beaten, and said without tears: "Boss, you can't do it lightly." One point, I just wanted to relieve our awkward atmosphere, you are too hard, almost knocked me stupid."

"Fuck off, who needs you to relieve the awkward atmosphere, get up quickly."

Zhang Yang and Jiao Yang ignored Xiao Hai, and walked straight to the darkroom. Several fireballs hit the surroundings one after another, and the sun controlled the fireballs to float in the air.

And Zhang Yang was already attracted by the bookshelf in front of him, which was full of various books. When he opened one, he found that all of them were hand-transcribed, basically it was a diary of one person.

Zhang Yang flipped through several books one after another, and found that all the handwriting was exactly the same, as if it was written by one person, and he complained helplessly: "Xiao Hai, how boring are these people in your family? You have to write a diary every day, and write it all at once." After so much, wouldn't he write down all his things?"

Xiao Hai picked up a book out of curiosity, and when he saw himself on it, his eyes widened in surprise.

(End of this chapter)

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