Temple of Madness

Chapter 392 The Living Dead

Chapter 392 The Living Dead

Chapter 392 The Living Dead
"How could I think my wife is too heavy? I just think the fragrance of my wife is so ecstatic that I can't help but want to get close."

Jiaoyang rolled his eyes, looked at Jiaoyang dumbfounded, and said softly: "When are you, a scoundrel? You are still in the mood to joke here. Hurry up, we are about to be left behind by Mingyi."

Chaoyang raised his head, only to find that Mingyi had run to the front without a sound. Zhang Yang quickly raised his legs and rushed behind Mingyi, and saw him leaning against a tree with his brows tightly locked, staring straight ahead.

Zhang Yang followed his gaze curiously, and immediately froze in place.

Although the surrounding area was dimly lit, the front was illuminated by torches.

I saw in front of me an unobstructed empty basin, which could accommodate tens of thousands of people, and in the center of the basin stood an army of thousands of undead, all of them wearing armor, unable to see the expressions on their faces, standing solemnly .

In front of the living dead, a man in golden armor was standing talking to a hideous monster beside him. Their voices were very low, and an isolation formation was activated, preventing them from hearing the conversation at all. .

But when the Yaozu man turned his face to Zhang Yang's side, Zhang Yang was taken aback for an instant.

This person turned out to be the elder next to the demon king!
As the most trusted person of the demon king, if he appears here, the person who talks to him must have a pivotal position in the demon clan.

When Zhang Yang was thinking about the identity of that person, the two of them had already finished talking, and saw the elder of the Yaozu clasped his hands together, turned around and left with a smile on his face, leaving the man in armor alone, facing tens of thousands of people. Army of the living dead.

"Listen to my orders now and set off for Changbai Mountain."

The man was silent for a long time, and suddenly waved his hand, yes, the army of the living dead gave an order, the voice was very hoarse, a bit like the sound of being smoked by a fire.

I saw the army of tens of thousands of living dead suddenly moved, stomping their feet in an orderly manner with true energy, shaking the mountains instantly.

Zhang Yang gasped, watching this mighty team walking towards the distance, he was startled.

If such a team attacks Xinhua, he really has no chance of winning.

Not to mention the strength of this team, but all of them are living dead, and all of them are above the eighth-level martial artist.

If they really faced such a team, they would bleed when they were injured, but these people had their souls taken away, and they were like corpses one by one, even if they were killed, they would have no effect.

The more Zhang Yang thought about it, the more he felt that the current situation was very unfavorable to Xinhua, and what made him most curious was why the tens of millions of undead troops were going to Changbai Mountain?

Thinking back to the time when he helped Mingyi bring Pluto back to Changbai Mountain, could it be that Changbai Mountain has something to do with these dead souls from another world?

Thinking of this, Zhang Yang couldn't help looking at Mingyi curiously, and was about to ask, but was stopped by Mingyi's gesture.

It wasn't until the team of undead slowly disappeared in front of their eyes, and the heavy footsteps gradually became inaudible in the distance, that Ming Yi said solemnly: "I think I know who is commanding this team of undead? "

Hearing Mingyi's words, Zhang Yang and Jiaoyang immediately looked at him with frowning eyes.

"You know? Could it be that this person escaped from your different world?"

Mingyi's expression was rather dignified, and he nodded slightly to agree with Zhang Yang's statement.

"It should be said that he didn't escape, but was kicked out of another world, but I didn't expect him to join the Yaozu!"

While talking, Mingyi clenched her fists tightly, her eyes widened, as if that person had a deep hatred with him.

Zhang Yang looked at him curiously, and asked, "Who is he? Why are they going to Changbai Mountain? Is there something hidden there?"

Mingyi took a deep breath, pursed the corners of her lips, looked thoughtfully at the direction where the team disappeared, and did not speak for a long time.

Zhang Yang watched him keep silent, anxiously stretched out his hand from under the invisibility cloak, and patted his shoulder vigorously.

"What on earth do you have? Tell me quickly, you are so vague, do you know that I am very anxious?"

Mingyi looked at Zhang Yang with dim eyes, and said in a deep voice: "I'm just guessing, I'm not sure it's that person, let's follow them to Changbai Mountain first."

"Why did you go to Changbai Mountain? What is hidden in Changbai Mountain? Let them rush over with such a large force."

"There are things that are important to the undead. Only there can the undead and the undead gain the ability to walk freely during the day."

"What! If they gain the ability to walk freely in the daytime, wouldn't my Xinhua Kingdom be more dangerous? No, we have to rush there immediately, and we must try our best to stop them."

When Zhang Yang heard this, he immediately felt like he was facing a formidable enemy, he tightened his grip on Jiao Yang in his arms, covered the invisibility cloak tightly, and ran quickly towards the direction where the team disappeared.

Mingyi frowned and looked at the direction where Zhang Yang disappeared, a little hesitant, and secretly entangled in her heart.

If it is really the person he guessed in his heart, then he will be in trouble...

The three of them didn't dare to approach, because the leader's strength was too unfathomable. They were afraid of being discovered by him, so they concealed their aura and followed from a distance.

When the dark and humid scene around him suddenly changed, and the sun shone on his body, the undead troops suddenly stopped and stood under the shadows one after another.

It was also at this moment that Zhang Yang knew exactly where in the Huaxia Continent this was.

It turns out that this place is in a rift valley under the Great Khingan Mountains. No wonder there is no sunshine there, and a tight magic circle has been arranged for four weeks, which is even more undetectable.

The leader didn't let the team move on, but let them stand in place. He turned around suddenly, tearing apart the space next to him, revealing a dark door, and walked in slowly.

Zhang Yang and the others looked at the direction in which the person disappeared in silence. After the door slowly disappeared into the air, they breathed a sigh of relief.

"Mingyi, who is that person?"

"...When I really see his face, I will tell you naturally. Now I can't say anything."

Having been with Mingyi for a while, Zhang Yang has some understanding of his character. Although he is usually taciturn, he is still very cautious in front of major events.

"...Well, since we are an alliance, I choose to believe you, but if there is anything, you must tell me, it is about the safety of all the races in New China."

(End of this chapter)

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