Temple of Madness

Chapter 393 Mingyi's Father

Chapter 393 Mingyi's Father

Chapter 393 Mingyi's Father
Ming Yi still looked at Zhang Yang silently, and nodded slightly.

When the night fell, those sleeping dead people slowly opened their eyes, and there was a wave of restless aura in the air.

I saw the direction where the leader disappeared, and suddenly the heavy door appeared again.

The leader walked out of the gate in a suit of armor, except that he was wearing golden armor during the day, while he and she were wearing oppressive black armor, revealing a dignified majesty, and their aura seemed even more attractive.

"set off!"

The hoarse voice of the leader sounded, and the mighty team of undead began to move forward.

With their heavy steps, the entire land of China trembled.

For three days in a row, they were marching towards Changbai Mountain. They only went dormant during the day, and only opened their eyes at night and started to act.

Zhang Yang and the others followed closely, and finally arrived at Changbai Mountain three days later. The icy cold made the scorching sun shiver.

The scorching sun is a fire attribute, and the cold place made her very uncomfortable. Zhang Yang immediately took off his coat and wrapped it tightly around her body.

Scorching Yang frowned, and rested his head on Zhang Yang's arms, quietly enjoying the warmth of his body, feeling that the coldness seemed to be half dispelled.

At this moment, the sky had gradually turned pale, and Zhang Yang knew that these living dead would fall into a deep sleep again.

He wondered if he should take advantage of this moment to attack. If the three of them attacked together, he believed that the leader would definitely be invincible.

But who would have thought that at this moment, the leader suddenly let out a low growl, and with a thick black fog in his hands, he waved into the air, only to see a pitch-black magic circle, slowly spreading, covering the entire sky. day covered.

In an instant, the whole sky became gloomy, like night, without sunlight, the living dead could continue to move.

The leader was counting something in his hands, and facing the southeast direction, a piercing laughter suddenly sounded: "Hehe, it really is here."

The leader strode ahead of the line, but the army of the undead headed southeast.

Zhang Yang looked at the direction they were walking in and was startled.

That's where they found Hades!
Zhang Yang opened his mouth, wanting to ask Ming Yi, but suddenly realized that if they made any noise at this time, they would definitely be discovered by the leader, so he switched to spiritual communication.

"Meiyi, the place where you asked me to pick up Pluto before, is there something else hidden there?"

"...I don't know much about this, maybe only His Royal Highness Pluto can know, but now all the other worlds are blocked, and I only have a communication spell to get in touch with Pluto. And if I get in touch with Pluto, I will be discovered by that person our."

Zhang Yang thought for a while, then sighed helplessly: "Forget it, the soldiers are here to cover up the water and soil, let's go there first and see what they want to do."

After speaking, the three of them hurriedly followed the team of the living dead and walked southeast.

Sure enough, they stopped at the entrance of the cave where Pluto was found, but at this moment the cave was completely covered by wind and snow, and there was only endless pale snow.

"Hehe, that thing is really in there."

The leader let out a sneer, clasped his hands together, and slapped Sprite hard in front of him, and a loud bang spread across the four weeks in an instant.

In an instant, with the shaking of the entire Changbai Mountain, an avalanche appeared in the four-week snow mountain.

A large amount of ice and snow rolled down from the towering snow mountain, and when it was about to bury the army of the living dead, the leader waved his hand again, and with them as the center, a light mask slowly appeared, covering them in it.

But Zhang Yang and the others were not so lucky, because they could not use spells to alarm the leader, they could only let the ice and snow hit them, and they were instantly covered in the snow by the ice and snow.

The three of them formed a faint halo around their bodies, blocking the ice and snow, and it was not easy for the leader to find out.

After a long time, they felt that there was no breath for four weeks, so they slowly poked their heads out of the snow.

Sure enough, the living dead had disappeared.

Zhang Yang used his spiritual power to communicate with Ming Yi: "How is it? Should we follow into the cave now?"

"……go in."

After Mingyi finished speaking, he immediately dodged and rushed towards the direction of the cave. Zhang Yang was startled, and before he had time to reflect, Mingyi's figure had disappeared.

Jiao Yang said softly: "Let's hurry up, this cave is small, and Ming Yi will definitely be discovered by that person once he enters."


Zhang Yang originally wanted to continue wearing the invisibility cloak to go in, but after thinking about it, since the cave is small, they will be found when they go in, so there is no need to cover it up, so he directly took the invisibility cloak off his body and turned the scorching sun away. put it on the ground.

The two looked at each other tacitly, and the figures rushed towards the cave at the same time.

As soon as the two entered the cave, they felt a strong wind rushing towards the front door.

Zhang Yang immediately waved his palm in the direction of the strong wind, and suddenly a golden dragon rushed out of his palm, and the sound of dragon chant filled the entire cave.

The mountain wall around 4 weeks began to shake violently, and the boulders on the top of his head rolled down one after another. Zhang Yang didn't dodge or dodge, letting those boulders hit him.

Because he had absorbed the Thunder Tribulation now, his body was so strong that he was no longer afraid of these impacts, and the boulders scattered around him instantly when they hit him.

And the scorching sun also condensed a protective shield of spiritual fire around the body, and those boulders instantly turned into liquid as soon as they were touched.

A cold laugh came from the front: "Hehe, you are with me, do you really think I didn't notice?"

Zhang Yang saw clearly that the person in front of him was the leader who had just arrived along the way, but Ming Yi was gone, and he was suddenly startled.

"Where is my friend!"

"Hehe, friend? I didn't expect my son to make friends with you. Seeing how worried you are, your relationship seems to be very good. It really surprised me."


Zhang Yang froze in place, staring in surprise at the man in front of him whose entire face was hidden under armor.

He turned out to be Mingyi's father, could it be that he was the former city lord of a world?

"You! What did you do to Mingyi? Where is he?"

Zhang Yang frowned and looked towards the four weeks, the empty cave, only the leader stood there alone, and he was even more worried about Mingyi's safety.

Although he doesn't know exactly what happened in the other world, but he can be sure that the relationship between Ming Yi and his father is not very good, and it can even be said to be hostile.

(End of this chapter)

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