Temple of Madness

Chapter 400 The Elder of the Monster Race

Chapter 400 The Elder of the Monster Race

Chapter 400 The Elder of the Monster Race

The old naughty boy scratched the back of his head in embarrassment, sighed helplessly and said: "Actually, although she is an elder of the Yaozu, she is not a bad person, otherwise I wouldn't have fought with him for so many years."

"Then you were arrested by the Yaozu, and it wasn't because of him."

"Well, in fact, she was also forced to do nothing. If she had a choice, she would never target me. She is also a victim of this matter, and do you think that the elders of the Yaozu are all bad people? If it weren't for her, she couldn't How can he be a member of the Yaozu if he chooses his own race?"

Zhang Yang looked at the old urchin's hesitant appearance, and immediately realized something, and asked with a smirk: "The elder of the monster clan is not a woman, is it?"

The corner of the old urchin's mouth twitched, and he said displeasedly in front of Zhang Yang: "Well, brat, don't think about me with your thoughts, I am a very pure and innocent boy."

"Come on, since your old man has spoken, we must meet this Yaozu elder, but which faction does she stand in? It's up to her to choose."

The old naughty boy looked at Zhang Yang with a strange expression, and said with some hesitation: "You want to see her? Let me tell you in advance, she has a very weird temper. It is very likely that you will be rejected, or you will be scolded by him."

Zhang Yang shrugged his shoulders indifferently, and said with a smile: "Do you think people from the Yaozu will chat with me calmly when they see me, or make friends with me in a pleasant manner?"

The old naughty boy pursed his lips and thought for a while, then nodded calmly and said: "That's right, your face should be the most hated by the Yaozu people."

Zhang Yang touched his face helplessly, and muttered in a low voice, "I'm not as hideous as you said, I'm still quite handsome."

"Zhang Yang, can we stop saying such disgusting things? Did you make me vomit just after I ate some roast chicken?"

Zhang Yang rolled his eyes and realized that the old naughty boy said that Yangjiang Jiaoyang married him, but he always seemed to dislike him very much.

The sun patted Zhang Yang's shoulder with a smile, and whispered in his ear: "Don't go, my master has a big mouth. In his heart, no one is as handsome as my elder brother, but I think you are more handsome than me. My eldest brother looks much better."

Zhang Yang was taken aback for a moment, and asked curiously: "You still have senior brother, why haven't I heard you say it before?"

The old naughty boy who was leading the way, heard Zhang Yang's words, and said disdainfully: "Huh, my eldest apprentice is much more handsome than you. I originally wanted to marry Jiao Yang to him, but unfortunately, I don't want to marry him." Knowing how this month is always calculated, it actually tied the marriage thread of the two of you together. I had no other choice, so I gave up this idea. Otherwise, with your looks, how can you deserve to win our scorching sun, such a beautiful girl? "

Zhang Yang rolled his eyes, but he felt a little uncomfortable. He didn't expect that this old guy would want to marry his wife to someone else. If he sees the senior brother of Jiaoyang in the future, he must meet this person well and see what he has. With ability, I want to marry Jiaoyang.

The three of them walked into the dungeon through the iron gate. Four weeks was indeed the style of the Yaozu people. It was dark and there was no light at all. If it weren't for the fireball in the hands of the scorching sun, they might have moved forward in the dark.

The old naughty boy took them with ease and walked into the dungeon.

As soon as he walked into the dungeon, Zhang Yang heard a familiar voice in front of him: "You bastards, how long are you going to lock me up? If you want to kill, kill and beat if you want."

Zhang Yang shook his head helplessly, the voice and tone of the speech were indeed Bai Ling.

Jiao Yang tilted his head, looked at Zhang Yang's smile, and said with some discomfort in his heart: "It seems to be that girl named Bai Ling, you go and save her first, I'll go see if there are others, and let them go together come out."


Zhang Yang didn't think much about it, so he walked in the direction of Bai Ling's voice, but at this moment, he suddenly felt a strong cold wind blowing towards his face, and he quickly blocked it with his hands.

In an instant, the old naughty boy quickly walked in front of Zhang Yang, and looked at the woman in front of him with a smile on his face.

"Look, why are you so angry? He's still a young boy, he's not sensible, and he doesn't understand your rules here. Why are you shooting so hard?"

Zhang Yang slowly lowered his hands, and carefully looked at the woman in front of him. She was a woman with a monster aura, but her face was human, about 30 years old.

It's just that when she casually pinned the hair behind her ears, her pointed ears were revealed.

But I have to say that she looks very beautiful, but compared with the scorching sun, she is still inferior.

The woman folded her arms arrogantly, glanced at the old naughty boy with disdain, and said coldly: "Old man, I let you go out and wander around at will, and didn't ask you to bring me back. What are you doing? Is it because you want to Let me kill Zhang Yang?"

The old naughty boy waved his hands up and down, and said with a flattering expression: "Look at you, you are so good-looking, why do you just open your mouth to fight and kill? It doesn't fit your image at all. You'd better be gentle. I just Bring the kids here to get to know you, didn't I tell you that I have a particularly good-looking apprentice!"

The old urchin pointed to the scorching sun, but Zhang Yang was already frozen in place, his eyelids twitched, feeling that the flattering old man in front of him was definitely not that old urchin.

The woman looked at Jiaoyang carefully, then nodded slightly and said: "Well, yes, she is indeed very beautiful."

Hearing the woman's compliment, even though it wasn't about himself, the old naughty boy was also very happy with a smile on his face.

Zhang Yang couldn't stand it any longer, he strode up to the old naughty boy, and said to the woman, "I'm here to rob the prison today, are you ready? Are you planning to fight me? Or let us out?"

The woman sneered, looked at Zhang Yang inside, and snorted coldly: "Hehe, it's true that a newborn calf is not afraid of tigers, but do you really think I can't do anything to you?"

"It's not that I'm not afraid of tigers when I'm a newborn. I just think that since you and Senior Urchin know each other, we can be considered friends. If you have anything to say, I'll cut to the chase."

The woman looked at Zhang Yang with disdain, and Bai Ling's voice came from the prison.

"Is that you Zhang Yang? Are you here to save me?"

Zhang Yang looked at the woman hesitantly, and said, "What should I say? You are also my senior, so I wonder if you can take a step to speak?"

(End of this chapter)

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