Chapter 401

Chapter 401
The woman glanced at Zhang Yang in disgust, and said with a sneer: "It seems that you have a lot of love debts. Are you going to talk to that girl first? Or talk to me directly."

Zhang Yang looked at the woman, sighed, raised his voice, and shouted loudly in the direction of Bai Ling: "Bai Ling is me, you stay here first, I have something to deal with, I will save you later .”

"it is good!"

Hearing Zhang Yang's familiar voice, the restless Bai Ling finally calmed down.

The woman made a very polite gesture of invitation to Zhang Yang, and walked straight ahead.

The fireball in Jiang's hand has never been extinguished, and has been lighting everyone up, but it has aroused dissatisfaction from his woman.

"Give me your fireball, I don't like light."

Some hesitated like this, but seeing the old urchin nodded seriously, he put away the fireball, and the surroundings were instantly plunged into darkness. The few people could only use their ears to listen to the sound of the woman walking to identify the direction.

After a while, the woman finally stopped, and when Zhang Yang and Jiao Yang were at a loss, suddenly a cluster of faint blue light slowly lit up, and directly took the woman, a bright light candle with blue light.

Only then did they realize that they had already walked into a bedroom before they knew it. Looking at the cold stone table, bench, and chairs, Zhang Yang and Jiaoyang instantly thought of the old naughty boy's bedroom in Penglai Wonderland. is exactly the same.

"Old urchin Qian Bai, the decoration of this room is very similar to your bedroom in Penglai Wonderland. Did you pirate someone else, or did someone else pirate you?"

A smirk flashed in Zhang Yang's eyes, and he was sure that the old naughty boy absolutely liked this woman, and it had been a long, long time.

If there is such a relationship, then Zhang Yang has a bit of self-confidence, maybe he can persuade this woman to turn against each other.

The old urchin turned his head away unnaturally, and coughed lightly.

"You brat is really annoying. You actually come to someone's house as a guest, so stop talking nonsense."

Zhang Yang smiled, looked at the woman, and said calmly, "I still don't know how to call you?"

"Since you are the younger generation of the old naughty boy, just call me Aunt Mei."

"Okay, Aunt Mei, I have a heartfelt request, I wonder if you can agree to it."

"If you say that you want those human races to be released, then you don't have to say anything. If you let those human races go, I'm afraid I won't be able to live. I won't ignore my own psychology to rescue those people. irrelevant people."

Zhang Yang was slightly taken aback, looked at Aunt Mei's unquestionable appearance, and said with a soft sigh: "Then you should know that I am here this time to save them, if I don't talk about them, I will definitely not leave, but you You are a friend of the old naughty boy, and I don't want to fight with you."

"Hehe, are you planning to threaten me?"

"If you think I'm threatening you, you can think so too."

Aunt Mei and Zhang Yang looked at each other indifferently, and the atmosphere was a bit tense. The old urchin immediately walked between them, smiled awkwardly, waved his hands and said, "What are you doing like this? Aren't we talking about things? Everyone Take a step back, give a reasonable opinion, and make concessions, okay?"

Aunt Mei glanced at the old urchin indifferently, and sat gracefully on the stone bench, her slender fingers tapped rhythmically on the table, making a crisp beeping sound.

None of the people spoke, the atmosphere was very deserted, while the hot sun was relatively calm, walking around the bedroom slowly.

"Master, this bedroom is almost exactly the same as yours in Penglai Wonderland. You can see that the vases are placed in the same place, and even the keys are exactly the same."

The old naughty boy didn't speak this time, but it was meaningless to look at it in embarrassment, he smiled, and quickly lowered his head again.

Aunt Mei looked at the old naughty boy thoughtfully, and said slowly with the corners of her lips: "Actually, it's not impossible for you to let those people from my family go, but you have to go to Yaozu to help me retrieve something. "

Hearing that Aunt Mei's attitude had softened, Zhang Yang immediately asked, "What is it?"

"It's my life card. My life card is in the hands of the demon king, so he can take my life at any time. If this thing is not in his hands, then he will not be able to threaten me no matter what I do. You can completely regain your freedom, and you don’t have to stay here all day.”

When the old urchin heard this, he slapped his forehead immediately, and said regretfully, "I said, "Why do you listen to the demon king like that? It turns out that your fate card is in his hand. Why didn't you tell me earlier? If you told me If it were me, I would definitely be able to take your life card away from the person who blamed me."

Aunt Mei rolled her eyes and said coldly: "This is my business, it has nothing to do with you, you'd better be the gatekeeper of your Penglai Wonderland."

"Hey, Amei, I'm completely free now, and I don't have to worry about Penglai Wonderland anymore, and the next Penglai Wonderland also has its new owner, the kid in front of you."

"Oh? No wonder you came to me. It turns out that you got your freedom. I really envy you."

When the old urchin heard this, he immediately looked at Zhang Yang, and said in an orderly tone: "Zhang Yang, I am Jiaoyang's master, and I worked so hard to raise her by myself. Now she is with you, and you haven't given me a dowry." , or a gift or something, so this time, you go to Yaozu to get back Aunt Mei's life card, it's not the big gift you owe me."

Zhang Yang's hair turned dark immediately, and he looked at the old naughty boy speechlessly.

"You are treating your apprentice as a business for the sake of your sweetheart."

"You don't have so much nonsense. If you tell you to go, go quickly. Don't you listen to me? You didn't say anything to repay me before. It turns out that you lied to me."

Zhang Yang sighed helplessly, and the scorching sun on the side looked at him with a smile.

"Forget it, Zhang Yang, we originally wanted to go to the Yaozu to find out the situation, and we will go anyway."

Zhang Yang pursed his lips and nodded lightly, looked at Aunt Mei, and asked, "I can go to Yaozu to help you get back the life card, but I don't know where Yaozu is hiding right now."

Maitreya Buddha's physical body gave him the address he wanted to live in before, which was the crack under the Daxing'an Mountains, which is where they are now.

But after some investigation, there is not a single demon clan here, so the real demon king must be hiding somewhere else.

"They hide in a very hidden place, even if you tear apart the space, you can't reach them at all."

"Then how do I get there to help you get the life card?"

"It's really stupid, of course it's a teleportation talisman."

(End of this chapter)

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