Temple of Madness

Chapter 405 Strange Face

Chapter 405 Strange Face
Chapter 405 Strange Face
Seeing that the scorching sun was about to tear off the thread in his hand, the demon king immediately yelled loudly: "No, if we tear off these four threads, none of us will ever be able to live."

Zhang Yang looked at the silk thread in his hand curiously, stopped, and said to the demon king: "Okay, I don't need to pull the silk thread in my hand, but you have to tell me, what are you and the people from the Buddha Kingdom planning?"

Zhang Yang walked over to Jiao Yang curiously. Anyway, the demon king couldn't move, so he couldn't pose a threat to them for the time being.

"Jiaoyang, what is the line this time?"

Scorching Yang looked up at the Demon King with a cold face, and handed the silk thread in his hand to Zhang Yang.

"You feel the breath on it."

Zhang Yang picked up the end of the thread curiously, and the moment his hand touched the end of the thread, he felt a shock from an electric current, and almost threw the end of the thread on the ground, but he quickly regained his composure.

He found that although the current was very strong at the beginning, after taking the end of the network cable, there would be no more current.

"This...there's a breath of life on it!"

Zhang Yang looked at the thread in his hand in amazement. He actually felt a strange breath of life on it. If he felt it calmly and carefully, he could vaguely feel a rhythmic heartbeat from the thread.

Jiao Yang folded his hands and looked at the Demon King thoughtfully, and walked slowly to the cross behind him. He didn't know what he found behind him. He condensed the fireball in his hand and illuminated it for four weeks, and immediately let out an exclamation.

"I understand!"

"Jiaoyang, what did you find?"

Zhang Yang hurriedly walked to Jiao Yang's side, and was stunned by the scene in front of him.

Appearing on the cross behind this, there is actually a faint face of a person, who seems to be falling asleep, with his eyes closed.

And the weirdest thing is that this face actually grows on a cross!

"What exactly is this?"

Jiao Yang said with a gloomy face: "This is an ancient resurrection technique. I have read it in a book. In ancient times, some alchemists used this sorcery to resurrect. But this kind of possession technique must use another method. A person's life is used as a carrier to be able to rely on resurrection. Therefore, he was spurned by the gods at that time, and those alchemists were directly sent to the 18th floor of hell, where they will never be reborn."

Zhang Yang looked at that face in shock, and vaguely saw a foreign feeling from his brows, what did he suddenly think of?Said: "This is the face of a foreigner. Could it be the evil gods of the West who want to resurrect someone?"

"I don't know about this. What I read from the book simply records the process of the emergence and demise of this resurrection technique. There is no detailed record of the spell or how to use it."

The demon king, who had been quietly listening to the conversation between the two, let out a sneer: "Hehe, the little girl knows a lot, but it's useless no matter how much you know, because you don't know how to stop. This resurrection technique Once it starts, no one can stop it, and when he wakes up, all of you will be destroyed, this world is ours."

Zhang Yang looked at the Demon King with a gloomy face, gritted his teeth and said, "Do you think I can't do anything to you? Since this resurrection technique needs to attach your life to resurrect the people behind you, if you die, the resurrection tree Naturally it stopped."

Speaking of Zhang Yang, he launched another attack. With a quick jump, he hung in the air, faced the demon king face to face, fisted with both hands, and punched him in the face without hesitation.

It's just that when his fist just touched the demon king's face, whoever was behind that strange face suddenly opened his eyes, startling the scorching sun.

"Ah! He! He came alive!"

The scorching sun let out an exclamation, and immediately jumped back.

Zhang Yang, who had already punched, was taken aback for a moment, but he still punched down his fist vigorously, but the moment the strange face behind the cross opened his eyes, a more intense golden light burst out from the demon king's body, forming a The air wave directly pushed Zhang Yang out.

After Zhang Yang drew an arc in the air, he landed firmly on the ground.

The demon king looked even more proud at Zhang Yang, and his piercing sneer filled the room.

"Haha! He! He is finally waking up!"

Looking at the eyes of that strange face, the scorching sun felt as if his whole body had fallen into an ice cave, as if it was bitingly cold, so he quickly walked to Zhang Yang's side.

"The guy behind him is about to wake up. We must try our best to kill the demon king, so as to prevent this person's rebirth."

Zhang Yang looked at the Demon King with his brows tightly furrowed, and nodded slightly.

He could feel a strong chill in the whole room, although he didn't know who the person behind was, but he could also feel that if the real person was really resurrected, it would bring about an unprecedented disaster .

Jiao Yang and Zhang Yang looked at each other tacitly, without saying a word, turned over and rushed in front of the demon king, one with the fire spirit and the other with the coiling dragon mark, illuminating the whole room with golden and red rays of light.

In an instant, a golden light wall appeared in front of the demon king, but the two of them still hit all their attacks on the light wall without hesitation.

"You can't hurt me at all."

The demon king looked proudly at Zhang Yang and Jiao Yang who kept waving their fists and hitting him in front of him, but it was like hitting cotton, which was useless, and he felt even more proud.

Zhang Yang took a deep breath, condensed the true qi in his whole body, and quickly condensed the aura of the five attributes in his palm.

Although this is the second time he has used the method of fusion spirit energy, but with the previous experience, this is his speed is faster, and he has also prepared for the severe pain in the palm of his hand after the fusion.

Soon, Zhang Yang condensed the five kinds of spiritual energy into a group, and in an instant a dazzling light group appeared in his hand, faintly exuding five colors.

The powerful air current made the demon king, who had always been complacent, change his face instantly, and said in a trembling voice: "This! What is this?"

Zhang Yang raised a cold smile, and said in a cold voice, "This is something to send you home."

Speaking of Zhang Yang, he put his hands on the five-color group, and pressed down the light group with all his strength. Seeing that he was struggling, the sun immediately put away the fire spirit in his hand, pressed his hands on the back of Zhang Yang's heart, and put all the true energy in his body. Condensed, slowly delivered to his body.

In an instant, Zhang Yang felt that his hand moved forward a little, and there was a cracking sound from the light wall in front of him.

The two were immediately overjoyed, and quickly mobilized the whole body's true energy, using all their strength to drive the light ball into...

(End of this chapter)

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