Temple of Madness

Chapter 406 Mutation

Chapter 406 Mutation
Chapter 406 Mutation

Just when Zhang Yang felt that his arm was stretched into the light wall in an instant, he only heard a loud cracking sound in his ears.

Did they succeed?

Zhang Yang watched his fist land on the demon king's mask in an instant, he let out a muffled grunt in pain, his eyes widened in horror.

"This! How is this possible? How can you hit me?"

The demon king roared inconceivably, and Zhang Yang and Jiao Yang also took advantage of the fact that there was no barrier of light in front of him, and immediately launched an attack on her.

"Panlong Seal!"

"The King of Hades is furious!"

Both of them used their strongest attacks, and the entire room was instantly lit up with golden and red lights.

With a bang, the demon king's body couldn't bear such a powerful force, and it exploded directly.

Zhang Yang was taken aback for a moment, and the fragments from the demon king's explosion hit him, as hard as a stone.

He immediately protected the scorching sun beside him in his arms, and landed lightly on the ground with a dodge.

"Demon King died so easily?"

Zhang Yang looked at the fragments on the ground in surprise, and felt that the demon king who had been entangled with him for so long died so easily, it was unbelievable, as if it was a dream.

Jiao Yang looked at the cross in front of him with a gloomy face, shook his head slightly, and said: "The demon king is dead, but I just felt the power that can be resisted, but at that moment, all his strength was drawn out. gone."

"Take it away?"

Zhang Yang was taken aback for a moment, and immediately thought of the strange face behind the cross. He quickly transformed into a long sword in his hand, jumped to the back of the cross, and slashed at the cross.

With a ding, the long sword in Zhang Yang's hand fell on the old cross, making the sound of metal colliding, but when he took a closer look, he froze in place.

I saw that the place where the strange face was just now was empty now, only the smooth metal frame.

"Hey! That face is gone!"

Zhang Yang subconsciously looked at the scorching sun, and saw that he was frowning tightly, looking up at the direction of the top of his head, his shoulders were trembling slightly, as if he was afraid of something.

Zhang Yang quickly followed the scorching sun's line of sight to the top of his head, and his whole body immediately seemed to have fallen into an ice cave.

There was a gigantic strange face above his head, which was the one behind the cross. At this moment, he had opened his eyes, with a wicked smile on his mouth, looking at them coldly.

"This! What is this! How did he get on top of his head?"

Scorching Sun said in a trembling voice: "He! He sucked away all the energy of the Demon King, and now he is completely resurrected!"

"What the hell is he? Is it a human, a ghost, or some evil Satan from the West?"

Jiao Yang's face was gloomy, his eyes were fixed on the strange face above his head, especially the object's smiling eyes, and his whole body felt a bone-chilling chill.

Just when the two of them were stiff, looking at the strange face above their heads, and their minds went blank, a sneering voice came from the door of the room: "Hehe, this is our greatest Lord Satan!"

Zhang Yang turned his head immediately when he heard the familiar voice, and saw the proud sneer of the Yaozu elder.

Suddenly Zhang Yang realized something, Shen Sheng said to him: "You are not from the Demon King!"

The Yaozu elder let out a piercing laugh. He looked at Zhang Yang with a cold face, raised his chin triumphantly, walked slowly in front of them, raised his head with adoring eyes, and looked at the strange face above his head.

"Hehe. You're not too stupid, you're much smarter than that guy."

"That guy, you mean the demon king. It turns out that the demon king was crucified because you lied to him."

All the mysteries in Zhang Yang's heart were solved at once, but he didn't expect the Demon King to be so stupid now that he woke up the people around him.

From the beginning, Zhang Yang was very puzzled, why the demon king clearly knew that he was using his own body as nourishment to revive another creature, but he was willing to do so, and now everything is figured out, it turned out to be from this demon clan The elders are deceiving him!
I saw the Yaozu elders took Zhang Yang and Jiaoyang as air, and walked straight forward two steps. At this moment, the two looked at the back of the Yaozu elders even more horrified.

I saw that under his loose robe, he started to squirm, as if something was about to come out.

With a sound of tearing, the robe of the Yaozu elder shattered, and a pair of wings grew out of his rotten skin, but the pair of wings looked very strange, they were actually broken.

It was as if someone forcibly tore the pair of wings off his back.

With a plop, the Yaozu elder knelt on the ground, opened his hands piously, and shouted to the strange face above his head: "500 years, my king, you are finally back!"

Zhang Yang asked the elder of the demon clan suspiciously: "You are a member of Satan, so why do you always follow the demon king's side? Could it be that you have conspired to seize the land of China since 500 years ago?"

The elder of Yaozu didn't look back at Zhang Yang, but said with a sneer: "Stupid human beings, do you really think that the land of Huaxia belongs to you? If it weren't for the fact that the gods exiled Lord Satan thousands of years ago, the land of Huaxia would have It belongs to us!"

After the Yaozu elder finished speaking, he let out a triumphant laugh, which was very ear-piercing. Zhang Yang couldn't help but frown and covered his ears.

But at this moment, the air in the entire room suddenly dropped to zero, and there was a faint blue chill everywhere, which was very biting.

Jiaoyang couldn't help trembling all over, frowning tightly, looking at the strange face above his head, and shouted: "Zhang Yang opened his eyes a little more!"

Zhang Yang was taken aback for a moment, and quickly raised his head to look, only to see that his eyes, which were still squinted just now, and his strange face that seemed to be smiling, have opened more than half of it at this moment, without any smile, and his lips are also slightly opened. It seems to be ready to speak at any time.

"My king is about to wake up, and the entire land of China will belong to us. You lowly humans will all die!"

Zhang Yang was really annoyed by the voice of the Yaozu elder, so he formed a fist with both hands, and swung it towards his back.

"Since you miss your king so much, go to hell and wait for your king."

If the elder of the Yaozu wants to revive Satan, it must be impossible to keep him.

In this move, Zhang Yang used all his strength to punch the Yaozu elder's back in the heart, and instantly heard the sound of his bones cracking.

But just when Zhang Yang thought that if he wanted to be an elder, he would fall to the ground and die, suddenly a strange breath rushed towards his face.

(End of this chapter)

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