Temple of Madness

Chapter 407 Resurrection

Chapter 407 Resurrection
Chapter 407 Resurrection


The scorching sun's flustered voice sounded in her ear, before Zhang Yang saw what was happening in front of her, he felt a force in his throat, as if a pair of big hands were tightly grasping her throat.

"Ah! What is this!"

In an instant, Zhang Yang's body slowly floated up, as if someone was grabbing her by the throat and lifting him up.

The corner of the Yaozu elder's mouth was covered with blood, and he looked at Zhang Yang with a sneer and slowly got up from the ground.

"Haha! My king will not let you kill me! You are all going to die here today, and people from all races are going to die. This land of Huaxia will only belong to us Lord Satan!"

Scorching Yang glanced at the Yaozu elder in disgust, and with a wave of his hand, a fireball hit his weak body. In an instant, the Yaozu elder fell backward like a kite with a broken string, hitting the wall of the room .

After dealing with the elders of the Yao clan, Jiao Yang dodged and floated in the air, wanting to rush to Zhang Yang's side.

But before entering Zhang Yang's body, the scorching sun seemed to be slapped away by someone hard, hit the wall behind him, fell to the ground, a mouthful of blood gushed out from the corner of his mouth.


The strange face above the head let out a cold laugh, which made people's pores creepy.

But Zhang Yang kept struggling in the air, but there was no way for the sun to do anything, suddenly his eyes sank, thinking of the old naughty boy, he quickly opened the communication symbol on his body, and quickly typed out the knot seal.

"Master! Master! Satan is resurrected!"

The old naughty boy who was drinking tea with Aunt Mei in the room immediately sat up from the chair when he heard the scorching sun's anxious voice.


"Master, come here quickly! Don't let Satan come back to life."

"Okay! Hold him for a quarter of an hour, and I'll be there right away."

The old urchin's voice fell, but Jiao Yang frowned and looked at the strange face above his head, as well as the struggling Zhang Yang floating in mid-air.

This Satan has not yet fully opened his eyes, his power is already so powerful, and he can't see where his entity is at all, so how can he be restrained?

Seeing Zhang Yang struggling in pain in the air, whimpering from time to time, the scorching sun, in a hurry, didn't care so much, and directly sent dozens of fireballs towards the void, and then hit the four weeks past.

In an instant, the whole room began to shake, and the flames splashed everywhere, but it didn't have any effect.

Until the scorching sun condensed a huge ball of fire in the palm of his hand, then the whole person pushed the fireball, rushed towards the strange face, and pressed the fireball hard on the strange face.


The strange face finally stopped laughing, and let out a burst of crying, and Zhang Yang, who had been restrained by the power of the void, was able to breathe, and fell from the air to the ground in an instant.

"Scorching sun! Be careful, he is not using ordinary power, but mental power, so we can't detect it."

Zhang Yuan clutched his throat and reminded Jiaoyang loudly.

But before the scorching sun had time to rise, it was hit in the abdomen by a void force, and the whole person fell from the sky.

Zhang Yang immediately flew over and hugged the scorching sun in his arms.

The feeling of the scorching sun, his brain was dizzy, his brows were tightly locked and he looked at the viewpoint above his head, and he said in a trembling voice: "His eyes are opened again. If his eyes are fully opened, his strength has reached its peak. Then people in the entire mortal world will have no opponents."

"Then what should I do? He is using mental power. I just tried to use mental power to compete with him, but I couldn't fight him at all. Instead, I almost fell back."

Zhang Yang looked at the strange face with his brows tightly furrowed, his eyes that were almost opened wide, and his heart was full of worry.

Jiao Yang took a deep breath, and said in a deep voice: "The patriarch once left a secret talisman for my master, which can fight against Satan, but we have to delay him for a quarter of an hour before my master can arrive."

Zhang Yang was silent for a while, took a deep breath, mobilized the whole body's true energy, and healed all the pain on his body.

"I'm using my mental power to restrain him."

Zhang Yang strode in the center, looked up at the strange face, and then burst out all his mental power from his body little by little, forming iron chains one by one, turning around like the ringing bell.

The Yaozu elder who fell to the side struggled to get up from the ground, looked at everything that happened in front of him with a sneer, and said triumphantly: "Hehe, you are all in vain. Once Lord Satan is resurrected, no one can stop it. The entire Huaxia The earth will return to the rule of Lord Satan, including your aloof gods!"

Jiao Yang glanced indifferently at the obtrusive Yaozu elder, and instantly transformed into a fire dragon. With a wave of his hand, the fire dragon rushed towards the Yaozu elder aggressively, and instantly devoured him in his belly.

Finally the world is quiet, without that annoying voice, and Zhang Yang can finally concentrate on fighting Satan with his mental strength.

Jiao Yang thought about it, she didn't have Zhang Yang's mental power, but she knew that a formation could boost her mental power, and maybe it could help Zhang Yang.

Thinking of this, Jiao Yang immediately sat cross-legged on the ground, clasped her hands together, and recited the mantra silently, only to see golden runes floating out of her body, and gradually the various runes intertwined to form a huge sheet of paper. The net spread out little by little until Zhang Yang was wrapped in it.

At this moment, when Zhang Yang felt that his mental power was about to be exhausted, a mysterious force suddenly enveloped him, making his mental power instantly full again.

He was overjoyed immediately, increased the power of his mental power, and used his mental power to weave a few huge iron chains, stretching them towards that strange face.

Immediately, that strange face has been densely covered by the iron chains woven by Zhang Yang's spiritual power, the expression seems to be a little painful, and the opened eyes are slowly closing.

Scorching Sun watched what happened, and the mental attack of Zhang Yang's heart took effect. He quickly and quickly made a few cumbersome knot seals in his hands, and recited the mantra silently again, increasing the blessing power of the formation.

Just like that, the room fell into a tense anxiety, and I don't know how long it took, the foreheads of Zhang Yang and Jiao Yang were covered with cold sweat, and the old naughty boy came late.

"I just went the wrong way, so I was a little late."

The girl struggled to maintain the magic circle, glanced at the old urchin depressedly, and immediately said to him in a deep voice: "Stop talking, quickly use the patriarch's spell to seal Satan again! Don't let him be resurrected."

The old urchin nodded, and immediately searched for the spell from his cuff.

(End of this chapter)

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