Temple of Madness

Chapter 408 Charms

Chapter 408 Charms
Chapter 408

The old naughty boy struggled to find the spell that the patriarch had left for him from his sleeve, and quickly took it in his hand, but when he was about to recite the spell, he suddenly stopped.

Scorching Yang looked at the old urchin with a frown, and said depressedly: "Master, you haven't even forgotten the mantra, have you?"

The old naughty boy scratched the back of his head embarrassingly, and said with a coquettish smile: "Hey, I'm really sorry, the incantation of this spell was given to me by the patriarch hundreds of years ago, and I have long forgotten it."

Jiao Yang immediately glanced at the old naughty boy with black lines, and shook his head helplessly.

And at this moment, Aunt Mei's voice came from the door.

"You idiot is still as unreliable as before, you can't even memorize such a simple spell."

After Aunt Mei finished speaking, she walked straight to the old naughty boy with her arms folded, snatched the charm from his hand, and it was in her palm.

"Stupid, let me do it."

As she spoke, Aunt Mei slowly closed her eyes, and slowly read out an obscure incantation, then raised her hand, and waved it at the strange face on top of the old man.

Zhang Yang, who was concentrating on fighting Satan with his spiritual power, felt a golden light flash in front of his eyes, and his mental power was instantly relaxed, as if the power against him had suddenly disappeared.

He hurriedly looked in the direction of the golden light, and saw a yellow charm sticking to the center of the brow at the inflection point. In an instant, a large net spread from the center of the charm.

"Ah! The power of Yuanshi! You bastard! You are still alive!"

The strange face that had never spoken all this time suddenly let out a loud roar, and the whole room trembled again, as if it wanted to follow him at any time, and stones began to fall gradually from the top of the head, hitting several people.

Zhang Yang flew from the sky to the ground, looked at the strange face with gloomy eyes, and asked the old naughty boy: "What are we going to do next? Is this guy sealed?"

The old naughty boy looked at the strange face with dim eyes, shook his head, and looked at Aunt Mei beside him.

"This matter seems to be getting more and more complicated. We have to rush back to find the master. Only the master can deal with this guy."

Aunt Mei nodded solemnly and said: "He has been half resurrected, and the previous seal has been broken long ago. This spell can only temporarily suppress it, but it cannot really seal it."

"What? What can we do then? If he is really resurrected, the entire Huaxia Continent will fall, and our current human race can't compete with him at all."

Zhang Yang anxiously looked at the old naughty boy, waiting for him to make up his mind, but the old naughty boy just shook his head and sighed softly, unable to come up with any constructive suggestions.

Several people have been paying attention to the situation of the strange face above their heads, and saw that the huge golden net is gradually shrinking, and the strange face is also wrapped in it, shrinking together.

Zhang Yang used his mental power to feel for 4 weeks, and found that the power of the void just now was gone, so he couldn't help feeling a little more relaxed.

At this moment, when everyone thought that the giant net was about to hide the strange face, there was a sudden wave of uneasiness in the space.

I saw a familiar figure floating beside the strange face, and the huge black wings made Zhang Yang's whole body tense up.

Isn't this the fallen angel pretending to be a Buddha in the kingdom of Buddha?

Now that he appeared here, all four of them looked at him as if facing a formidable enemy.

"Hehe, Zhang Yang, hello, we meet again."

The fallen angel looked at Zhang Yang with a smile on his face, like a friend he hadn't seen for many years, very accommodating.

Zhang Yang stared at him viciously, gritted his teeth and said: "Don't say it as if you know me very well, since you have come here this time, I will definitely let you go without returning."

Although the strength of the fallen angel has reached the realm of energy transformation, he is still confident that they will definitely be able to defeat him. After all, the sun is also in the realm of energy transformation, and the old naughty boy and Aunt Mei are both unfathomable. It is certain that the strength of the two of them must be higher than that of Hua Jin.

With such a combination of strengths, Zhang Yang believed that even this fallen angel, with hands and eyes reaching the sky, and wings to fly, could not escape their grasp.

The fallen angel smiled faintly, and didn't seem to feel any danger, so he touched the wings behind him easily, and said with a smile: "I didn't come here today to fight with you, but to inform you, Our Lord Satan is about to be resurrected, let your so-called Protoss get ready."

The old naughty boy said disdainfully: "Hmph, your Lord Satan is about to be resurrected? Idiots are dreaming, now he is wrapped in my master's spell, and it is impossible to escape. We will seal him again, you guys Helping the evil god will never succeed."

The fallen angel glanced at the old urchin disdainfully, and said thoughtfully: "So you are the apprentice of Yuanshi Tianzun, and it doesn't look like much. But since Yuanshi Tianzun is not here, I don't know if I killed him It can be regarded as temporarily offsetting the hatred in my heart for many years."

Hearing that the fallen angel wanted to deal with the old urchin, the scorching sun immediately stood in front of the old urchin, and each of his hands transformed into a flaming long sword, glaring at him.

"If you dare to touch my master, I will make your life worse than death."

"Tsk tsk, I'm really touched."

The fallen angel pretended to be moved and wiped the corners of his eyes. Suddenly, a bright light flashed in his eyes. With a vigorous wave of the wings behind him, dozens of cold arrows shot towards the four of them.


Zhang Yang let out a roar. After being tempered by Lei Jie, his body was as hard as iron. After those cold arrows touched his body, they made a crisp sound and fell to the ground without hurting him at all.

The other three people also used the weapons in their hands to block those cold arrows one by one, but at this moment, a strong wind suddenly blew past their ears, squinting their eyes so much that they could only block them with their hands. in front of you.

Suddenly, the old urchin exclaimed: "Get out! Let me go!"

As soon as Jiaoyang heard that the old urchin was in danger, he immediately opened his eyes.

I saw the old urchin being held by the shoulders of the fallen angel, floating in the air, and from the hands of the fallen angel, black chains emerged, locking the old urchin together.

Zhang Yang flew towards the fallen angel without hesitation, and punched out the coiled dragon seal with both hands. In an instant, 9 giant dragons rushed towards the fallen angel.

"Hmph, do you think these little bugs of yours can hurt me?"

(End of this chapter)

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