Temple of Madness

Chapter 409 Arrested

Chapter 409 Arrested
Chapter 409

Following the fallen angel's triumphant sneer, the 9 giant dragons that Zhang Yang shot were instantly scattered by its wings.

And a quiet Aunt Mei finally made a move, and when she casually raised her hand, a giant black python rushed towards the fallen angel, opening its bloody mouth as if to devour it.

The fallen angel still looked confident, looking at the giant snake rushing in front of him with disdain, but when the giant snake's big mouth bit his shoulder, his expression suddenly changed.

"You! Why do you have the aura of Yuanshi Tianzun!"

Aunt Mei dodged and rushed in front of the fallen angel, with a cold smile on her lips, she proudly said to him, "Because Yuanshi Tianzun is also my master."

After finishing speaking, Aunt Mei raised her hand and patted the fallen angel's chest forcefully.

In an instant, a mouthful of thick black liquid spewed out of the fallen angel's mouth, clutching his heart in pain, and jumped back.

Zhang Yang was also startled, and looked at Aunt Mei's strong aura in astonishment.

This turned out to be the realm of the peak of Baoyuan!
Zhang Yang only felt dizzy for a while, but he didn't expect that Aunt Mei was the real master of hiding!

Zhang Yang felt that this seemed useless, so he could only watch Aunt Mei chasing the fallen angel and attacking violently.

And no matter which direction the fallen angel fled, the old urchin was always firmly tied to his side. The black thread emanating from his palm tightly wrapped the old urchin in it, and it became more and more intense, even The old urchin's face was already covered with black iron chains and black mist.

Scorching Yang looked at the old urchin with a worried face, and from time to time shot fireballs from his palms to block the fallen angel's retreat.

At this moment, the strange face wrapped in the huge golden net produced by the spell suddenly let out a painful roar.

"Ah! Who is it! Who is preventing me from resurrecting? I will kill you."

The fallen angel, who had been dodging all the time, suddenly stopped. It looked at the strange face with a gloomy face, as if it had made a decision, and flew towards the strange face with its flapping wings.

And Aunt Mei and Zhang Yang were also under the attack from left and right, and the fallen angel was already unable to move an inch.

But he didn't resist, but accepted the attack abruptly, from Zhang Yang and Aunt Mei, and suddenly a mouthful of thick black liquid spewed out from his mouth again.

He looked at the strange face that had condensed into a ball of light with a painful expression, stretched out his hand and grabbed it, and immediately heard the sound of skin being ripped open, but the fallen angel didn't care at all, and held the strange face tightly. hold in the palm of your hand.

"Hehe, you want this old man, right? Then I'll give it back to you."

After the fallen angel finished speaking, he slapped the back of the old naughty boy vigorously, and immediately sent him flying.

At this moment, the black energy in the old urchin's body had gradually dissipated, revealing his weak face, which seemed to be in pain, and he frowned and hit the wall behind him.

Without hesitation, the three gave up the entanglement with the fallen angel, and rushed towards the direction where the old urchin's body fell.

After those three people caught the old urchin firmly, his fallen angel let out a smug laugh.

"Hehe, it really is a group of idiots, in order to save a useless old man. You missed the best chance to kill me, and you will regret it."

After the fallen angel finished speaking, he sneered and flapped his wings. A crack in space appeared next to him in an instant. He slipped in and disappeared.

The room finally became quiet again, and everyone sat on the floor exhaustedly, looking at the unconscious old urchin with furrowed brows.

Jiao Yang looked worriedly at Aunt Mei who put her hand on the old naughty boy's veins, and asked, "Is my master alright?"

Aunt Mei tightly closed her lips, and said with a gloomy face: "Don't worry, the so-called scourge will last for a thousand years, he won't die for the time being, but his situation is not optimistic, and he may fall into a coma for a long time."

Upon hearing that the old urchin could not write, Jiao Yang said even more anxiously: "Then what happened to my master? Why can't he wake up?"

Aunt Mei shook her head gently, and said in a deep voice: "Well, the fallen angel uses a corrosive dark spirit. He has been delaying the time just now, allowing more dark spirits to corrode his body, so he temporarily He won't wake up for a while, but don't worry, I have a way to save him, your master."

The more scorching sun listened, the more nervous he became.

"Then why is it okay? It turned out to be corrosive aura, which must have caused great damage to my master's body."

Aunt Mei glanced at the scorching sun lightly, and said expressionlessly: "It seems that this old guy has done unreliable things for so many years. The only reliable thing is that he taught you such a good apprentice. I guess he Even if he died, he would die with a smile on his face. But don't worry, I still say the same thing, I will definitely find a way to save him."

Seeing Aunt Mei's relaxed face, Jiaoyang felt even more worried, especially what he said, which made Jiaoyang feel like she didn't care about the life or death of the old urchin.

The scorching sun suppressed the anger in his heart, and he didn't want to break his face with Aunt Mei at this time, after all, he was the only hope to save the old naughty boy.

"...Aunt Mei, I think you should also know that my master has you in his heart. He has been talking about someone for so many years. Although I don't know the name, I know when I see you. You are the one who has always been in my heart. A person who misses you. So I hope you can save my master, even if you don’t like him, let’s remember his feelings for you and treat him kindly.”

Aunt Mei glanced at the old naughty boy thoughtfully, with complicated lights in her eyes, she said with a light smile, "You girl is quite good at talking, so do you know why he has been thinking about me all the time? Woolen cloth?"

Zhang Yang, who was at the side, immediately said: "Of course he likes it. I am also a man. I understand that if a man is worried about another woman, he will always think about her and miss her. I think the old naughty boy Is it like this, he also likes you, and has liked you for many years."

Aunt Mei looked at Zhang Yang with a look of caring for the mentally handicapped, and snorted disdainfully: "It seems that you are all deceived by his crazy, indifferent expression."

Hearing Aunt Mei's words, Jiao Yang and Zhang Yang were taken aback for a moment, and looked at her curiously.

"Aunt Mei, what do you mean? Did we say something wrong?"

"Hehe, what you're talking about is just your personal feelings, and you're thinking about it with your own thinking, but in fact, it's not because he loves me that he keeps thinking about me."

"What do you mean?"

"It's not because of love, but because of guilt."

(End of this chapter)

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