Temple of Madness

Chapter 413 Kill One First

Chapter 413

Chapter 413 Kill One First

A cold smile flashed in Zhang Yang's eyes, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and he said in a cold voice, "Go back and meet your Lord Satan."

Zhang Yang exerted his strength again, and instantly heard the sound of bones breaking from the fallen angel's body.

He used all his strength in this move, and combined with the power of relic, from the place where his fist touched the fallen angel, a large number of golden light clusters poured into the fallen angel's body.

The fallen angel was in so much pain that he couldn't make any sound. The wings behind him began to wither, and pieces of black feathers were blown everywhere under the strong wind of the tornado.

Zhang Yang once again increased his strength, punching and hammering hard to the fallen angel's heart door again, and a miniature dragon with golden light rushed into his body along the heart door of the fallen angel.

The fallen angel opened his mouth wide in pain, and bursts of dragon moaning sounds came out of his mouth, but in the blink of an eye, his whole body fell from Zhang Yang's face to the ground as soft as mud, as if he had no bones.

Zhang Yang quickly put on the invisibility cloak and hid himself again.

At the same time, the tornado finally faded away.

All the demon monks breathed a sigh of relief, and fell to the ground exhausted, as if they had exhausted all the energy in their bodies.

At this time, someone in the team let out an exclamation, which attracted everyone's attention.

"Hey, what's going on here? How did the general die?"

All the monster monks from the Buddhist kingdom immediately gathered towards the center, while the warriors from the monster clan still stood in place with expressionless faces.

When several monster warriors were just swept away by the tornado, they were already torn apart, leaving debris all over the place.

Zhang Yang stood in the corner with a smile on his face. No one noticed his existence. Everyone looked at the fallen angel who had collapsed on the ground and turned into mud in panic. The wings behind him didn't even have a feather, like a Same as the braised chicken wings.

Hehe, it turns out that you are a fallen angel and if you become a rookie.

A demon monk said with a shocked face: "What happened just now? Who of you saw it? How did the general die suddenly? Who did it?"

"I didn't see anything. The yellow sand was rolling just now. I couldn't even see who was in front of me, let alone the general who had already flown into the air."

"The general has reached the realm of iron bones, how could he be killed so easily? And look at the general's death condition, there is no bone in his body. How powerful is this?"

"...that person actually has such profound strength."

Following the demon monk's discussion, there was a dignified atmosphere all around.

Just when everyone was in a mess and had no idea, an older demon monk slowly walked in front of the fallen angel, knelt down and pressed his hands on his already muddy body.

"We have to inform the Buddha that someone from Xinhua Kingdom must have mixed into the team just now, and launched an attack on the fallen angel when we were unaware."

"Yes! We must inform the Great Buddha immediately. The people here are only in the realm of Mahayana. If we don't have a powerful leader with iron bones or above, we will be no match for Zhang Yang."

Several demon monks nodded immediately. Under the leadership of the older demon monk, all the demon monks sat in a circle and locked the surrounding space to prevent anyone from approaching.

Zhang Yang originally wanted to get closer and listen to their conversation.

Unexpectedly, they were so cautious that they blocked the space, and he couldn't enter, so he could only squat quietly aside, staring at them without blinking.

After about a stick of incense, the locked space was finally removed.

The leading demon monk walked slowly to the center and announced loudly: "Everyone listen to the order and rest in place, waiting for the Buddha to send a new general."

As the low voice of the demon monk fell, the whole team made a clattering sound of armor.

I saw that all the ignorant monsters sat obediently, their eyes closed slowly, and they entered a state of trance.

Zhang Yang looked at 4 weeks curiously, and looked at these monster people with doubts.

It seems that the people of the Buddha Kingdom did not know what method they used to completely control these demon clans.

However, his goal has been achieved. He killed the fallen angel, successfully slowed down the army, and bought some time for Xinhua.

Zhang Yang looked forward with his brows furrowed. He was less than three kilometers away from the secret place of Xinhua Kingdom. He had to return to Xinhua Kingdom as soon as possible, and then change the location of Xinhua Kingdom again.

But before that, he had to find out the traitor first.

After sorting out his thoughts, Zhang Yang raised his feet and flew to the deserted place next to him.

Sensing that there was no aura of strangers in the 4 weeks, Zhang Yang tore apart the space, turned around and entered the space tunnel, and entered the secret realm of Xinhua Kingdom.

His position this time was the meeting hall of Xinhua Kingdom, so when he appeared in the meeting hall, all the elders were shocked.

"Zhang Yang, you are back, have you checked out the situation outside?"

Yan Guixing immediately walked up to Zhang Yang and looked at him anxiously.

Zhang Yang did not speak, but scanned all the elders in the hall.

Not all the elders are here, and many elders should still be practicing in Penglai Wonderland.

The most important thing is that the dead nun in Emei is not here.

Zhang Yang frowned and said to everyone: "Don't worry, everyone. I have already killed the fallen angel who led the team. For the time being, they will not take any action against Xinhua. It can be regarded as delaying them for some time, but our last What needs to be done is to find out the traitor among us. Otherwise, even if I change the location of the secret realm a few times, I can still be found by them."

When Yan Guixing heard this, he clenched his fists tightly and said in a low voice: "The room here must be the people from Mount Emei. During the time you were away, I have been secretly observing them and found that they have been telling the truth. Practicing in the formation, but in fact, the dead nun in Emei secretly planted spells in every corner of Xinhua Kingdom."


Zhang Yang was taken aback for a moment, and looked at Yan Guixing curiously.

Yan Guixing took out a yellow charm from his bosom and handed it to Zhang Yang.

"Look, it's this spell. I followed her quietly. After she buried the spell, I dug it out. Although I have ruled out many places, I don't know if all of them were covered by me. Clear it out."

Zhang Yang looked at the spell in his hand with his brows furrowed, and was startled when he unfolded it and saw the spell on it.

(End of this chapter)

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