Chapter 414
Chapter 414

He couldn't be more clear about the words on this spell. This is Sanskrit, which is only known by those who practice Buddhism in the Buddhist kingdom.

Zhang Yang raised a cold smile on the corner of his mouth, and put the spell on you in his palm.

"It seems that this dead nun is really a traitor in my Xinhua Kingdom."

Yan Guixing looked at Zhang Yang with a frown, and asked him, "Then what should we do? Shall we arrest that nun immediately?"

Zhang Yang shook his head slightly, thought for a while and said: "No, although the people of the Emei faction are too rare to be born, their reputation is familiar to everyone. They represent justice, and they are the existence of the famous and decent sect in everyone's heart. , if even they become representatives of evil, it is estimated that everyone will lose their faith. The most important thing is that the traitor is only the head of Emei, and the practitioners of Emei Mountain, they do not know, what we should do is to let them See the truth clearly, so as not to cause misunderstanding with us."

Yan Guixing thought about what Zhang Yang said, and felt that what he said was reasonable, so he nodded in agreement.

An elder asked Zhang Yang curiously: "Zhang Yang, what do you think we should do?"

Zhang Yang thought for a while, with a confident smile on the corner of his mouth, and said: "Since he is a traitor, he will try every means to pass on the location of my Xinhua Kingdom's secret realm to the outside, then I can take advantage of her to summon her again and find out who she is." Her true colors, and I must return her to her original form."

Zhang Yang was silent for a moment, then continued: "If my guess is correct, the head of Emei is actually a person from the Buddha Kingdom pretending to be, then he must have a different face, and it is very likely that he is also pretending to be a fallen angel." .”

If it is a fallen angel in disguise, as long as he reveals the appearance of a fallen angel, all the truth will be exposed, presumably those people in Mount Emei will also know the truth of the matter.

Zhang Yang thought about it, and discussed with Yan Guixing and the others how to deal with the head of Emei.

It wasn't until the sky darkened that several people finally walked out of the conference room.

When Zhang Yang returned home exhausted, he saw that the lights in the room were on. He was overjoyed and thought that the scorching sun had rescued Bai Ling, and immediately walked in, only to find that the person sitting in the room was not the scorching sun, but Zi according to.

"Ziyi? Am I here waiting for me?"

Zhang Yang looked at Zi Yi curiously, the news of his return seemed to be known only by Yan Guixing, but Zi Yi seemed to know that she was back when she was here.

Ziyi glanced at Zhang Yang calmly, her slender fingers tapped on the table rhythmically, making a thumping sound.

Zhang Yang looked at Zi Yi, and for some reason, felt that the atmosphere was a bit weird, especially when he met her eyes that hesitated to speak, Zhang Yang felt an invisible sense of pressure.

"Ziyi, why are you looking at me like this? Is there something on my face?"

Ziyi looked at Zhang Yang with gloomy eyes, and asked slowly: "Where is Bailing? Didn't you say to save Bailing? Where is she?"

Zhang Yang felt that Ziyi's tone seemed to be filled with faint anger, and he didn't understand, so he said: "Don't worry, I have already found Bailing. It's just because the army of the monster clan has already pressed outside the secret border of Xinhua Kingdom, so I and the scorching sun The two had to split up, he was going to save Bai Ling, and I was here to hold back the monster army."

Ziyi looked at Zhang Yang with dim eyes, pursed the corners of her lips, and said in a deep voice: "Are you sure that the scorching sun can bring Bailing back?"

"Why do you ask that? The scorching sun will definitely rescue Bai Ling."

Ziyi opened her mouth, wanting to continue to ask questions, but felt that the following words were a bit difficult to say, so she could only sigh, waved her hands and said: "Forget it, I hope that your wife has no schemes, and won't be so scheming because of Bailing. Like you, but don't care about her?"

Zhang Yang was taken aback for a moment, and looked at Ziyi in surprise.

"Ziyi, what do you mean? What do you mean Bailing likes me? And why does Jiaoyang ignore Bailing? Is there something you didn't explain?"

Seeing Zhang Yang's frowning, Ziyi shrugged and said, "Just pretend I didn't say anything today. Anyway, I just said something casually, so don't take it to heart."

After Ziyi finished speaking, she raised her foot and walked out the door. Zhang Yang felt even more baffled, and muttered in a puzzled voice: "Can that girl Bailing like me? Ziyi's joke is too big."

While thinking about it, Zhang Yang shook his head and burst out laughing. The more he thought about it, the more he felt that it was a big joke.

That girl Bai Ling always pretends to be unfathomable in front of her, and sometimes treats herself as a younger brother at every turn, how could he like herself?

Zhang Yang dismissed this incident as a joke and looked at the time on the wall. It has been 18 hours since he separated from the sun, but there has been no news from the sun, which made him a little worried .

It stands to reason that no one is guarding the demon clan's dungeon now, and the scorching sun should have been able to rescue Bai Ling with ease in the past, but why did it take so long?

Thinking this way, he took out the communication talisman with the scorching sun from his bosom, recited the mantra silently, and connected.

"Scorching sun! What's the situation over there?"

After a while, the scorching sun's voice came from the other side of the communication symbol.

"There is a small incident on my side, but don't worry, there is no danger. I will rush back in about half an hour. You wait for me at home. This time things are a bit troublesome."

The locator that Zhang Yang left for Jiaoyang allows him to teleport directly to his current location.

Zhang Yang was full of doubts, sitting quietly in the living room, eating fruit while waiting for the scorching sun to come back.

Half an hour later, there was a slight fluctuation in the quiet room.

A deep space crack appeared in front of Zhang Yang, and the pretty figure of the scorching sun appeared from the crack.

Immediately afterwards, more than a dozen figures appeared behind Jiao Yang, stepping out from the space gap behind him one by one.

Zhang Yang froze in place. Not only did he see Bai Ling, he also saw several familiar figures and several unfamiliar faces.

"What's going on here? Why are you here? And these seniors?"

Jiao Yang pursed the corners of his lips, sighed softly, and said to the people behind him: "You guys should tell him, I don't know your sects and names very well."

I saw the person Zhang Yang was most familiar with walking out slowly.

"Zhang Yang, where are the Emei people now?"

(End of this chapter)

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