Temple of Madness

Chapter 426 Unreliable

Chapter 426 Unreliable

Chapter 426 Unreliable
That night, Song Guangming couldn't sleep all night, tossing and turning.

When Zhang Yang and Jiao Yang came out of the bedroom, they saw Song Guangming looking at them resentfully with a huge black eye.

"You finally came out. It looks like you should have slept well, but I have suffered a lot from my old bones. A few words from you made me unable to sleep all night. I feel like I used to live in a Just like in a wolf's den."

Zhang Yang looked at Song Guangming dumbfounded, and said with a smile, "Sect Leader Song, don't worry too much. I just made a casual guess yesterday. Besides, after we finish breakfast, we will leave for Mount Wutai immediately. The truth will come out.”

As soon as Zhang Yang finished speaking, Song Guangming's stomach grumbled. He touched his head in embarrassment, and said with a smile: "Speaking of breakfast, I'm really hungry. Let's go, let's have breakfast first." , otherwise I didn't sleep all night, my body is too weak, I must eat something nutritious."

Zhang Yang immediately looked at Song Guangming with black eyes, strode towards the living room, glanced at the scorching sun depressedly, and said, "Look at him like this, isn't he a bit too jumpy? Doesn't he look like the head of Mount Wutai?"

Jiao Yang liked this little old man very much, maybe because he resembled an old naughty boy.

"I think he is very interesting, and don't look at him like a child, his strength is definitely not inferior to you and me."

Zhang Yang was taken aback for a moment. When masters reached a certain level, especially Mahayana and above, their strength would not be checked by others, and many even had ways to hide their own strength.

Unless one has reached the realm of transforming gods and has the skill of piercing eyes, one can see the strength of everyone at a glance, and even the secrets of their hearts.

Zhang Yang thought about it, and asked Jiaoyang curiously: "Honey, I'm very curious about your eyes now, you seem to be able to see things that only people in the realm of transforming gods can see."

"It's not as powerful as you think. In fact, I can see very little. I just rely on perception for many things. The Suzaku family is the strongest in perception and prophecy."

"What about the other races? Qinglong, Baihu, Xuanwu, do they have any talents?"

Jiao Yang smiled mysteriously, and said slowly: "I can feel that you will see that these are the four major races in the future, so you don't have to worry, and you will gradually know what talents and skills they have."

Zhang Yang pursed the corners of his lips, watching the scorching sun bouncing towards the living room, full of curiosity in his heart.

The Suzaku clan has the ability to see through prophecy, and the scorching sun can always tell him some secrets suddenly.

This kind of ability has already helped him a lot. If he can find the other three major races and form an alliance with them, even if there are any plots and schemes by the evil gods of the west, they will definitely be able to deal with them.

Thinking of this, a bold guess suddenly rose in Zhang Yang's heart. He wanted to find all the four great beasts that guarded the land of China.

Now he has a book of life and death, and all the luck of the human race is on him. No matter what happened in the land of Huaxia, the four great beasts will be expelled. With the book of life and death on him now, and the bond with Yuanshi Tianzun Contact can completely allow them to return to the land of China.

After thinking everything through, Zhang Yang's eyes sank, and he walked towards the living room firmly.

He didn't expect that not only Song Guangming, his parents, Yan Yang, but also Bai Ling who kept him locked in the room were sitting at the dining table.

"Oh, it seems that Miss Bailing is not angry anymore, and finally she is willing to come out of the house to eat and breathe?"

Bai Ling rolled his eyes in disgust, and said expressionlessly: "I don't have time to be angry with you. I am also a member of the human race. Seeing that you have been busy recently, I came out to help you."

"Well, it just so happens that people are in great need recently, and it's a good thing that you can come out and help us."

Bai Ling said in a cold voice with firm eyes: "I just heard that you are going to Mount Wutai, so I decided to go to Mount Wutai with you."

Zhang Yang was taken aback for a moment, and immediately shook his head and said, "No, Xinhua has a lot of things to do, you'd better stay here and help Yan Guixing and them, as long as Zhang Yang and I go to Mount Wutai."

Bai Ling sneered, and immediately said: "Why do you ask me to do whatever you want? I'm not your subordinate. I said I'm going to Wutai Mountain, and I will go to Wutai Mountain."

Zhang Yang looked at Bai Ling with his brows tightly furrowed, feeling that he was still angry with him, and shook his head helplessly.

Song Guangming looked at Bailing and Zhang Yang, and said, "Forget it, don't quarrel, I guess it only takes three days to go to Wutai Mountain to solve the problem there, so let's go together. Besides, she alone The little girl is dealing with so many troublesome things in Xinhua Kingdom, she can't handle it, and it probably won't be of much use."

Song Guangming was originally trying to persuade him, but as soon as he finished speaking, Bai Ling glared at him angrily.

"What are you talking about? Why can't I handle it?"

"Don't be angry. I'll just say it casually. Didn't I help Zhang Yang agree to take you to Mount Wutai? Why are you still angry with me?"

Bai Ling didn't know what was going on, it seemed that everyone was not pleasing to the eye, so Zhang Yang felt even more headache.

Jiao Yang didn't speak next to him, and kept his head buried in eating, as if he was aloof from the matter and had nothing to do with him.

Zhang Yang's parents looked at everyone's strange atmosphere, coughed lightly, and said to Bai Ling with a smile: "Miss Bai Ling, you seem to be in a bad mood today, did Zhang Yang bully you? Tell me, let me teach you a lesson." he."

Bai Ling looked at the scorching sun silently, and she couldn't explain why, when she saw the scorching sun, her temper would suddenly become furious, as if a fire had been ignited, which could not be extinguished no matter what.

"Auntie, it's nothing. I just think I should do something to prove that I'm not a useless person."

Li Hui took Bailing's hand with a smile and said, "Bailing, how could you be a useless person? It's all thanks to you and Ziyi that Zhang Yang can practice all the way. Besides, your strength Gao Qiang is also the unshakable mainstay in this pot."

"If that's the case, why don't you let me go to Mount Wutai together?"

Seeing that Bai Ling was still struggling with this problem, Zhang Yang helplessly ate the pancakes made by his mother, then waved his hands and said, "Okay, let's go together."

(End of this chapter)

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