Temple of Madness

Chapter 427 Team of 4

Chapter 427 The Team of Four
Chapter 427 Team of Four

In the end, Zhang Yang made a compromise and decided to take Bai Ling to Mount Wutai, but the only trouble was that Song Guangming didn't know the address of the secret place of Mount Wutai.

"Uncle Song, can you be more reliable? You don't even know the address of your sect, so how can we get there?"

Zhang Yang stood in the yard with black hair, looking at Song Guangming speechlessly.

Song Guangming scratched the back of his head in embarrassment, and said with a smile, "I'm old and my memory isn't very good. Wait a minute and let me think about it. I'll definitely figure out where the address is."

Song Guangming touched his sleeves for a long time, but found nothing. Finally, he just sat down on the spot, resting his chin in deep thought.

Zhang Yang looked at Song Guangming helplessly, and pulled the scorching sun to sit beside him. Bai Ling was even more angry when he saw it.

Zhang Yang sighed softly, and said, "Forget it, give me money, you should think about it here first, I'll go out and have a look, what's going on with those monster clan people outside the secret."

As Zhang Yang said, he got up directly, drew out a space tunnel, and strode in.

Scorching sun calmly looked at the sun above his head, slowly closed his eyes, and entered the state of cultivation.

Bai Ling watched the scorching sun enter the practice, and sat down cross-legged on the spot, not to be outdone, to practice.

As soon as Zhang Yang's toes outside the Xinhua National Secrets touched the ground, he immediately searched around with his mental strength to see if there were any creatures within a radius of 5 kilometers.

After a careful inspection, Zhang Yang found that there were no monsters within a radius of 5 kilometers. Just in case, he increased his mental strength and searched farther, until within a radius of a hundred miles.

After careful investigation, he found that there were no monsters or Buddhists within a hundred miles, so he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that this time, the place where he transferred the secret realm is very safe, and the people of the Buddha Kingdom should not be able to find their address for the time being.

Seeing the familiar surroundings around the four weeks, a flash of nostalgia flashed in Zhang Yang's eyes.

The direction he transferred the secret realm this time is the desert in the northwest. If there is a war, the surrounding area is desolate, and it is also the most suitable place.

After all, Zhang Yang still hopes that the human race can return to the land of China, so he is unwilling to destroy every plant and tree in the land of China.

But Zhang Yang also knew in his heart that this place was hidden, and sooner or later someone who had passed through the Buddha would find it.

Thinking of this, Zhang Yang immediately took out the communication symbol with Mingyi.

The communication talisman flashed twice, unwilling to hear the Mingyi from inside
voice: "Zhang Yang, how is your situation?"

"The situation on my side has stabilized for the time being. I have shifted the direction of the secret realm of Xinhua Kingdom. People from the Buddha Kingdom and the Yaozu can't find us for the time being. However, it is estimated that within a month at most, they will have a large army coming to the city."

"Okay, Pluto and I have also stabilized the situation in the other world, and I will go back in two days."

Zhang Yang thought for a while, and asked hesitantly: "Mingyi, I have always wanted to ask you a question."

"Just say it."

"Isn't it true that you people from another world can't be in the sun? But what if you come to help when the monster clan invades, and it happens to be daytime?"

Without the slightest hesitation, Ming Yi said mysteriously: "You don't have to worry about this, His Royal Highness Pluto has already made all the arrangements, as soon as you send out a distress signal, we will help you immediately."

"Okay, it seems that you have made complete preparations, so I am relieved."

"Well, okay, I still have things to deal with here, so I won't talk to you more. I will go to Xinhua Kingdom on time in two days to discuss this battle plan with you."

Zhang Yang thought for a while and immediately said to Mingyi: "I may not be in Xinhua in two days. I have to go out to do something in these two days. It may take three days. If you arrive first, go to Yan Guixing and the others." .”

"okay, I get it."

After the two cut off the communication, Zhang Yang turned around, escaped his body into the void, and returned to his small courtyard when he reappeared.

Zhang Yang looked at Song Guangming who was still sitting there, and asked Jiaoyang, "What's wrong with him? He hasn't figured out the address of Mount Wutai, right?"

Jiaoyang slowly opened his eyes, pursed the corners of his lips, and said helplessly: "He just tried a few places, but... when he went there, none of them were Mount Wutai. A public restroom."

Zhang Yang's hair suddenly turned black, and he had a new understanding of Song Guangming.

This product is simply less reliable than the old naughty boy!

"I said Senior Song, have you found the address of Mount Wutai after all? Did you say you were pressed for time yesterday?"

"Time is running out, so I'm not at home and looking for the address of Wutai Mountain in a hurry. You are waiting for me for a while, and I will find it soon."

Zhang Yang saw that Song Guangming was so unreliable, so he walked to the kitchen, took some apples out, and handed them to Jiaoyang, but when he handed them to Bailing, Bailing rolled his eyes in disgust and ignored them .

"Forget it, eat it or not, if you don't eat it, I will eat it myself."

Zhang Yang took a big bite of the apple, leaned against Jiaoyang, and looked at Song Guangming who was sitting in the yard thinking hard, feeling that he would not be able to reach Mount Wutai today.

Just when Zhang Yang was already feeling a little drowsy, Song Guangming finally let out an exclamation and shouted excitedly in the yard: "Yes! Yes! I finally found the address of Mount Wutai, please follow me quickly .”

As he said that, Song Guangming was in front of him, and with a wave of his hand, he tore a tunnel out of the void.

Zhang Yang looked at the tunnel in front of him suspiciously, and asked, "Are you sure this can lead to Mount Wutai? Isn't it some kind of weird place?"

"Don't worry, what I'm looking for this time is definitely Mount Wutai, because I've already thought of it."

Song Guangming walked directly into the tunnel. Zhang Yang and Jiaojiao looked at each other and followed closely behind, holding hands.

At the last moment when the space tunnel was closed, Bai Ling also stepped in.

It's a personal feeling. The air in the 4 weeks was a little turbulent, and I didn't feel like I was on my toes for a long time.

"Master Song, you're not sending me to some weird place again, are you?"

"No, no, this feels like a tunnel leading to Mount Wutai, don't worry."

Following Song Guangming's calm voice, the four of them walked through the dark cracks in the space. After a long time, they finally saw light in front of them.

Zhang Yang got used to the sunlight for a while, looked around, only to realize that they were already standing at the foot of a majestic mountain.

(End of this chapter)

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