Chapter 428
Chapter 428 Nobody

Song Guangming smiled, patted his chest, and said arrogantly: "Haha, yes, this is Mount Wutai. I miss this place so much."

Song Guangming took a deep breath of the fresh air for 4 weeks, and felt that his whole body was refreshed. He walked ahead excitedly and showed Zhang Yang and the others the way.

"Let me tell you, this big tree has a history of a hundred years. It was planted by our founding father himself. You can see it, and you should feel extremely honored."

"By the way, have you seen this stone platform? This is the place where our founder, the founder of the mountain, usually sat down to practice. It is said that sitting on this place can get twice the result with half the effort, and you can also feel the aura of heaven and earth."

Zhang Yang watched with twitching eyelids, and Song Guangming was like a tour guide introducing them to every plant and tree in Mount Wutai, feeling a little speechless.

"I said Master Song, can we be more reliable? Now is not the time to go sightseeing. Let's go up the mountain first and see what's going on with your disciples in Mount Wutai?"

Song Guangming slapped his forehead and remembered that there are more important things now, and immediately smiled and said: "Yes, I will almost forget about this matter if you don't tell me, let's go, I will take you directly up the mountain, the top of the mountain Above is the main hall of our Mount Wutai. It is estimated that at this time, everyone should be practicing on the mountain."

Song Guangming walked in front with a smile on his face, while Zhang Yang and Jiao Yang had serious expressions on their faces.

Jiao Yang whispered to Zhang Yang: "Have you noticed that it's so quiet here, it's so quiet that there's no one there."

Zhang Yang nodded with a heavy face, and said softly with his lips tightly closed: "I just searched around with my mental power, and there is no popularity here."

Scorching Sun nodded heavily, looked at Song Guangming's excited back curiously, and said, "Don't you think the strangest thing is that Master Song is so familiar with Mount Wutai, why didn't he notice that there is no popularity on Mount Wutai?"

"Yes, this is what I've always been curious about. Senior Song doesn't seem to have discovered anything."

Jiao Yang looked at Senior Song's back suspiciously, thought for a while, and said in a deep voice: "I think something is a bit strange, let's go on down."

Zhang Yang nodded and followed Song Guangming closely.

Bai Ling, who was walking at the back, was always looking thoughtfully at the backs of Jiao Yang and Zhang Yang.

Finally, after a few people came to the top of the mountain, they saw a huge plaque with the big characters of Wutai Mountain written on it.

Zhang Yang finally heaved a sigh of relief. Song Guangming stood in front of the plaque with a smile on his face, spread his hands, and said arrogantly: "See? This is our Wutai Mountain. I will show you what it means to be a famous family with a century-old foundation." Pai, it is completely incomparable with those Mount Emei."

Zhang Yang pursed his lips and looked at Song Guangming hesitantly, not wanting to interrupt his current excitement, so he just nodded with a smile.

At this time, Bai Ling retreated a little bit, and slowly disappeared from the sight of several people.

It's just that she was originally standing at the back, and few people noticed it. In addition, she didn't speak along the way, and she didn't have any sense of existence, so no one noticed when she disappeared.

"Senior Song, don't just show off to us, go and see first, what's going on with the disciples in Wudang Mountain, I've always been a little worried."

Song Guangming nodded and led the way with a smile.

Of course, when we came to the main hall on the main peak, it was truly majestic. As soon as he entered, Zhang Yang felt four weeks of strong aura filling his whole body, and this feeling was very comfortable.

"Sure enough, it is a well-known sect with a century-old foundation. The aura here is too abundant, as if several magic circles have been arranged."

"Of course, our Wutai Mountain has been able to stand for so many years because our ancestor buried a spirit stone brought back from the fairy world in the ground. It can continuously create spiritual energy, and it also allows us to have a long-lasting life in Wutai Mountain. In a treasure land full of aura."

Song Guangming arrogantly flaunted that Mount Wutai was rich in aura, but suddenly his face became serious and he let out a voice of doubt.

"Huh? No, why is there no one here?"

Zhang Yang and Zhang Yang looked at each other, and seeing that Song Guangming didn't look like a fake, he was sure that he really couldn't feel that he had lost popularity in the past 4 weeks.

Zhang Yang walked up to Song Guangming curiously, and asked him, "Master Song, didn't you realize that the entire Wutai Mountain is not popular from the very beginning?"

Song Guangming was taken aback for a moment, and looked at Zhang Yang in surprise.

"...This...I really haven't noticed this before."

Zhang Yang and Jiao Yang looked at each other speechlessly, and they finally realized that it wasn't that Song Guangming didn't notice it at first, but that he didn't perceive the situation of these four weeks at all.

If he hadn't seen that his strength had already reached the realm of copper skin, Zhang Yang really wasn't sure if he was the head of Mount Wutai?

"...Master Song, I suddenly feel that you Wudang Mountain, the method of electing the master really needs to be considered."

Song Guangming scratched the back of his head in embarrassment, and said with a smile: "It doesn't matter, don't care about these details."

Zhang Yang glanced at Song Guangming helplessly, and looked at Si Zhou with gloomy eyes.

"...I think we should stop chatting here and look around to see where those people from Wudang Mountain have gone."

The three nodded with gloomy faces and walked around. Jiao Yang looked curiously at the position where Bai Ling was standing just now, but there was no one there.

Jiao Yang pursed the corners of her lips, did not speak, but lightly tugged on Zhang Yang's sleeve to signal him.

Zhang Yang followed the gaze of the scorching sun curiously, only to find that Bai Ling had disappeared, his eyes sank, and he felt a little worried.

But soon Zhang Yang thought of something, and said to Jiaoyang with mental strength: "Let's all be careful, this Wutai Mountain is really strange. Especially this Song Guangming, I think he is so nervous, he is not suitable to be the head , so there must be something strange about it.”

Jiao Yang froze for a moment, looked at Song Guangming with frowning, quickly recovered his calm expression, and nodded slightly to Zhang Yang.

The three of them split up to find out what happened in Wutai Mountain, but Jiao Yang and Zhang Yang have always maintained a spiritual connection.

"Jiaoyang, this Song Guangming is really suspicious, you must be careful in everything."

(End of this chapter)

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