Temple of Madness

Chapter 436 Remodeling

Chapter 436 Remodeling
Chapter 436 Remodeling

Zhang Yang and Jiao Yang chatted in the room for a long time, Zhang Yang felt his whole body was a little stiff, he moved his arms and wanted to get out of bed, but Jiao Yang quickly stopped him.

"You can't move now, Pluto said, after you wake up, you have to lie on this jade platform for a few more days."

Zhang Yang was taken aback for a moment, and asked curiously, "Why?"

Jiao Yang looked at Zhang Yang silently for a while, pursed the corners of his lips and said, "Your previous body has been destroyed long ago, and the rest of your torso is useless. This is a new model created by Pluto with your heart. The body may still need some running-in time."

Zhang Yang was taken aback for a moment, only then did he realize that his body was indeed not as flexible as usual, and every time he moved, there would be the sound of creaking wood.

"What happened to my body? What material did Hades use to reshape my body?"

Jiao Yang shook his head, looked at Zhang Yang suspiciously, and said, "We don't know about this either. It was Mingyi who sent your remaining torso to another world, and did not send you back until two days ago."

Zhang Yang thought for a while and nodded lightly, feeling a strong sense of tiredness all over his body.

Jiao Yang glanced at Zhang Yang's drowsy eyes, and gently helped him onto the jade platform.

"You've just woken up, and your body will inevitably be a little overwhelmed. You should take a good rest first, and I will prepare your favorite meal for you when you wake up."

"it is good."

Zhang Yang slowly closed his eyes with heavy eyelids, and fell asleep drowsily as if his whole body had fallen onto cotton.

When his body gradually lost all consciousness, but his brain was very clear. He felt his body gradually floated up, as if he had left his body and was floating towards a mysterious place.

There seemed to be a magical power in that place, constantly attracting his body.

It was still dark, and Zhang Yang seemed to have adapted to the dim scene.

Just when Zhang Yang had gotten used to the current feeling of floating, an old voice suddenly came from the air, with a vaguely familiar aura.

"Zhang Yang, you're here."


"Well, I've been waiting for you here for a long time, it seems that you wake up faster than I thought."

As Pluto's voice fell, a suction force suddenly appeared in front of him, directly sucking Zhang Yang's body in one direction.

In an instant, Zhang Yang saw the body of the child Pluto and the face of Old Chen.

Pluto looked at Zhang Yang's misty figure with dim eyes, raised the corner of his mouth slightly and pointed to the seat in front of him, as if it had been prepared for him long ago.

"Thank you Hades for saving my life."

Zhang Yang slowly floated in front of Pluto, and clasped his hands together.

Pluto waved his hand and said: "I hate these red tapes the most. You don't have to be so polite here. This jade platform can warm your soul. Sitting on it will also have great benefits for you to integrate with your body."

Zhang Yang nodded, and slowly sat down on the jade platform, and suddenly felt that his illusory body had some real sense of existence.

"It still feels really magical."

Zhang Yang looked at his hands and feet curiously, and found that his body, which was clearly transparent just now, actually began to have a body after touching the jade platform, but he did not have the real sense of a free body.

Pluto chuckled, stepped on his five short legs, jumped off the chair suddenly and walked forward with his hands behind his back.

Seeing that Zhang Yang didn't keep up with him, Pluto turned his head and said to him, "What are you still doing in a daze? Could it be that you've been in a coma for too long and you've become a fool?"

Zhang Yang was taken aback for a moment, and immediately floated his body gently in the air, slowly following Pluto.

I saw Pluto leading him through the gates of palaces, and finally stopped at the gate of a dark hall.

Zhang Yang looked at the gate curiously, and found that it was full of cumbersome writing, which seemed to be ancient and obscure, and he didn't know what was written on it.

However, after seeing Pluto make a cumbersome seal with both hands, and then slowly land on the gate, the words on the gate suddenly changed direction, even dismantled, and reorganized new words.

I saw that the densely packed characters on the gate changed into three big characters, Rebirth Gate.

Zhang Yang looked at the gate in surprise, and seemed to think of something, and asked Pluto, "Did I reshape my body in this gate?"

Pluto nodded lightly, and looked at the door with his brows furrowed, as if there was something inside the door that he was afraid of.

"Come in with me, I have something important to tell you."

Pluto gently pushed the door open, and the seemingly heavy door creaked loudly in his hands, and slowly opened.

A burst of chill hit his face, making Zhang Yang feel that even though he was just a body now, the cold really made him feel it clearly, as if it could touch the depths of a person's soul.

Zhang Yang followed closely behind Pluto, and it was still dark for four weeks, but he was surprised to find that this darkness seemed to be useless to him, because he could see the outlines of all objects in the darkness.

Could it be because he is now a soul incorporeal body?

As Pluto went deeper, he just realized that there was a bottomless tunnel behind the gate, as if it had no end, and they just walked forward aimlessly.

Finally he saw a little bit of starlight, that kind of faint blue flame, flickering on and off not far ahead.

Zhang Yang looked curiously, and he saw the looming blue light, like some tiny dots like fireflies, tightly wrapped around a big tree.

"This, what is this?"

Zhang Yang was so shocked that he didn't know what to say. He widened his eyes in surprise, looking at the big tree in front of him, a sense of shock and impact deep in his heart spontaneously emerged.

This big tree is very huge, just a branch is thicker than his waist.

And the dense leaves above cover the whole big tree, and it is impossible to see where the trunk is.

Pluto looked at the big tree with his lips tightly closed and sighed softly, clasped his hands together, and muttered something silently.

Suddenly, his legs plopped and he knelt on the ground, and he pressed his forehead to the cold ground very religiously.

Seeing Pluto's strange behavior, Zhang Yang was even more curious, and imitated his movements involuntarily, knelt down with his legs, put his hands on the ground devoutly, pressed his head firmly on the ground, and kowtowed three times.

Vaguely, he seemed to hear a voice from deep in the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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