Temple of Madness

Chapter 437 The Book of Life

Chapter 437 The Book of Life

Chapter 437 The Book of Life
I don't know how long it took, Pluto didn't get up from the ground for a long time, and Zhang Yang didn't dare to make any movement. He just stuck to the ground devoutly, listening to the sound from deep in the ground.


The voice was like a person speaking, but his lisp was always slurred. Zhang Yang listened very carefully, but he still couldn't figure out what he was talking about.

Only one word can be vaguely heard, water.

Even though he couldn't hear anything clearly, for some reason, his body seemed to melt into the ground, clinging tightly, forgetting the time and all the perceptions around him.


This word was repeated all the time, but at this moment Zhang Yang didn't feel bored, instead he felt a shock in his heart, even sadness.

For some reason, he felt that the voice was extremely desolate, and he couldn't help but feel a kind of sadness in his heart, and tears slowly filled his eyes.

Just like that, a line of clear tears slowly flowed from Zhang Yang's eyes, rolling down from his cheeks and merging with the ground.

In fact, at this time, like Zhang Yang, Pluto, who pressed his face to the ground, was also crying non-stop, but his tears were different from Zhang Yang's.

Pluto's tears are a faint blue color, and when they fall to the ground, they emit a faint smoke, just like the vapor cloud emitted by water when it encounters a scorching hot road.

But Zhang Yang's tears are different. He is now a soul body, and the tears shed have a physical feeling. Although they are colorless, they are indeed like ice crystals, emitting a faint blue halo.

The moment Zhang Yang's tears touched the ground, the ice-like tears turned into a puddle of water, which was inhaled madly by the dry land.

There was silence all around, only two small and humble people did not lie on the ground.

That desolate feeling became more wanton, making Zhang Yang's tears fall drop by drop, and finally the voice changed, and it seemed to be a little joyful.

"So sweet."

Zhang Yang put his head firmly on the ground in doubt, and was taken aback when he heard the voice change.

At this moment, Pluto, who had been lying beside him, slowly got up, looked at the big tree in front of him with excitement in his eyes, and said in a trembling voice: "You...you are indeed the only one who can save this world."

Zhang Yang sucked his nose, his eyes were reddish, he slowly raised his head, and looked at Pluto in bewilderment.

"Pluto, what do you mean? What is that big tree? Why did I hear him talking just now, and I felt so sad in my heart, as if he was a relative of mine, trapped here."

Pluto took a deep breath, as if organizing how he should tell Zhang Yang.

But in the end he still didn't say a word, slowly got up from the ground, patted the dust off his body, and walked straight forward.

Zhang Yang immediately followed, he was full of doubts about this big tree, the closer he got, the more he felt the strong sense of familiarity and familiarity shocked his soul, as if he wanted to be with this big tree right now Merge into one.

Zhang Yang strongly controlled his feeling of wanting to fly forward, followed closely behind Pluto, saw him go around in a circle, and walked behind the big tree, and was instantly stunned by the scene in front of him. In situ.

I saw that the big tree in front of him was no longer luxuriant, but more than half of it was missing. In other words, when he saw it from the front, it was a big tree in the sky, but when he saw it from the back, the big tree was indeed on the verge of Life and death are incomplete.

Zhang Yang took two steps forward in doubt, Wanwan raised his hand, and gently stroked the trunk of the big tree. Looking at the part that was clearly destroyed by the war, his heart felt infinitely sad.

Crystal tears flowed from Zhang Yang's eyes again, rolling down his cheeks, hitting the ground, splashing crystal clear fragments in an instant, and then merging with the dry earth.

Zhang Yang felt that the moment the earth merged with his tears, the tree trunk in his hand trembled involuntarily, as if he had his own life.

The vicissitudes of Pluto's voice sounded slowly: "This is the tree of life, which used to support the aura of heaven and earth. But thousands of years ago, the Western evil gods and the protoss launched a war. Their original purpose was to compete for the tree of life. And the tree of life has been growing on the land of China since it was conceived, so this is why they are so obsessed with the land of China? Even though they have been driven away by the gods, they still want to return to this land and take away the land of China. Not even thinking about the consequences."

Zhang Yang was taken aback for a moment, looked at Pluto suspiciously, thought silently, pursed his lips and said, "What do they want this for? There is no aura left on this tree, and half of it has been destroyed, yes It should be of no use to them."

Pluto chuckled, walked to the side of the big tree with dim eyes, and gently stroked the trunk with both hands.

"The missing part here is your body. I used the tree of life to reshape your body, and only the tree of life can give people the chance to bring the dead back to life. And what other people see is that you reshape the body but It only took half a month, but in reality you spent 300 years."

Zhang Yang was shocked for a moment, his eyes widened in surprise, and he looked at Pluto in disbelief.

"How, how is this possible?"

Pluto sighed softly, his eyes full of vicissitudes.

I saw him sitting cross-legged slowly tiredly, leaning his body against the tree trunk, closing his eyes, and said in a low voice: "The reason why this tree of life exists is because it is the only living body at the beginning of the chaos in this world. She also gave birth to Nuwa Fuxi. It can be said that the ancestor of all human beings is this tree of life. As long as it still exists, human beings and gods will never perish."

In Pluto's hoarse voice, Zhang Yang finally understood the importance of the tree of life and the dusty history.

For the human race in China, Nuwa and Fuxi are the ancestors in their hearts.

In the eyes of the protoss, Nuwa and Fuxi are their gods of creation.

As for the composition of the Protoss, part of them are the disciples who practiced alongside Nuwa and Fuxi when the world was first opened, and the other part is the gifted practitioners selected by these disciples from the human race.

With the continuous improvement of the strength of these practitioners and the accumulation of their merits, they were finally selected as the gods in the list of gods and became a part of guarding the land of China.

The so-called protection of the land of China actually actually protects the tree of life.

(End of this chapter)

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