Temple of Madness

Chapter 441 Do not put out fire

Chapter 441 Do not put out fire

Chapter 441
Pluto sighed softly, and suddenly grabbed it casually from the air, a pack of cigarettes suddenly appeared in the palm of his hand, and it turned out to be Ruan Zhonghua, Zhang Yang couldn't help but his eyelids twitched.

Pluto clicked the lighter in his hand, took a puff of the cigarette vigorously, and after exhaling a long smoke ring, he said slowly in a hoarse voice: "You are now a soul body, and you will have the strongest perception of all creatures. , you listen quietly to see if there are other voices in this trunk."

Zhang Yang frowned, looked at the broken and damaged tree in front of him, and said softly: "I don't need to perceive, I have already heard the sound from this tree, and he kept chanting one word, that is water. Did we moisten the land with water, let the tree of life absorb the water, and maybe it can be repaired?"

Pluto didn't speak, but bit a cigarette, put his palms together, and instantly transformed into a water ball.

I saw that as he raised and lowered his hands, the water polo in his hand fell to the ground in an instant. After touching the ground, the water scattered away and turned into a small river in an instant.

Seeing the water flow getting bigger and bigger, Zhang Yang thought, this should be able to nourish the dry tree of life.

But who knew that at this moment, the branches of the Tree of Life suddenly shook, making a rustling sound of leaves, a dry leaf fell from the top of the head, and instantly ignited a faint blue flame after touching the ground .

Zhang Yang was taken aback for a moment, looked at the blue flame in surprise, and whispered: "The fire of the netherworld!"

Pluto nodded while smoking a cigarette.

"Yes, this is the Netherfire."

"How is this possible? After hundreds of years have passed, how can this flame still survive?"

Pluto twitched the corners of his lips and looked at the ground silently.

Zhang Yang followed Pluto's line of sight suspiciously, and immediately froze in place.

I saw that the river that was still formed on the ground just now turned into a cloud of water vapor after the leaves with ghostly fire fell.

In a blink of an eye, all the rivers on the ground were burnt and vaporized by those ghostly fires, forming a cloud of misty water vapor for four weeks.

Zhang Yang looked at everything that happened in front of him with his brows tightly furrowed, and the weak voice was still ringing in his ears: "Water."

"Pluto, what's going on here?"

"This is what I found. Although these ghost fires are not burning, once water appears, they will immediately ignite and vaporize all the water, making it impossible for the tree of life to absorb it. And the ghost flames have not disappeared. The reason is that the space here was delayed by my forbidden technique, in order to delay the time for the tree of life. Otherwise, based on the normal time calculation, the tree of life is likely to dry up completely within 100 years. Death. That's why, in their eyes, you only recovered your body after being in a coma for 15 days, but I tell you that it took you 300 years to reshape your new body."

Zhang Yang looked at the Tree of Life with his brows furrowed, squatted down, and glanced at the leaves that hadn't been burned by anyone yet. There was a faint blue ghostly fire on them, and he gently stretched out his hand to touch it.

But before he touched it, he felt a throbbing pain in his brain, and immediately retracted his hand.

"This ghost fire can not only burn everything, but also teach people's souls. It's better not to touch it."

Zhang Yang looked at Pluto in bewilderment, and said, "This is the tree of life. The protoss should arrange some people to guard it here, but why is there no one guarding it?"

Pluto shook his head slightly, and said in a deep voice: "I haven't returned to the Protoss for a long time, and I don't know what happened on it. I had a contact spell with my brother before, but I just created it. In another world, that spell suddenly ignited by itself. So the only way for me to get in touch with the Protoss had to be completely cut off, and because I wanted to leave the Protoss completely back then, I didn’t leave a way out for myself , All the tokens of the Huishen tribe were destroyed by me. The channel of the God Realm has been changing constantly over the years, and I have no idea where it is at all."

Zhang Yang pursed his lips and thought about it, and said: "I saw a phantom of Yuanshi Tianzun in Penglai Wonderland before. He said that time was too late, and something major happened to the Protoss. He said that I should improve my practice as soon as possible, After dealing with the affairs of the human world, go to the God Realm to help."

Pluto's always calm eyes finally loosened a little. He looked at Zhang Yang in surprise, his brows were furrowed, and a dignified aura exuded from his whole body.

After a while, Pluto said slowly, "Sure enough, it's about the same as I guessed. Something big happened to the Protoss."

Zhang Yang looked at Pluto and asked, "Then what should we do now? How can we restore this tree of life?"

"...Before, I didn't know how to restore the tree of life. Over the years, I have been constantly looking for ways, and even poured most of my cultivation base into the tree of life, only to fill it up to less than one-tenth of it. It is precisely because I injected most of my cultivation into the Tree of Life that I had to go to Changbai Mountain to fall into a deep sleep and restore my dry aura. But..."

Pluto looked at Zhang Yang with bright eyes, like a fox staring at his prey, making Zhang Yang shiver involuntarily.

"Pluto...you won't say that you found that way and it's me?"

Pluto nodded, walked to Zhang Yang's side with a smile, slowly raised his hand, and tapped his fingertips between his eyebrows.

Zhang Yang felt a strange force rushing towards his body, colliding with his whole body continuously, and finally stopped at the position of his primordial spirit.

And at this time, looking inside Zhang Yang's body with the mind's eye was also startled. I saw that the red and blue Yuan Dan turned into black and white, and now it looks like a gossip diagram, and it is still rotating .

"This is my Yuan Dan?!"

Zhang Yang couldn't help but exclaimed, and the strange breath in his body was also pulled out of his body immediately.

Pluto put his finger between his brows down slowly, and said with a smile: "Sure enough, you are the one chosen by Nuwa, you can have so many secrets in your body, life and death book, gossip yuan pill, Qinglong soul, and you even got it." Approved by the Conferred God List. It seems that only you can save the tree of life."

Zhang Yang looked at Pluto in confusion, and asked, "What does this have to do with the Tree of Life? I don't know what to do to restore the Tree of Life?"

(End of this chapter)

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