Temple of Madness

Chapter 442 Faith

Chapter 442 Faith
Chapter 442 Faith

Pluto patted Zhang Yang's shoulder with a smile, and said in a deep voice: "Don't be so nervous, it is very simple for you to restore the tree of life, as long as you continuously absorb everyone's belief in you, you will The power of faith turns into water vapor, nourishing the tree of life."

Zhang Yang was slightly taken aback, thinking about the tears he shed from his soul body just now, it seemed that when he fell on the ground, he did not trigger the Nether Fire, but was absorbed by the ground instead, and he even heard that voice saying it was so sweet.

Could it be that his tears contained the power of faith?
Pluto seemed to see Zhang Yang's doubts, and answered: "You have the book of life and death on your body, which can not only control the fate of the human race, but also absorb the power of faith for four weeks. As long as everyone is full of faith in you, you can continue Get the power of faith from them. And this power of faith has already been integrated into your body under the operation of the book of life and death, and has become a part of your body, so your aura and tears contain the power of faith. "

Zhang Yang thought for a while, nodded heavily, and said, "I know what to do. Does that mean I can repair it by injecting all the power of faith in my body into this tree of life?"

Pluto waved his hands, signaling Zhang Yang not to worry, put his palms together, chanted an obscure incantation, and then pressed hard on the ground, and instantly a door appeared on the ground.

After Pluto finished everything, he conjured a key in his hand and handed it to Zhang Yang.

"You take this key. In the future, as long as the power of faith in your body is full, you can come here at any time to inject new energy into the tree of life. And I will completely destroy the door leading to here. Only you can come in and out freely, this is also a secret between you and me, you must not tell anyone, including your wife Jiaoyang."

Zhang Yang held the key and touched its cold metal shell, but it felt very heavy, and the burden on his shoulders became heavier.

Now he not only holds the fate of the human race, but also holds the tree of life, the lifeblood of China!
Such a sense of heaviness made him feel very small.

But after thinking about it, Zhang Yang couldn't help asking: "But to restore the tree of life, shouldn't we first completely wipe out the ghost fire on it?"

Pluto nodded, but he was not ready to make a move. Instead, he calmly folded his arms and looked at Zhang Yang with a smile on his face.

"If you want to eliminate the Netherfire, I can't help you, you can only do it yourself."

"Me? What should I do?"

"The Yuan Dan in your body has turned into a Bagua diagram. One black and one white Bagua diagram represent the day and night in the world. The day indicates the restart of life, and the night represents devouring. I don't need to say how to do the rest. .”

Zhang Yang was taken aback for a moment, thought for a while, and immediately understood what Pluto meant.

He walked up to the tree of life without hesitation, put his hands on the tree trunk, and mobilized the Bagua Yuandan in his body.

In an instant, a white light appeared in his left hand, while a black mist appeared in his right hand. The two kinds of air flow slowly spread from his palm, hit the tree trunk, and then gradually became larger.

In the quiet surroundings, a gust of wind suddenly rose up, blowing the leaves to rustle again.

I saw that with Zhang Yang as the center, a circle began to form, and it expanded a little bit. The power of white and black spontaneously moved closer to the two sides, and then formed a huge gossip diagram during the operation.

And the Bagua map continued to extend, and finally expanded to the same size as the tree of life to wrap the entire tree of life in it.

The dry and burnt leaves on the tree of life ignited the fire of the nether world the moment they touched the Bagua diagram, but they were soon absorbed by the black power, gradually faded away, and finally disappeared.

Pluto nodded in satisfaction, and took a leisurely look at Zhang Yang's back. His eyes were full of excitement, as if looking at another person through Zhang Yang's back.

He was full of nostalgia, and sighed softly: "Master Nuwa... I believe you are still living in this world, as long as the tree of life can be repaired, you can be reborn again."

Zhang Yang was concentrating on running Yuan Dan in his body, but he didn't hear what Pluto said.

Gradually, all the dead leaves were absorbed by Zhang Yang's gossip diagram, and then he slowly put away his hands, breathing out a foul breath.

Zhang Yang raised his head and looked at the tree of life without dead leaves. His eyes were filled with anticipation. He really wanted to see the tree of life full of vitality.

Thinking of this, Zhang Yang condensed all the true qi in his body again, and continuously sent it to the tree of life.

His true energy contained the power of faith, and the tree of life began to absorb it crazily in an instant.

I saw that the yellowing leaves started to turn green little by little.

Pluto was overjoyed immediately, his hands trembling with excitement.

Zhang Yang felt that all of his true energy had been conveyed, only a little bit remained, and he slowly let go of his hand when there was not much true energy left.

Looking at the tree of life that already had some vitality in front of him, Zhang Yang raised a smile at the corner of his mouth.

"Pluto, I believe that the tree of life will be restored by me soon."

"Well. Restoring the tree of life is a long process, so you must be in a hurry. What you have to do now is to completely drive out the remaining part of Satan's forces from the land of China, and then advance as soon as possible to ascend to the God Realm to help Yuanshi Tianzun .”

Zhang Yang nodded heavily, feeling that his aura was lacking, his body was very tired, and his eyelids gradually felt a little heavy.

He opened his mouth and was about to speak when his body suddenly softened and he fell backwards.

Just when his body was about to touch the ground, Hades waved his hand casually, and a force of void dragged Zhang Yang's body.

"You kid is really generous, you didn't even keep a little bit of true energy for yourself."

Pluto let out a soft sigh, then waved Zhang Yang's body, and saw his body fly in front of him in an instant, and disappeared in a circle of light that suddenly appeared.

Zhang Yang fell into a deep sleep again, and the immature voice sounded in his ears again: "Dad, is someone bullying you? Why do I feel that your body is so weak that you can't even provide me with delicious spiritual energy."

Zhang Yang felt that his brain was heavy, and he wanted to open his eyes but he had no strength, so he could only say softly: "Dad has no aura now, can I feed you after I absorb enough aura?"

(End of this chapter)

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