Temple of Madness

Chapter 450 Hatred

Chapter 450 Hatred
Chapter 450 Hate

Pluto locked the corners of his lips, remained silent for a while, and finally waved to Mingyi.

"You can't tell him that this matter must be hidden from him. No matter what decision Zhang Yang will make in the end, whether it is to protect the human race or give up the human race, this is something he has to go through. Only when he has figured it out can he It can truly reshape the golden body...and...I sense that Suzaku's breath has not completely disappeared."

A flash of surprise flashed across Mingyi's eyes, and he asked quickly, "Is the scorching sun still alive?"

Pluto shook her head heavily, and quickly counted with her frowning hands, but in the end she still sighed softly.

"I deduce that the life energy of the scorching sun has not disappeared, and it is still running, which means that she is not dead. But I am in this world, looking for her breath, but I can't sense the scorching sun."

"why is that?"

"This is also the first time I have encountered this kind of scene. There are only two possibilities. One is that the sun is really dead, and her soul has not dissipated, but it is only a matter of time. Another possibility is that someone imprisoned her Get up, and cover up her aura with formations."

"What kind of possibility would that be?"

"I can't figure it out."

A sigh resounded in the yard, Mingyi and Hades looked at each other, but in the end they could only lower their heads helplessly.


After Zhang Yang left from One World, he returned to Xinhua Kingdom.

He was walking on the streets piled up with rubble, and the battle between the fallen angels and the human race reappeared in front of his eyes.

He seemed to have seen the scorching sun flapping its red wings, flying into the air to confront Satan, and finally the scorching sun lost to Satan, fell weakly from the sky, and then turned into a flaming meteor, disappearing between the sky and the earth.

Zhang Yang staggered as he walked, his whole body was like a walking dead, his eyes staring blankly at the front.

Yan Guixing, who was cleaning up the mess, rushed up immediately when he saw Zhang Yang's figure, and asked in a trembling voice, "How is it? Did you find the scorching sun?"

Zhang Yang looked at Yan Guixing with reddish eye circles, as if he didn't know this old friend in front of him for many years.

"Zhang...Zhang Yang...Could it be...Could it be the scorching sun..."

Yan Guixing's voice was a little suffocated, and he had already guessed the ending from Zhang Yang's seemingly soulless appearance before he finished speaking.

Standing aside, Xiao Hai burst into tears in an instant.

Everyone was also shrouded in this sad atmosphere, and began to cry slowly, not daring to speak out in fear, which disturbed Zhang Yang.

Zhang Yang slowly raised his foot and walked forward again. Everyone hurriedly followed behind, seeing that Zhang Yang had returned to his yard, and then closed the door tightly.

Several elders stood hesitantly at the door, at a loss, and asked Yan Guixing, "Zhang Yang... what should we do with Zhang Yang's appearance? If those fallen angels attack again, we will be leaderless."

Yan Guixing looked at those elders with dissatisfaction, and said with a frown: "When is it? You are thinking about your own safety!"

Several elders looked at each other, glanced at Yan Guixing hesitantly, and finally said with a sigh: "But the current situation is like this, the scorching sun has sacrificed, we must always prepare for the future! Even Suzaku Even such a beast can't resist that strange man, how can we ordinary mortals be able to match it? All we can rely on now is Zhang Yang, but he has become so sluggish now, if the fallen angels attack again, There is only one dead end waiting for us."

Just as the elder finished speaking, the yard door suddenly creaked and was opened from the inside, revealing Zhang Yang's gloomy face.

Zhang Yang's whole body exuded a chill, his icy eyes swept around, and everyone couldn't help shivering.

"Zhang... Zhang Yang... I didn't mean what I said just now, I was just worried..."

"You needn't say it, I really don't have the ability to defeat Satan. So..."

Before Zhang Yang finished speaking, everyone seemed to realize that what he said next would be an earth-shattering decision, so they quickly stopped him.

"Zhang Yang, stop talking, I know you are in a bad mood now, everything you say is nonsense."

Zhang Yang waved his hand and looked at everyone with vicissitudes of life.

His eyes were so sad, like a hundred-year-old old man who saw through all kinds of situations in the world, showing despair and sadness.

Xiao Hai tightly clenched his fists, and he also complained about Jiao Yang's death in his heart.

The scorching sun died to protect them, but these people didn't show any sorrow, they only thought about their own safety. Why should they protect such a selfish person?
"Master, no matter what you decide, I will support you."

After Zhang Yang came back, he only saw Xiao Hai and Yan Guixing crying for the death of Jiao Yang, and the rest were just putting on a show, and his heart was even colder.

"Xiao Hai, don't worry, I won't leave you alone. When Jiaoyang left, she was willing to give you the Penglai Wonderland, which means she trusts you, so I also trust you unconditionally."

As soon as he heard the word "Scorching Sun", Xiao Hai's eyes filled with tears again, he lowered his head and cried tremblingly, "Master, it's all my fault, it's all my incompetence. If I were stronger, my wife wouldn't I chose to sacrifice myself."

Zhang Yang shook his head lightly, put his hands on Xiao Hai's head, and said softly, "No, you've done a good job."

Yan Guixin looked at Zhang Yang with her brows tightly furrowed, a bad premonition loomed in her heart.

"Zhang Yang, what do you want to do? I know you are sad because of Jiaoyang's death, but you can't let it go at this time."

Zhang Yang looked at the crowd expressionlessly, and said in a deep voice, "Gather all the people of Xinhua to the square, I have something important to announce."

After Zhang Yang finished speaking, he walked in another direction with heavy steps. Xiao Hai was worried, and hurriedly followed, afraid that he would do something stupid.

An elder said with a worried face: "What's wrong with Zhang Yang? Why do I feel that he will announce bad news?"

Yan Guixing turned his head and glared at the elder with hatred, and said through gritted teeth: "I really regret how I let you, a selfish person, become an elder!"

Yan Guixing flicked his sleeves, and quickly ran towards Gu Chengfeng and the others.

Yan Guixing could tell from Zhang Yang's disappointed eyes that he had definitely made a very bad decision. Based on the relationship between Gu Chengfeng and Gu Danyi, he might be able to persuade him not to be impulsive.

Thinking of this, Yan Guixing couldn't help quickening his pace...

(End of this chapter)

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