Chapter 451
Chapter 451 give up

Zhang Yang returned to his parents' home, and told them the news of Jiaoyang's death with a solemn expression. In an instant, there was a burst of mournful crying in the room.

Li Hui said with a trembling voice: "How could the scorching sun die? Why did this silly girl choose to die together?"

"How can sister-in-law die? She is so beautiful, like a fairy, I don't believe it, brother, are you lying to me?"

Tears filled Zhang Yang's eyes once again driven by this sad breath, he clenched his fists tightly like a knife, and said in a hoarse voice: "...I just made a decision."

Everyone looked at Zhang Yang with solemn expressions, they knew him too well, and seeing his weird expression, everyone's heart sank, and they felt a faint premonition of uneasiness.

"Zhang Yang... what do you want to do?"

Zhang Heng looked at Zhang Yang with a serious face.The father and son looked at each other, and they understood each other's decision instantly.

"Dad...Mom... I know that my decision is a bit selfish, but at that moment just now, I have made this decision in my heart. I think you may not understand what I did, but I think I should do it. For the sake of the scorching sun, and also for the people close to me not to leave me.”

Everyone looked at Zhang Yang silently, and couldn't help but beat their hearts.

Zhang Yang took a deep breath, took out the red feather of the scorching sun from his pocket, and slowly placed it on the table.

"This is the only evidence that Jiaoyang lived in this world, and it can be regarded as her body. She has lived in Penglai Wonderland since she was a child, so I think it is one of her wishes to keep this feather in Penglai Wonderland."

"Well... just do what you say."

Li Hui looked at Zhang Yang's sad expression, put her hand on the back of his hand gently, and looked at her son unbearably.

Zhang Yang pursed the corners of his dry lips, took a deep breath, seemed to have made great determination, and then said slowly and heavily: "I have always felt that protecting the human race is my mission, or it is my only right now. And the scene of all races working together moved me very much, I thought this should be what a big family should look like, but the moment I just came back, I changed my mind."

"Zhang Yang, what exactly do you want to say? Did you see something when you came back? It made you unhappy, or did someone show disrespect to Jiao Yang?"

Xiao Hai looked at Zhang Yang who was hesitant to speak, and said angrily: "Master sacrificed herself to protect everyone, but after they learned of Master's death, they did not express their sorrow. Instead, they were afraid that Master would be devastated because of Master's death. Guard them."

The more Xiao Hai spoke, the angrier he became, and he was about to open his mouth to continue, but Zhang Yang waved his hand and stopped him.

"...This is just one of the reasons. But what really made me make this decision is because I saw my own insignificance. I felt that I was too self-righteous, and it was impossible for me to protect the human race. I even How can I protect so many people if I can’t even protect them? They put all their hopes on me, but they never thought about improving their own strength to protect themselves and the people they love around them.”

Zhang Heng looked at Zhang Yang with a frown, and asked in a trembling voice, "Zhang Yang! What do you want to do? Do you want to give up?"

Zhang Yang lowered his head decadently, and said in a deep voice: "Yes, I want to give up. I'm really tired. I don't want to continue to hold on to this aimless responsibility. Because those responsibilities are overwhelming. Blindly improving myself, but ignoring the people around me. Since I met Jiaoyang, the two of us have been running around non-stop for the affairs of the human race, but the moment I came back, I realized that what we did All efforts will actually only make them more dependent on us, or more selfish, which is not what I want to see. Do I have to make endless sacrifices for their safety? But who really Do you care about living my feelings, my life?"

The more Zhang Yang talked, the more excited he became, his eyes were red as he looked at everyone, the tip of his nose was sore again, and tears rolled down from his eyes.

He tightly held the red feather in his hand, as if he was holding the scorching sun, and wanting to feel the scorching sun was also agreeing with his own thoughts.

At this moment, a tired voice came from the door.

"Zhang Yang, are you going to give up all the human races?"

Zhang Yang turned around with his brows furrowed, and saw Gu Once standing at the door.

Although his strength has far exceeded that of Gu Once, but in his heart, he is always his master.

Facing his master, Zhang Yang's heart softened a little, and he couldn't be as cold as facing those elders.

Gu once and Gu Chengfeng looked at each other, they both sighed and shook their heads, walked in front of Zhang Yang without heaviness, put their hands heavily on his shoulder and patted him.

"Zhang Yang, we've all heard about the scorching sun, so let's mourn."

Hearing Jiaoyang's name, Zhang Yang's heart throbbed violently again. He took a deep breath, slowly raised his eyes, and looked gloomyly at Gu Chengfeng and Gu Once in front of him.

"Senior Gu, master, I know what you want to say, but I have made up my mind, so you should stop persuading me."

Once Gu once looked at Zhang Yang silently, seeing the firmness in his eyes, he could only sigh and shook his head.

"I know your heart is sad, and I also know that you may be disappointed after hearing the words of those elders. As a human race, you should understand that people have bad roots. I hope you can be more generous and take what they said Forget it all. They also said something without intention, which does not mean that they really sacrificed to the scorching sun..."

Once Gu was talking, he couldn't go on anymore. He understood the pain in Zhang Yang's heart. He had already heard what those elders said from Yan Guixing, and he felt ashamed to face the sacrifice of the scorching sun.

Zhang Yang smiled bitterly, waved his hands and said: "Master, Senior Gu, I have already made a decision. Before, I was always arrogant and arrogant thinking that I could protect the human race, but after I sacrificed myself in the scorching sun, I realized how good I am." Small, how arrogant. Now I understand that I can't be such a great person, I can't protect so many human races, all I can do is cherish the friends and relatives in front of me."

Gu Zeng's shoulders trembled, and he looked at Zhang Yang in surprise.

"Zhang Yang, what do you want to do? Could it be that you..."

(End of this chapter)

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