Temple of Madness

Chapter 452 Leave

Chapter 452 Leave
Chapter 452 Departure
Zhang Yang nodded heavily, and said: "Don't worry, I will change the track of this secret realm of Xinhua Kingdom, and then protect it with an immortal array. If you are willing to leave with me, I welcome you at any time."

Gu Once and Gu Chengfeng gasped and looked at Zhang Yang in surprise.

"Zhang Yang, what do you want to do?"

Zhang Yang looked at Gu Chengfeng wearily, and said in a hoarse voice: "I'm tired, I don't think I have the ability to protect the human race anymore, I don't want to make unnecessary sacrifices, and I don't want to watch my relatives and friends leave."

"Zhang Yang! You can't leave. If you leave, the human race will surely perish."

Zhang Yang got up slowly. At this moment, he is obviously a young man in his early 20s, but his vicissitudes of life give people a feeling that he is over fifty years old.

"...I beg you, don't put this heavy burden on my shoulders anymore. I'm just an ordinary person, and I want to live an ordinary life. If I didn't get the life and death book by accident that day, I could Practice, maybe I will live a very ordinary life now."

Gu Chengfeng hurriedly took a step forward, trying to persuade Zhang Yang, but was held back by Gu Once.

Gu once looked at Zhang Yang with dim eyes, and said in a hoarse voice: "Don't embarrass him anymore, he is just an ordinary young man, why should we put such a heavy burden on him alone? Zhang Yang has done enough since then, without him providing such a secret realm, the human race would not be able to live in such peace now. Let's let him go free and let him do what he wants to do."

Gu Chengfeng pursed the corners of his lips and wanted to speak, but was dragged away by Gu Once and left Zhang Yang's house.

The room fell into deathly silence, Li Hui looked at Zhang Yang hesitantly.

"Zhang Yang, have you really decided to leave here? Have you really decided not to care about the affairs of the human race?"

Zhang Yang lowered his head, tears rolled down his eyes, making such a decision, his heart hurts more than anyone else, but looking at the feathers in the scorching sun, he really couldn't calm down.

Zhang Heng looked at Zhang Yang, put his hand on Li Hui's shoulder and patted lightly, saying: "I support Zhang Yang's decision, no matter what he does, I will support it. Between everyone and our small family, Zhang Yang chose Xiaojia, I can also understand, after all, the death of Jiaoyang is right in front of our eyes. Go and pack your things, and I will talk to Zhang Yang."

Everyone glanced hesitantly at Zhang Heng, then at Zhang Yang, and finally left the room frowning, and went back to pack their luggage.

Zhang Heng pursed his lips and said softly, "Zhang Yang, have you really decided to do this?"

Zhang Yang nodded heavily, took a deep breath, and said, "Dad, I know you guys don't understand why I made this decision suddenly, but I really can't accept any relatives around me leaving. And I'm really not sure if I can protect the human race, if I can defeat Satan..."

Zhang Yang paused slightly, took a deep breath, and continued: "Even when I found the scorching sun, I started to hate the Guardian Race. Everyone is waiting for me to rescue them, but who will rescue me? They are When they heard the news of Jiaoyang's death, no one really wept for Jiaoyang, but worried about whether I can protect them if I'm depressed now?"

Zhang Heng looked at Zhang Yang with his head lowered in distress, his whole body trembling forbearance.

Zhang Heng held Zhang Yang tightly in his arms, patted him on the back vigorously, and said in a deep voice, "Don't think about it anymore, since you have already made up your mind, our whole family will support you."

Feeling the warmth that Zhang Heng passed on to him, Zhang Yang couldn't control it again, crying trembling all over his body, and finally turned into howling, as if he wanted to vent all the grievances in his heart and his longing for the scorching sun.

Night fell quietly, and the biting cold wind all around made everyone around the square shiver.

All the common people tightened their clothes, looked at Si Zhou with frowning eyes, and asked curiously: "Why did Zhang Yang ask us to gather here all of a sudden? Could it be that the Yaozu is coming again, and he wants to transfer us again?" To other, more secure secret realms?"

"I don't know either. I heard that the big red bird that flew into the sky that day was Suzaku, Zhang Yang's wife, Jiaoyang. But it seems that Jiaoyang sacrificed himself to distract the strange face from the sky."


"Well, it should be what their practitioners said, detonate the Yuan Dan and die together."

"Oh, so that's how it is. That scorching sun is so beautiful, it's such a pity that he died for nothing."

"It's not a pity, at least she helped us get rid of the leaders of those fallen angels, so we'll be safe."

"Well, yes! Even the leader of the fallen angels is gone, so we are safe. The rest of the demon race, fallen angels, can easily be slapped to death by Zhang Yang."

"You're right. I guess Zhang Yang gathered everyone here to tell us that we are safe now and can return to China Mainland!"

"I think so, it should be like this."

The common people chattered about the great war, but none of them felt sad for the death of Jiao Yang, on the contrary, they were a little happy that they were finally safe.

Zhang Yang was wearing an invisibility cloak, standing among the crowd, no one felt his presence, and everyone's words flowed into his ears verbatim.

Xiao Hai clung to Zhang Yang tightly, frowning as he watched his expression turn colder and colder, feeling angry and sad in his heart.

These stupid people, who don't know the voice they just talked about, cut off their only hope.

Originally Zhang Yang was planning to leave immediately, but Li Hui still couldn't bear it and asked him to observe again.

So Zhang Yang came up with such a method, wearing an invisibility cloak, standing among the crowd, and listening to how they viewed this incident.

At the beginning, he had a glimmer of hope, hoping that everyone would feel sad about Jiao Yang's death, but he didn't expect to hear such words.

The only fire in Zhang Yang's heart was extinguished by everyone's cold words. His whole body was as cold as falling into an ice cave, and he gently tore off the invisibility cloak on his body.

When Zhang Yang's face appeared, everyone looked in the middle in surprise, and spontaneously made way for him.

Everyone excitedly raised their hands and chanted Zhang Yang's name, as if celebrating the victory of this great battle.

"Zhang Yang! Zhang Yang! Our God!"

(End of this chapter)

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