Temple of Madness

Chapter 484 Chi You

Chapter 484 Chi You
Chapter 484 Chi You

Hearing Chi You's name, Zhang Yang was taken aback.

This name, as a person in the land of China, can be said to be known to everyone, and it is even no less infamous than the western evil god Satan.

If Nuwa and Fuxi are the gods of creation in the land of China, and they created peace in the three realms, then Chiyou is the devil in the three realms.

Because the former is made of mud, there are the current human race and various creatures.

The latter, on the other hand, is an existence that continues to create wars, killings, and destruction.

Of course, there is also a rumor that the current Yaozu and Mozu are descendants of Chi You.

However, these myths and stories have a long history, and Zhang Yang can't tell which is true and which is false. If you want to distinguish one from the other, you can only ask the Nuwa Empress at that time, but judging by her appearance, she doesn't seem to want to say anything more to him. Instead, I want to enlighten myself from this illusion.

There is also a legend. It is said that Chi You and Nvwa Fuxi fought a great battle on the land of China, and all the human and monster races gathered together. Those led by Chi You are more powerful than the Yaozu.

Somewhat similar to the current situation, the powerful demons became the last armored troops to fight, while the demons became cannon fodder, that is, stormtroopers.

The monster race took the lead in fighting the human race, and then when the human race was weak, the demon race talents appeared and carried out large-scale massacres.

As the supreme leader of the human race, the Protoss will naturally not allow the demons to succeed.

So all the immortal families in Jiuchongtian led the heavenly soldiers and generals to descend from the sky to protect the human race and resist the demon race.

But Nuwa and Fuxi went directly to Chiyou's headquarters and started a big battle with him. It is said that this battle lasted for three years without a winner.

The later story is naturally that the evil outweighs the good, and Chi You was beheaded by the joint efforts of Nuwa and Fuxi.

However, according to legend, Chi You is a very evil existence, the blood on his body is spilled on the ground, and not a blade of grass grows.

And even if its head is beheaded, the body can still move freely, which is what later generations call Xing Tian.

Zhang Yang was searching for all the myths and legends about Chi You in his mind, feeling full of doubts, and was about to open his mouth to ask Empress Nuwa when the Buddha in front spoke again and said: "When you cut off his head, he Her body was sealed here by me. I kept chanting scriptures every day, just to wash away the evil spirit on her body, but found that the evil spirit was endless and could not be eradicated at all. After my investigation, I found his three souls It was actually hidden in the land of China. So I went down to earth and took back his three souls. I wanted to burn it with the real fire of three flavors, but found that it could not be destroyed. So I could only seal it in the lotus, but You have also seen that his evil power is so powerful that it even blackens the lotus flower that is not stained by the mud."

Nuwa looked at the Buddha with frown tightly, and said in a deep voice: "So, you want to make it a human being, and then my husband and I will raise him up, so that he has new thinking and new memories, right? ?”

The Buddha nodded lightly, and said: "Chi You's power is too powerful. Even if there are only 3 souls left, his power is enough to destroy the world. So I think, since we can't eradicate him, let's let him go." He was born again."

Fuxi, who had been silent all this time, looked at Hei Lian in front of him with a solemn expression, and shook his head slightly.

"Chi Youdan was born by devouring evil thoughts. As long as there are evil thoughts, he will have inexhaustible power. Naturally, it is impossible for us to eradicate it, but your idea may be useful."

The Buddha raised the corner of his mouth slightly, and said with a smile: "It seems that you have already agreed. If this is the case, let Chi You become your child. Anyway, he only has three souls, and he has no memory of his previous life. I believe that with the two of you A person's kind thoughts will definitely influence him and make him a new man."

Nuwa and Fuxi looked at each other solemnly, and nodded slightly to the Buddha.

I saw the Buddha made a seal in his hand, and with a slight push, the black lotus slowly floated towards Nuwa's stomach, and instantly melted into her stomach.

Zhang Yang was taken aback for a moment, surprised, and looked back at Nuwa.


Nuwa stretched out her hand to Zhang Yang, waved it to signal him not to speak, then raised her hand casually, and the scene in front of her changed again.

At this moment, it is no longer a golden Buddhist holy land, but a deep forest with long grass.

Nu Wa sat on the swing and swayed gently with the wind. Her slightly protruding belly made Zhang Yang feel very wrong.

Could it be that Chiyou's three souls have been reborn in Nuwa's belly?

Nuwa, who was smiling, was enjoying the sunshine and breeze and the fragrance of the grass, when suddenly his face changed, his brows were furrowed, as if he was in pain.

"Fuxi! Our child is about to be born!"

As Nuwa's painful voice fell, a black figure rushed to her side, quickly picked her up, and rushed towards the wooden house next to her.

Zhang Yang knew that Nuwa was giving birth inside, so he stopped and stood outside the wooden house, waiting quietly.

After half an hour, a crisp baby crying sounded from the room, and Zhang Yang felt relieved immediately.

Maybe it's because Nuwa's face is exactly the same as that of Jiaoyang, so when he saw her give birth, Zhang Yang couldn't help but feel a little nervous, as if he was going to become a father.

After a while, I saw Fuxi holding a crying baby with a smile on his face, running out of the wooden house, laughing excitedly.

"Haha, I'm becoming a father!"

Zhang Yang couldn't help being infected by the joy of being a father for the first time, and a smile curled up at the corner of his mouth.

It's just that Fuxi's subsequent words made Zhang Yang's smile stiffen immediately.

"You are my first child, I hope you can be like sunshine in every inch of this land, from now on, I will call you Satan."

That sinister, weird-looking Satan turned out to be the first child of Fuxi and Nuwa!
Zhang Yang's whole body is not well, he feels like a serious illness, and his legs are a little weak.

He sat down on the ground, rubbed his temples depressedly, and asked Nuwa in disbelief, "This! How is this possible? How could Satan be the child of you and Lord Fuxi?"

Zhang Yang now has a feeling of being struck by lightning. According to the things Pluto told him before, and the things Yan Mo said, he knew that Satan was the guard beside Nuwa, but he didn't know that it would be her. son!

Moreover, he has another identity, that is, the reincarnation of Chi You's three souls!

(End of this chapter)

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