Temple of Madness

Chapter 485 Shocked

Chapter 485 Shocked
485 Shocked

Zhang Yang felt that his brain was about to explode, which was completely different from the legend!

Seeing Zhang Yang's shocked expression, Nuwa smiled and said, "I know it's hard for you to accept, so I let you see these illusions."

Zhang Yang took a deep breath, looked at Nuwa with his brows tightly locked, and asked thoughtfully: "You should tell me something more important, why do I have the same face as Master Fuxi?" , and the sun looks the same as you."

"Don't worry, keep looking back, everything you know is behind."

With a wave of Nuwa's hand, the scene changed again, this time in the palace where the immortals gathered at first.

Nuwa and Fuxi's eyebrows became more and more calm. They sat on the throne directly in front of the palace, quietly listening to the fairy family's report on what happened in the mortal world.

And at this moment, a man with ten white wings walked in from outside the hall.

The man had black eyes and black hair, a handsome face, always smiling, and looked very easy-going.

As he entered, all the fairy families spontaneously opened a passage for him, allowing him to walk directly in front of Nuwa and Fuxi.

The man knelt down on one knee and said respectfully: "Of course, I have put down the rebellious demon clan in the south, and now there is peace."

Fuxi and Nuwa smiled and nodded.

"Satan, you did a good job, what reward do you want this time?"

Satan thought for a while, then said in a deep voice, "I hope you can give me a period of rest so that I can be by my mother's side."

Fuxi's expression was a little weird, but seeing so many immortals looking at him, he could only nod in agreement.

A gust of wind blows, and the picture changes again.

At this moment, Zhang Yang was standing in front of the wooden house that Nuwa gave birth to, and there was a burst of pleasant laughter from the house.

"Haha, this thing is really interesting. Do all mortals play with this puppet?"

"Well, the people in the room not only have a lot of toys, they also have a lot of picture books, on which various characters are drawn with pens, and the stories are outlined one by one. It is very beautiful. If you like it, I will go there next time. Mortal will bring you a few copies."

"Okay, okay, I really envy the mortals, their lives seem to be much more interesting than our protoss."

"Yes, although his life span is short, their happiness is more direct than ours in heaven."

Zhang Yang listened to the conversation between Nuwa and Satan in the room, and lay on the window curiously, feeling like a thief.

Seeing the two sitting at the table playing with puppets and bamboo dragonflies, they looked like a pair of men in love, and the atmosphere seemed a bit ominous.

Especially at this moment, Satan's eyes were full of tenderness, and he looked at Nuwa affectionately.

This kind of expression can't be more clear as the publicity of someone who has been through it. Only when you love another person deeply will you show this kind of expression, which is different from the casual between mother and child.

Zhang Yang suddenly held back his surprise in his heart and said: Damn it!Could it be that Satan fell in love with Nuwa?After all, Nuwa is his own mother!

Zhang Yang, who is a melon-eating crowd, looked at the scene in front of him in shock, and the wooden door was kicked away from the outside with a bang, and Fuxi looked at Nuwa and Satan with a gloomy expression.

Nuwa looked at Fuxi with a puzzled look, exactly the same as when Zhang Yang asked Jiao Yang if he loved him or not!

No matter what the relationship between Nuwa and Scorching Yang is now, in short, their insensitivity to feelings is definitely hereditary!

Zhang Yang suddenly felt a little sympathetic to Fuxi who was exactly like him in front of him.

Hey, it's really painful for the same degenerate people in the world to have a wife who is insensitive to emotions!

Fuxi glared at Satan angrily, walked to Nuwa's side with a gloomy face, and sat down.

"...What were you two talking about just now? I heard your laughter outside."

Satan glanced at Fuxi calmly. It was not his son's adoration or respect for Lao Tzu at all, but a sense of provocation between rivals in love.

Such publicity has a bad feeling.

"I didn't say anything, didn't you go to the mortal world today to teach those people of the human race to plant? Why did you come back suddenly?"

"Hehe, Satan, you are my son, I miss you mother and son, come back to see you, aren't you happy?"

Nuwa looked at Fuxi and Satan in confusion, and asked suspiciously, "What's wrong with you two? Did something unpleasant happen and you didn't tell me? What should you say, both of you It's father and son, talk it out if you have something to say, and spread out if there is any misunderstanding, don't bother each other's hearts, this is not good for the relationship between you father and son."

Zhang Yang looked at Nuwa with twitching corners of his mouth, and then at the deity beside him, suddenly feeling sad.

If my scorching sun recovers, will he also face the same situation as Fuxi?

no!He absolutely does not want a son!If there is a boy in the baby, he will strangle him to death immediately!

Absolutely can't be the second Fuxi with grass growing on his head!

When Zhang Yang was falling into his own fantasy, the three of Fuxi, Nuwa and Satan seemed to be chatting about something, and finally broke up, and Fuxi slammed the door angrily.

The screen changed again, and this time Zhang Yang was standing on a sky-high peak. There was a huge black hole in the sky, and huge meteorites kept rolling down from the black hole.

This should be the hole caused by the fight between the god of fire and the god of water back then, right?

As the huge meteorites with flames smashed towards the world, there was a sound of wailing and crying everywhere.

There is no peace in the entire mortal world, and there are no green mountains and green waters. Instead, there is a strong fire everywhere.

Nuwa and Fuxi led all the immortals, flew to the hole with gloomy faces, and everyone worked together to arrange a huge formation.

Immediately, the surrounding spiritual energy surged, and as the formation was formed, a huge golden net slowly rose from the ground and flew towards the loophole in the air.

The huge golden net caught all the meteorites falling from the hole, and then blocked the gap.

But the huge golden net seemed to be unbearable, as if it was about to burst at any moment. Everyone looked up at the sky with gloomy faces, and the atmosphere was very oppressive.

In the end, Fuxi and Nuwa were just like the story told by Pluto at that time.

The two of them left alone to find the subsidy materials, and all the immortals stayed here to set up the magic circle.

However, Zhang Yang found two people quietly slipping away from the crowd.

The man with the iconic wings behind him is naturally Satan, but who is the short man next to him?

(End of this chapter)

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