Temple of Madness

Chapter 486 Because of Love

Chapter 486 Because of Love

Chapter 486 Because of Love
Zhang Yang followed behind Satan suspiciously, but Empress Nuwa didn't follow, as if she was going to let her find the truth by herself.

Zhang Yang was too curious about this period of history, so he quickly flew up to follow, only to find that the person that Satan brought with him turned out to be Yuanhua Tianzun, that is, the big liar Pluto, with exactly the same face.

Immediately, Zhang Yang understood that these two guys had been working together thousands of years ago, which was exactly the same as what Yan Mo said.

The two of them walked to an uninhabited place, and Satan set up a sound-proof barrier with a wave of his hand.

"How are you preparing for what I asked you to do?"

With a flattering smile on his face, Pluto cupped his hands at San Dan, and said respectfully: "Master Satan, I have prepared everything, and now we only need your order, and we can revolt and overthrow this Fuxi. The world is just around the corner.”

With his hands behind his back, Satan looked at the high mountain in front of him with a gloomy face, and said in a cold voice: "If that's the case, then go prepare and wait for my signal."


Hades slowly withdrew from the barrier, leaving Satan standing silently on the mountain alone.

Zhang Yang frowned, and suddenly felt that he didn't hear any important clues when he followed him. He only knew that Satan and Pluto had already prepared to overthrow the Protoss and set up another mountain.

Empress Nuwa didn't know when she hadn't walked behind Zhang Yang, patted him on the shoulder lightly, and said with a sigh: "You don't have to worry, in fact, they have been preparing to overthrow our Protoss a long time ago. It may be I probably have a problem with his education, so I didn't really get rid of the evil energy in him, but instead made him feel resentful and question Fuxi's rule."

Zhang Yang pursed the corners of his lips, not agreeing with Empress Nuwa's statement, in his opinion, everything had nothing to do with their education, and Satan himself had a deformed relationship.

"I don't think it has anything to do with your education, it's because he has an evil mind."

Empress Nuwa sighed softly, and said melancholy: "Forget it, I don't have too much time, I'd better let you read the following things as soon as possible, so that I can explain what you should do next."

After Nuwa Empress finished speaking, she pulled Zhang Yang's arm, soared into the sky, and flew into the sky in an instant.

Zhang Yang could only feel the countless pictures running fast in front of his eyes, and he felt a feeling of vomiting from owning a car, and it rolled strongly in his stomach.

Finally, the picture freezes, and it's no longer going backwards crazily.

Empress Nuwa slowly let go of Zhang Yang's arm, her eyes were full of sadness, she looked around at the messy battlefield.

Zhang Yang looked at the scene in front of him in shock, only to see ruins everywhere, scorched earth, and corpses of various races lying on the ground, some were human, some were demon, and there were some monsters with long horns on their heads and hideous faces. family.

Could this be the scene of the great war that year?
Nuwa Empress said slowly: "This is the story after I patched up the sky. As you all know, after I patched up the sky, my body disappeared between the sky and the earth. But at the last moment, I put my three The souls were separated and thrown into the land of Huaxia, two of them became the foundation of the tree of life, and the remaining one became an independent consciousness, floating in the world, which is later your wife Jiaoyang."

Zhang Yang had already guessed the relationship between Empress Nuwa and Jiaoyang. At first, he thought that Jiaoyang might be the reincarnation of a daughter of Empress Nuwa and Fuxi, but he never thought that it was Empress Nuwa. soul.

As if seeing Zhang Yang's shock, Empress Nuwa smiled faintly, looked at his face with nostalgia and said, "Don't be so surprised, you are actually a touch of Fuxi's soul."

"What? I turned out to be Lord Fuxi's soul, how is this possible?"

"Didn't you have any doubts when you saw Fuxi's appearance? The two of you look so alike, your personality, manners, and manners are all carved out of the same mold. It's just that it may have been for thousands of years. The change of the character makes you and his personality a little bit different."

Zhang Yang frowned and looked at Empress Nuwa, his eyes were too sad, as if he was seeing another person through his face.

Zhang Yang knew that the person Nuwa Empress was looking at was Fuxi, the person he loved the most in his life.

Zhang Yang pursed the corners of his dry lips, and opened his mouth to speak, but suddenly there was today's thunder in front of him, as if another big battle had begun.

Empress Nuwa sighed and walked forward slowly.

"Let's go, let's go and see what happened in the front. In fact, I don't know what happened behind. These pictures were automatically recorded when I was asleep."

"...Nuwa Empress, aren't you in a deep sleep? How could it be recorded automatically? Besides, the only three souls you have left on the land of Huaxia have already been used for other purposes? Then you now this is?"

Empress Nuwa smiled mysteriously, and while walking forward, she said slowly: "Although your character is not as decisive as Fuxi's, and even a little introverted, unlike him, you often behave very irritable, but your reactions are different. Just as dull."

Zhang Yang was taken aback for a moment, not understanding what Empress Nuwa meant, so he hurriedly walked to her side, and continued to ask curiously: "Empress Nuwa, if you have anything to say, just finish it in one breath, I will You are holding back, but you are prone to internal injuries. And you didn't say that you left three souls, two souls were given to the tree of life, and one soul turned into the scorching sun, so the one standing in front of me is your phantom , or your other souls left in China Mainland?"

Empress Nuwa stopped, looked at Zhang Yang thoughtfully, and said curiously: "Didn't you really notice that when you sent the power of faith to the tree of life, something was quietly transferred to the tree of life?" Are you on it?"

Zhang Yang was startled, and quickly recalled everything that happened when he sent the power of faith to the tree of life, but after thinking about it, they didn't feel that anything was quietly transferred to themselves, and they didn't even fight a cold war.

"Nuwa Empress, are you the two souls on the tree of life? Then when I sent the power of faith to the tree of life, you quietly transferred to me?"

Nuwa nodded lightly, and said in a deep voice: "To be exact, I didn't transfer to you voluntarily, but your power awakened me and forcibly absorbed me into your body."

(End of this chapter)

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