Temple of Madness

Chapter 487 The Great War

Chapter 487 The Great War
Chapter 487 The Great War

Zhang Yang looked at Empress Nuwa in disbelief, his jaw almost fell to the ground in shock.

"I forcibly absorbed you into my body, how is this possible? I don't feel a little bit at all, and how could I forcefully absorb you into my body, I don't even know your existence."

Zhang Yang shook his head again and again, but Empress Nuwa smiled faintly, and instead of continuing to speak, she pointed to the place where the lightning flashed and thundered in front of her.

"Let's go ahead and take a look, maybe the answer you want to know is in there."

Zhang Yang tilted his head and looked at Nuwa, feeling that he must have known something, so he nodded and followed behind him, jumped up with one step, and flew towards the place where the thunder was roaring in front.

Nu Wa and Zhang Yang came to a cave, looking at the familiar cave, Zhang Yang froze in place.

"Isn't this where the Tree of Life is?"

Zhang Yang was very familiar with this cave. Pluto took him to see the Tree of Life before. Although they passed through a long tunnel, when they walked into the final destination of the Tree of Life, there was such a cave in front of them.

What makes Zhang Yang so fresh in his memory is that there is a small red stone in front of the cave.

He had researched before that the red color on this stone was neither pigment nor blood, but cinnabar, and if he looked closely, and the arrangement of the stones, he would find that it was actually in accordance with the arrangement order in Qimen Dunjia.

So Zhang Yang was sure that behind this cave must be the tree of life.

Nuwa nodded, but continued to stride forward without answering.

As the two walked deeper, the ground under their feet shook violently, and the entire cave seemed to collapse at any moment.

The aura in front is very chaotic, it seems that the war happened deep inside.

Zhang Yang carefully recalled the words of Pluto and Yan Mo, and thought that the tree of life was in front of him.

Could it be that the battle that is happening now is the scene where Fuxi used his own life to seal Satan back then, so wouldn't he know what happened to the business back then?
With all kinds of doubts in his heart, Zhang Yang quickened his pace and quickly walked to the depths of the cave, and suddenly a white aura rushed towards his face.

Zhang Yang turned over and jumped out of conditioned reflex, dodging.

But just as his body stood firm, another black spirit group appeared beside him. The distance at this moment made him unable to avoid it at all, so he could only grab the black spirit group abruptly.

It's just that the expected pain didn't come, Zhang Yang was surprised to see that the black spirit group passed through his body and hit the stone wall behind him directly.

Nu Wa couldn't help chuckling and said: "You are really a cautious little guy, don't worry, this is just a virtual scene, all attacks will cause any harm to you."

Zhang Yang rubbed the back of his head embarrassingly, and said with a smile: "Hey, I'm really sorry, I have experienced various battles recently, which made me have a conditioned reflex."

"Well, I was awakened by you from the tree of life, and I saw these things happening around you, and I probably understood the current situation in China. But everything that happened now is actually related to the war thousands of years ago. An inseparable connection."

Zhang Yang took a deep breath, nodded heavily, and continued to follow Nuwa.

Finally, the field of vision became wider, and the whole tree of life was revealed in front of them, but at this moment, two people also appeared in front of them.

I saw Fuxi and Satan standing on both sides of the tree of life, each holding a transformed long sword in their hands, glaring at each other. There was no family relationship between father and son at all, just like two enemies who had been feuding for many years.

That Zhang Yang had exactly the same face, his brows were tightly furrowed, and he was dressed in silver armor, sacred and majestic.

"Satan! I think you are my son, as long as all the rebels you taught you are taken away from this land, I can spare your life."

"Hehe, I'm your son, how long do you want to keep it from me?"

At this moment, Satan no longer has the unique appearance of the Huaxia Human Race when he met him for the first time. His black hair has completely turned into golden color, and those dark eyes have also turned into blue eyes, and his whole skin reveals a kind of Unhealthy white, as if transparent.

Zhang Yang had only seen Satan's strange face enlarged dozens of times before, and this was the first time he had seen his full mutated face.

Compared with the young man bathing in the spring breeze I saw in front of the temple for the first time, the current Satan is really a demon who climbed up from hell.

Fuxi looked at Satan with a gloomy face, and said in a cold voice: "So you already know your life experience, so you want to try to frame Nuwa?"

"Hmph! I didn't intend to kill her. The person I wanted to kill was you! You liar, why haven't you dared to tell her the truth?"

Zhang Yang was slightly taken aback, listening to Satan's words, it seemed that there was some secret between him and Fuxi that was being concealed from Nuwa.

Nuwa also stood there with her brows furrowed and looked curiously at the two men who were closest to her in this life, one was her husband and the other was her son, the palms and backs of which were all flesh.

If he was still alive, he would probably be in a dilemma, not knowing who to help.

I saw Fuxi fell into silence, clenched his fists tightly, as if there was something unspeakable, and Pata let out a piercing laugh, which seemed to be mocking him.

Satan glanced at Fuxi contemptuously, and snorted coldly: "When the world was first opened, you clearly made an oath with me to divide the world into two, you occupy half, and I take the demon and demon race to occupy the other half. In the end, I agreed to you, but what I got in return was your treachery!"

Fuxi frowned, sighed helplessly, and said in a deep voice: "Satan, I am really sorry for you. Back then, I made a vow with you to divide the world into two, and we will live in half. But you I have no choice but to drive you to the abyss of hell because of poor management and let the monsters and demons attack the world wantonly and provoke chaos. Besides... your last condition, I will never agree to you even if I die."

Satan raised his head and let out a piercing laugh, slowly raised his hand with the long sword until Fuxi's face, and said in a cold voice: "Then why did you pretend to be me in the first place to win Nuwa's heart, if you hadn't deceived Nuwa In the first place, how could I let the monster race and the demon race fight and kill the race? Since you can break your promise and betray your promise, why should I still believe your nonsense? But now it’s all right, I know Nuwa hasn’t die!"

(End of this chapter)

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