Temple of Madness

Chapter 493 Nine-Headed Snake Mother

Chapter 493 Hydra Mother
Chapter 493 Hydra mother

Zhang Yang opened his mouth, and wanted to ask what he was confused about, but was interrupted by Nuwa's hand.

"Okay, you already know everything about that year, and I don't have much time left. Let's finish the rest as soon as possible."

Zhang Yang pursed the corners of his lips and nodded, and Nuwa waved her hand casually, the dim scene in the four weeks suddenly changed, returning to their original starting point, that dark space again.

Nuwa sighed lightly, as if she hadn't recovered from the shock just now.

"It turns out that so many things happened during my deep sleep. If I were here, perhaps Fuxi would not make unnecessary sacrifices."

Zhang Yang pursed the corners of his dry lips, not knowing what to say, he could only nod his head, and stood beside him silently.

Nuwa pointed to the ground and said, "Sit down first, I will give you the things and tell you what you want to know."

Zhang Yang immediately sat cross-legged across from Nuwa, watching her stretch out her jade hand and tap it on the center of his eyebrows, a warm feeling suddenly spread from the center of the eyebrows.

Zhang Yang stretched his whole body for a while, then slowly closed his eyes involuntarily, and entered into a state of concentration.

He felt as if his body had returned to the place of the primordial spirit again and again, looking at his black and white primordial spirit, Zhang Yang was slightly taken aback.

He remembered that Yuanshen was only the size of a fist before, but now Yuanshen is as big as two people.

"How did my primordial spirit become so big?"

"That's because when you just watched the illusion, I quietly injected my power into your soul, and by the way helped you absorb the power that Relic didn't absorb."

Zhang Yang was taken aback for a moment, and looked around in surprise, only to find that there was nothing in 4 weeks.

"Nuwa Empress, where are you?"

"I don't have a body now, you just need to listen to what I say next."

Zhang Yang felt a faint sense of uneasiness in his heart, and felt that Nu Wa seemed to have some hidden meaning.

"Zhang Yang, I know your first doubt is why your wife looks exactly like mine. I also said before that a trace of my soul is floating in the Chinese mainland as a wandering soul. It's not wandering, but I deliberately Let my only soul stay in the Suzaku clan. The Suzaku clan actually has a special mission, not only guarding the tree of life, they also hold the key to open the tree of life."

"The key to the tree of life, what does this mean? Isn't the tree of life a number, but something like a mechanism box?"

"Yes, at the beginning I separated a part of my power and condensed it into the current tree of life, which continuously bred spiritual energy. At the same time, I converted a part of the excess power in the Protoss, nourishing the land of China, and allowing all human races to practice. .In fact, all of these are just rare things that everyone knows. The real meaning of the tree of life is that I use it to store my mother's body."

Shocked, Zhang Yang quickly asked: "Mother's body, what does this mean? According to the legend, aren't you conceived by heaven and earth?"

"Hehe, little fool, you also said it's a legend, it's not true. Fuxi and I have the same mother, and you also know that we have Zhu Jiuyin in our blood, and our mother is the first creature in the world, Hydra, the ancestor of all things. When the world was first opened, there was no life in the entire continent, and Hydra is our mother. He is a creature in this world that was truly conceived by the aura of heaven and earth. There are many in his body With the power of Zhu Jiuyin leading to the nether world, there are also kind humans, evil monsters, and even a cunning demon ancestor. At the beginning, he accidentally swallowed the only two fruits in the world and gave birth to Fuxi and I, although the life is not so cold, but it is still too boring, my mother is a hyperactive person. In the end, my mother separated these forces one by one, leaving only the last Simple, kind, and playful elf blood. That's why the world is now lively. Fuxi and I also like this kind of life, so we started to shape human beings. The later stories are those legends you know, but I In order to hide the existence of his mother, He Fuxi changed all this history."

Zhang Yang nodded clearly, deeply curious about the mother of Nuwa and Fuxi.

Nuwa paused for a moment, and continued with a weak voice: "Not long after the happy days, my mother discovered that he separated his blood one by one, and there was a drawback. That is, there is another blood in her body." This power always makes her a little schizophrenic, has different hallucinations, and sometimes even attacks Fuxi and me. The power of my mother is too powerful. Fuxi and I are no match at all. Finally, when my mother is awake At that time, let us seal her in a cave. In order not to cause trouble to the Three Realms, my mother decided to sit in place. And told us that her body will be taken out after 1 years. The split blood in his body It will be completely eradicated. So all these years, Fuxi and I have been guarding my mother's body, hoping that one day in the future, he can eradicate his split blood and return to the original kind mother. In this way, I came up with One way is to transform into a tree of life, which can not only benefit the Three Realms, but also store the mother's body, and perhaps allow him to wake up earlier."

Zhang Yang heaved a long sigh after hearing the source of the tree of life.

It turns out that the tree of life has such a story.

It's just that when I think that Fuxi and Nuwa have disappeared in this world before waiting for 1 years, I feel sad for a while.

Nuwa took a deep breath and said slowly: "Zhang Yang, the first thing I want to tell you is to wake up the scorching sun immediately. He is the blood of Suzaku and has half of my soul. Only he can wake up after a hundred days. Open the tree of life."

"A hundred days later?"

"Yes, after a hundred days, it happens to be the time when my mother slept for 1 years. I believe that the power of my mother must have completely wiped out the evil spirit of division. As long as my mother wakes up, all the evil spirits in the world will disappear. .She is the mother of the earth, only he can bring the land of Huaxia back to its original state."

Zhang Yang was a little shocked, but thinking of the devastated land of China, and the evil god Satan who has no opponent now, maybe this is their only hope.

(End of this chapter)

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