Chapter 494
Chapter 494

Nuwa's voice became smaller and smaller, as if his strength was about to be exhausted, Zhang Yang immediately asked in surprise, "Nuwa Empress, what's wrong with you?"

"...I don't have much time. Originally, I wanted you to do the second thing, but after seeing the illusion just now, I also understand that you are not Fuxi after all, and you can't do the second thing."

"I'm not Fuxi, but why do I look exactly the same as Master Fuxi? There should be some relationship between the two of us?"

"You and Fuxi are indeed inextricably linked, but it can be said that they have nothing to do with each other. If you want to find out the answer, go to Hades, he must know."

Zhang Yang nodded silently, thinking that when he returns to his physical body, he must let Yan Mo take him to find his father, and ask him about what happened back then, and what is the relationship between him and Fuxi. what relationship?
"...I don't have much time to publicize me. The third thing I want you to do protect the land of China."

As Nuwa's voice faded away, Zhang Yang suddenly felt a burning sensation in the center of his brows, as if his soul was about to be burned, and he fell to the ground in pain.


Zhang Yang's painful low growl echoed in his mind, but no one knew that he was experiencing the most painful thing in the world at this moment.

Reshape the golden body and achieve ecstasy.

This is more uncomfortable than the feeling of broken bones and tendons before, because it grinds every inch of flesh and bones in your body into pieces, and then uses aura to transform into a new body.

And to reach the state of ecstasy, the most painful thing is that his primordial spirit must start to expand continuously, experience rebirth and fragmentation, rebirth and fragmentation, such a repeated process.

The number of repetitions will establish your level after ecstasy. After ecstasy, you will be divided into 9 god levels, which is the standard for distinguishing levels of the heavenly gods.

Zhang Yang rolled on the spot in pain, and finally stabilized his mind, sitting cross-legged in his empty consciousness with difficulty.

Zhang Yang at this moment is a touch of soul, while his body is disappearing and shattering little by little.

His entire body was covered in purple light, and Lei Shen's eyes widened weakly, and he roared angrily: "This bastard not only absorbed my Thor Sword, but also wants to absorb my power, dreaming!"

Thunder God let out a furious roar, using all the strength in his body, trying to break free from the shackles of Zhang Yang, but found that it was useless.

His strength was still continuously absorbed by Zhang Yang, and even his body turned into little bits of starlight as Zhang Yang shattered.

Yan Mo put the eyeballs sent to him by Zhang Yang back into his own sockets, looked at his father in front of him, and respectfully knelt down on one knee.

"I'm sorry, father, I'm ashamed of you."

Yan Wang waved his hand lightly, and said with a smile: "It's okay, you failed, but your elder brother succeeded, so you didn't embarrass me."

"My big brother?"

Yan Mo froze in place for a moment, looking at King Yan in surprise.

"Zhang Yang is your elder brother, he is my first son born."

"What? Why didn't I know? Father, why didn't you tell me?"

"That was a child that I condensed from the souls of tens of thousands of Zhu Jiuyin with grief in honor of my brother who passed away. You also know that Zhu Jiuyin should not survive in the Three Realms, So naturally I won't tell you, otherwise, what my father taught you would be a joke."

The corners of Yan Mo's mouth twitched, looking at his unreliable father, he sighed helplessly.

"...Father, did you secretly do the things that you told me to never do?"

Yan Wang was wearing a grimace mask, so he couldn't see the expression in his eyes at all, but hearing his strange voice, Yan Mo immediately had a definite answer in his heart.

Dad absolutely did all the taboo things over and over again!

"Stop talking nonsense, what kind of eyes do you have? I'm your father. If I teach you something, you just listen to me and obey it."

After Yan Mo finished speaking, he turned his head and looked in front of the place where the purple light suddenly appeared.

"Okay, let's go see your brother rebuild his golden body."

Yan Mo and Yan Wang and his son stood with their hands behind their backs, their bodies slowly soared into the air, and flew slowly towards the purple light.

I saw that the desert at this moment has become a piece of scorched earth, the ground is deeply sunken, and there is a group of purple light in the hole.

Yan Wangfei was flying high in the sky, looking at the purple light with a smile in his eyes, and nodded approvingly.

"If I had known at that time, I should have thrown you into reincarnation, let you experience the reincarnation of life and death, and experience the various states of the world. Maybe you would have the same insights as your elder brother."

Yan Mo pursed the corners of his lips, looked at the purple ball of light with mixed feelings, and said arrogantly: "Hmph, I don't care about it, my talent is better than him, when I just met him, he was so talented. But with the strength of Transformation Realm, I can crush him to death with one finger."

Yan Wang smiled slightly, and stretched out his hands slowly, only to see a purple bead in his palm, and a small figure was faintly inside the bead.

"Hehe, return your brother's real body to him, and after he rebuilds his spirit, he can smack you to death."

After Yan Wang finished speaking, under Yan Mo's contemptuous eyes, he waved his hand casually and punched the purple beads into the light ball.

"...Father, your words are really vulgar. Can you be a bit like the king of hell? Now everyone in the hall of the king of hell is full of dirty words like you, without any cultural accomplishment."

"Don't fart me. I have been talking like this for nearly ten thousand years since I was born. Besides, you are talking like you are educated. Are you opening your mouth like me?"

Yan Mo rolled his eyes in disgust, and said quietly: "Father, if you don't want to be chased by my mother for several streets with a cane, I advise you to change your swear words."

Hearing about his wife, Hades immediately became a little depressed.

"This is the Three Realms. No one knows about the Palace of the Underworld. You should stop talking about such secrets outside. Especially when you see your elder brother later, we recognize each other as father and son, and you can't tell about this kind of thing. , otherwise I will let you know what a tiger stool is."

Yan Mo made a grimace, and said with a smirk: "Hehe, my father is going to recognize each other. The eldest brother will naturally go back to the Palace of King Yan. When he sees my mother, do you think these secrets can still be hidden?"

Hades was silent for a moment, and suddenly a cane appeared from behind.

"Believe it or not, I will let you know why the flowers are so brilliant now?"

(End of this chapter)

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