Temple of Madness

Chapter 495 You Are My Son

Chapter 495 You Are My Son

Chapter 495 You Are My Son
It took Zhang Yang 99 days to reshape his golden body this time.

Yan Mo and Yan Wang have been waiting for Zhang Yang's rebirth for 4 weeks.

Yan Mo yawned depressingly, and lay lazily on the ground and asked Yan Wang: "Father, when will he be able to reshape the golden body? It's been 99 days. I can clearly feel the aura fluctuations in the world recently. It’s huge, I guess there’s some movement on Satan’s side again.”

Yan Wang frowned and looked at the purple light group below, there was no change, only a little bigger than before.

"...It is estimated that your elder brother will take a long time to paint the spirit this time. The greater the energy, the longer the time will be. This is also a good thing. Forget it, you stay here and watch, I will go to the God Race first. Condition."

After Yan Wang finished speaking, he drew a golden gate beside him, and walked in.

Yan Mo pursed his lips and silently looked at the purple light group below, sighed softly and said: "Zhang Yang, hurry up and finish your golden body, if you drag on, the weather you want to protect will be really It's going to be a mess."

Zhang Yang, who was completely in meditation at the moment, naturally couldn't hear these voices, and his body had just reshaped his legs.

If the purple light were dispersed, Yan Mo would not be able to see Zhang Yang, but only a pair of strong and strong calves.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and half a year had passed in the blink of an eye, but there was no movement from Zhang Yang's side, and Yan Mo was already in a hurry and kept spinning around in place.

"Damn it! Zhang Yang! How long are you going to grind? Even if you want to reshape your golden body, it's only 49 days at most. You've been half a year!"

As soon as Yan Mo finished speaking, there was a piercing thunder above his head, and he immediately looked up to the sky.

I saw that the entire sky was covered by oppressive black clouds, and faintly filled with thunder.

Yan Mo slowly closed his eyes, took a deep breath, circulated the aura to his eyes, and opened them again, his eyes emitted a thick purple light, looking deep through the clouds.

"Damn it! Satan really dared to attack the ancestor of the gods. No, it seems that the old man is at a disadvantage. I have to rush to help."

Yan Mo frowned and looked at the depths of the cloud. The two teams were already looking at each other fiercely.

A team of men and horses wore neat silver armor, and a team of men and horses wore dark black armor.

Wearing silver armor, the leader here is the only one dressed in black and wearing a grimace mask. Needless to say, he must be Hades.

On the other side of the team, a man wrapped in black air flew above his head. Although he couldn't see his face clearly, the 10 iconic black wings behind him showed his identity.

"Satan! His strength seems to be stronger than before!"

Yan Mo clenched his fists nervously. Although Yan Wang was of the same age as Fuxi and Nuwa, and his strength was also very advanced, but after he retired back then, he had been suffering from hidden diseases.

Moreover, he divided part of his power to seal Hell. Even if Zhu Jiuyin opened his three eyes again, it would be absolutely impossible to connect Hell with the Three Realms and release demons.

So the current king of Hades is only at the ninth level of ecstasy, and Satan is already the only person in the world who has transformed into a god, and he is two levels higher than the king of Hades. If I really start fighting, the king of Hades may Falling behind.

The more Yan Mo thought about it, the more worried he became, and finally stomped his feet, his eyes were gloomy, he turned to look at the purple light at the foot of the mountain, and roared angrily: "Zhang Yang, I can't care about you anymore, here I will arrange a barrier for you, let you Let out the aura, and ensure that you are safe and sound after reshaping the golden body. If you can hear what I say, you must speed up and come to the heavens to help."

After Yan Mo yelled loudly, he put his palms together, quickly arranged a barrier around himself, and slowly expanded it to directly fill the bottomless black hole.

After finishing everything, Yan Mo thought about it, waved his hand again, and arranged an illusion to fill up the pothole. On the surface, this place is still an endless desert.

As long as the opponent's strength is not higher than him, he will never find out that someone has set up an illusion here, and it can also ensure that Zhang Yang can safely reshape the golden body.

Zhang Yang at this moment only felt that his body was light and light, as if he was stepping on cotton feet, it was very soft, and he vaguely heard Yan Mo's voice coming from his ear.

It's just that Zhang Yang couldn't hear a single word of the long list of words before him, but he could hear the words after that clearly.

Hurry up to Heaven to help.

Did something happen outside?

Zhang Yang's heart sank, and he quickly absorbed the spiritual energy of 4 weeks. Nuwa's voice slowly rang in his ears: "Don't worry, the spiritual energy on your body is too complicated, you need to absorb it slowly, and then add it In fact, you later absorbed the sword of Thor and the main body of Thor, the power is too huge, it is a good thing for you to reshape the golden body, you must not rush it."

Zhang Yang took a deep breath. Although he slowed down the speed of absorbing spiritual energy, he was still restless.

"Take your time, if you don't fully absorb these powers, it will be bad for your foundation. Besides, haven't all the races been transferred to Penglai Wonderland by you? Penglai Wonderland is in your consciousness, as long as your body is not harmed, The human race will be safe and sound."

Zhang Yang nodded lightly, and once again entered into a state of concentration.

This time entering Chaoyang felt that the time had passed very long, as if tens of thousands of years had passed.

At this moment, the outside world has suddenly turned upside down.

Hades led all the people from the God Race and the Flame Demon Palace. Even with the addition of Yan Mo, they were still no match for Satan's army.

What's more, Satan has become the only god-transforming realm in the world, that is, the strongest king in the world. As long as Hades and Yuanshi Tianzun, the two most powerful people, control the others, they will be defeated.

So from the moment the two armies started fighting, the shotgun pointed the spearhead at Hades and Yuanshi Tianzun, and directly launched a fierce attack on them.

This battle was faster than expected. In less than three months, Hades and Yuanshi Tianzun were shot down from the air by Satan and smashed heavily to the ground of the Mortal Realm.

In an instant, most of the land was smashed into ruins by the bodies of the two ecstasy strong men.

Yan Wang and Yuanshi Tianzun struggled to get up from the ground, and looked at Satan who was slowly flying down from the air in front of him with frowning.

"Hehe, I thought you two were so powerful, but you are just two ants who dare to shout."

(End of this chapter)

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