Temple of Madness

Chapter 496 Defeat

Chapter 496 Defeat
Chapter 496 Defeat

Yan Wang roared angrily: "You bastard, you lied to me back then. You were not sealed at all, but let that dog Yuan Hua perform a body swap with you."

"Hehe, so what? You only know now, don't you think it's too late? In short, you have failed, and now it is a foregone conclusion, because these people will eventually become my slaves. After tens of thousands of years, my shame is finally It can be washed off today."

Satan laughed arrogantly, and the whole world suddenly became darker because of his laughter.

The dark clouds slowly covered the sun above the head, and the entire land of Huaxia was plunged into darkness, and there were frightening howls of ghosts and wolves everywhere.

Yan Wang frowned, and looked at Si Zhou with dissatisfaction. This place is even more infiltrating than the hell he is in charge of.

Yuanshi Tianzun looked at Satan silently, and asked in a deep voice: "Where is that bastard Yuanhua, now that you have won, he should come to me to show off."

Satan smiled mysteriously, touched his stomach, and said proudly: "Hehe, it seems that you can't wait to see your younger brother. If this is the case, then I will eat you now, you brothers The two of them can talk about the old days in my stomach."

Yuanshi Tianzun was taken aback for a moment, his eyes widened in surprise.

"What? You ate Yuan Hua!"

"Hehe, it's not just Yuanhua, there are many of you protoss who follow me, and some of the brothers who follow me, all of which have been eaten by me. Oh, by the way, the most delicious ones are those old ones. Bald donkeys, after I swallowed the Buddha's light on their bodies, I turned all the holy Buddha's light into evil spirits. Presumably they never thought that after so many years of self-cultivation and self-cultivation, they would eventually turn into a disease they hate. Evil power."

Satan laughed triumphantly, rubbing his stomach lazily, as if he had done something worth showing off.

Yama looked at Satan gloomyly, and shouted angrily: "You bastard, you dare to devour the Protoss, and your brothers, do you still have the heart! Thanks to Fuxi and Nuwa's hard work to cultivate you for so many years, think I want to teach you to be a kind child, but I didn't expect that you are still that Chi You who does all kinds of evil!"

"Hmph, don't preach to me here, because who are you? Fuxi and Nuwa? Do you think they are really my parents? They just want my power. Besides, if Fuxi took a step back and made Nuwa If you give it to me, I won't become what I am now, maybe I will live a life of idle clouds and wild cranes with Nuwa in peace."

Yan Wang's eyes were red with anger, and he used all his strength to launch a final attack, heading straight for Satan's face, but was easily dismissed by him.

"Yan Wang, you are old, so don't make the last struggle, obediently let me swallow it in your stomach and absorb your power, maybe I will become an existence beyond this world."

After Satan finished speaking, his eyes widened, his hands turned into claws, and he stretched out towards Hades and Yuanshi Tianzun.

The two of them instantly felt a suction force spreading from Satan's palm, and before they had time to react to their bodies, they were sucked in.

"You bastard, if you want to absorb my power, you have to live another half year."

Hades slowly disappeared in his last life, and the moment and Yuanshi Tianzun were absorbed in the palm of Satan.

Satan patted his belly lazily, and said with a sneer: "Hehe, I know you are hard-spoken. When your power really turns into a part of my body, you will know what is the strongest."

The ten wings flapped at the same time, and Satan's body instantly flew into the air, disappearing into the clouds like lightning.

In the Nine Heavens, all the gods and the people in the Palace of Hades were held down by the fallen angels and looked at Satan angrily.

Yan Mo glared at him, and cursed loudly at him angrily: "Old bastard, what have you done to my father!"

Satan glanced at Yan Mo contemptuously, touched his belly lightly, and said with a smile: "Sure enough, he is the son of Yan Wang. His tone of voice and expression are exactly the same, but I still don't like your strength. Tun It's just a pile of waste in the stomach."

Yan Mo was shocked when he heard it, and said in a trembling voice: "This! How is this possible? You ate my father! This is impossible. My father and Nuwa Fuxi are from the same age. His strength is unfathomable, even if you are two ranks higher than him, it is absolutely impossible for them to eat him!"

Satan glanced at Yan Mo contemptuously, and said with a sneer: "Hehe, it really is the deep love between father and son. I was a little moved when I saw it, but the truth is right in front of me. Yama was indeed eaten by me, and soon he The power will become a part of my body."

Yan Mo's whole body softened in an instant, and he sat on the ground unbelievably, without a trace of strength.

"Impossible, this is absolutely impossible, my father is so powerful, how could he be eaten by you, you are lying to me, you are absolutely lying to me!"

Yan Mo shook his head desperately, unable to believe that this was the truth.

Satan blankly glanced around the gods and the people from the Palace of Hades who were forced to the ground by his subordinates, and said in a cold voice, "Take them all down to me, and don't block my eyes here."


Satan's subordinates are composed of fallen angels, monks from the Buddhist kingdom, and soldiers from the demon tribe. These people seem to have no wisdom in their eyes, and they look at him with blind worship.

All the people of the Protoss were roughly dragged from the ground by Satan's men, and were taken away from the current temple like prisoners.

Satan turned around slowly and walked towards the back of the temple. Through layers of clouds, he came to a green bamboo gate.

"I really miss this place."

Satan slowly pushed open the bamboo door in front of him, and before he entered the courtyard, there was a verdant garden in front of him.

It was exactly the same as his childhood memory, if Zhang Yang saw it, he would definitely be surprised.

Because this small garden was the place where Satan was born at that time, and it was also the courtyard where Fuxi and Nuwa lived.

When Satan walked to the swing under the tree, there was a softness in his cold eyes, as if deep in his memory, there was some image that touched the warmest and most vulnerable part of his heart.

"Nuwa...why can I still feel your soul a thousand years ago, but now I can't feel it? Where are you? Are you avoiding me on purpose, or have you disappeared..."

In the yard that had been immersed for many years, an uncoordinated voice appeared, but no one answered.

(End of this chapter)

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