Temple of Madness

Chapter 498 Conditions

Chapter 498 Conditions
Chapter 498 Conditions

Yan Mo clenched his fists tightly, looked down at the ground with lowered eyes, and was struggling in his heart.

Their current situation is like fish on the chopping board, and they have no chance to resist at all.

Moreover, a priest and a person from the Palace of Hades would be taken away from the dungeon every day. If they never returned, they knew that they must have been poisoned by Satan.

Their only hope was pinned on Zhang Yang, but he didn't know where he was until now, and he was probably still rebuilding his golden body.

When he really appeared, I'm afraid that he and his mother would no longer be in this world.

Whether Zhang Yang will be able to defeat Satan in the end, no one knows, everyone just has a glimmer of hope.

Just when Yan Mo was silent in his own analysis, Satan's cold voice sounded slowly: "Don't hesitate, my question to you is actually very simple, as long as you can answer me, not only you and your mother can answer Get a peaceful life, including those of your clansmen in the Palace of the King of Hades, I can also release them."

"...Do you want to know where Zhang Yang is?"

Satan nodded approvingly, and said with a smile: "Yes, it's a little different from your self-righteous father, how about it? Do you want to make a deal with me? Or do you also think Zhang Yang is the only hope for you people?"

Yan Mo took a deep breath, struggling constantly in his heart.

On the one hand is the safety of his mother, queen and clan members, and on the other hand is his eldest brother who has a certain blood relationship with him. How should he choose?
Seeing that Yan Mo was still struggling, Satan had a flash of complacency in his eyes, and clapped his hands outside the door.

The fallen angel at the door immediately pushed the two of them into the hall.

Yan Mo looked at the person walking outside the door with his brows tightly furrowed, and was startled.

"Ziyi! Bailing!"

The two human races who came in from the door were Ziyi and Bailing. Yan Mo and Zhang Yang walked out of the secret realm of Xinhua Kingdom just to find them.

Seeing Yan Mo's shocked expression, Satan smiled even more triumphantly, and winked at the fallen angel, and they threw Ziyi and Bai Ling in front of Yan Mo.

"How? As long as you tell me where Zhang Yang is hiding, these two women will belong to you. If you don't tell me, then these two women may be played by my subordinates, or become their arbitrators Chinese food."

Yan Mo's whole body trembled instantly, staring at Satan angrily in his eyes, wishing to cramp him to the bone.

"you dare!"

"Hehe, do you think I dare? I'll give you half a stick of incense to think about it, but this time I don't have that much patience. If it's half a stick of incense, you still won't be able to give me the answer I want , then these two women will be miserable in front of you..."

Yan Mo tightly clenched his fists angrily, his eyes were red, and seeing the empty eyes of Ziyi and Bailing made his heart ache even more.

"Fuck off!"

"My patience is limited, you'd better not touch my bottom line, otherwise I might lose patience, and I don't want to know Zhang Yang's news from you, so I will kill these two women in front of you I have a lot of means, actually, I don’t need to hear what you said about Zhang Yang’s whereabouts, as long as I detect your consciousness and search for his memory, I can find out where he is hiding.”

Yan Mo's whole body trembled, he even forgot that Satan still had the ability to detect the primordial spirit.

The incense beside Satan burned another half inch, and the time was up.

I saw him getting up slowly, walking slowly in front of Yan Mo, and looking down at him.

"Have you made a decision? I don't have that much time to wait for you."

Yan Mo took a deep breath, looked melancholy at Ziyi and Bailing beside him, and thought about his mother in the dungeon, and nodded heavily.

"Okay! I can promise you, I can tell you Zhang Yang's whereabouts, but you must keep your promise."

There was a cold smile on the corner of Satan's mouth, he raised his hands, and made an oath: "I, Satan, swear here, as long as I find Zhang Yang, I will let Yan Mo take these two women and everyone in the palace of Hades, A peaceful life, never disturbed."

As Satan's voice slowly fell, a faint golden halo appeared at his feet, and slowly extinguished.

This is the oath of heaven and earth. If you violate it, you will be overthrown by thunder and catastrophe, and your mind will be destroyed.

Satan breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that there is a covenant between heaven and earth, and Satan would never dare to violate the oath he made.

"Okay, I can take you to find Zhang Yang, but you have to make sure that the two of them are safe, and that none of the people in the Palace of the Underworld disappeared while I was away."

"it is good."

Satan clapped his hands, and several fallen angels walked in outside the door.

"You bring these two women, as well as the people from the Palace of Hades, to the land I circled before."


Watching several fallen angels leave with Ziyi and Bailing, Yan Mo's heart was still very disturbed.

But now, he has no choice but to take Satan to find Zhang Yang.

Satan grabbed Yan Mo by the collar and flew to the place where he and Zhang Yang were separated, where there was still an endless desert.

Yan Mo had set up a formation before to cover all the places where Zhang Yang reshaped his golden body. Even though he can no longer cast spells, the spells he left at that time still exist.

"When I left, I arranged a double formation here to hide Zhang Yang and reshape the golden body."

Yan Mo's voice was a little hoarse, God knows how much his heart hurt when he said these words.

Although he had never been friendly to Zhang Yang before, he liked that selfless young man from the bottom of his heart, especially when he returned his eyes back at the end.

But now he has to choose to betray this good friend, no, it should be said to betray his elder brother.

Satan looked at Yan Mo with gloomy eyes. Seeing his struggling eyes, he knew what he said was true, so he waved his hand casually, and instantly a strong wind blew up the entire desert.

In the silent four weeks, there was the sound of whistling wind and flying gravel, which made people unable to open their eyes.

When the wind stopped, Satan looked gloomyly at the front, a huge deep pit, with a cold smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Hehe, your performance is good, and I will definitely do what I promised."

Satan grabbed Yan Mo's collar and flew to the edge of the deep pit again, threw him to the ground, and then jumped into the bottomless pit.

Yan Mo struggled to get up from the ground, and looked towards the mountain with his brows furrowed.

"Why is this pit so deep? Before I left, I knew it was only a dozen meters deep."

Yan Mo lay nervously on the edge of the deep pit, looking down vigorously, only to see gusts of cold wind blowing upwards from the bottom of the cave.

(End of this chapter)

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