Chapter 499
Chapter 499
This feeling is like meeting a ferocious beast under the deep pit, and the cold wind blowing out is the breath of the beast.

Without any spiritual power, Yan Mo could only beat the ground angrily, annoyed at his insignificance, and silently prayed for Zhang Yang in his heart, hoping that he had rebuilt his golden body enough to fight against Satan.

In the deep pit, Satan flapped the 10 wings behind him, and slowly fell downwards. The deeper he went, the more dignified his expression became.

"Why is the pit so deep?"

For the first time, Satan felt as if he had passed through the entire earth, as if a century had passed.

The deeper he went, the more uneasy he felt in his heart, as if there was a voice whispering in his heart: No matter how much you do, you will eventually fail.

Satan's eyes sank suddenly, his eyes revealed a fierce light, he folded his hands together, spread all ten wings, and vigorously waved evil energy around, attacking.

Yan Mo, who was on the deep pit, only felt that the ground began to tremble violently, and the sand on both sides kept rolling down into the deep pit, and he quickly crawled to the side.

During the long wait, Yan Mo wanted to escape countless times, but now the entire land of China is full of fallen angels and people from the monster race, where can he escape?
And if he escapes, what will the people in the Palace of Hades do?What kind of situation will Ziyi and Bailing be in?
Just when Yan Mo was clutching his hair in pain, curling up his body continuously, and was on the verge of collapse, someone suddenly patted his shoulder lightly, and a familiar voice rang from his ears.

"I said, what are you doing? You think you have too much hair, do you want to grab some of it?"

"Zhang Yang!"

Yan Mo was startled, and quickly raised his head to meet those smiling eyes.

This is the first time he likes this face so much that he wants to punch it countless times.

Yan Mo hugged Zhang Yang excitedly, lying next to his ear with snot and tears, and began to cry loudly, just like a student who was physically punished by the teacher met his parents and found a backer.

Zhang Yang patted Yan Mo's back dumbfounded, and whispered in his ear, "Can you lower your voice? Do you want Satan in the pit to know that I'm here?"

Yan Mo immediately came back to his senses, and carefully looked back at the direction of the pothole. Seeing that there was nothing unusual in it except for the sand and stones constantly rolling down, he quickly asked Zhang Yang: "Why are you here? Have you ever cultivated?" Spirituality? I'm a useless person now, I can't feel the fluctuation of spiritual energy at all, and I can't see your strength."

Zhang Yang looked at his former brother's rebellious boy, but now he became so cautious, with tears still in the corners of his eyes, and his heart felt sad for a while.

"Don't worry, I have reshaped the golden body, and now I am strong enough to fight against Satan, and I set a trap in this pit, which may hold him for a while, please tell me what is going on in the heaven now gone."

Yan Mo finally breathed a sigh of relief when he heard Zhang Yang's confident words, and slowly told all the things that happened afterwards.

Zhang Yang was annoyed when he heard that the people from the Protoss and the Palace of Hades were being imprisoned in the dungeon.

However, when he heard that he was the life transformed by the King of Hades using Zhu Jiuyin, Zhang Yang did not show any surprise, but just nodded calmly, as if he had known it for a long time.

"Don't you know that you are my eldest brother, the son of my father?"

Zhang Yang pursed his lips, not knowing how to explain this adventure, he could only briefly say: "I visited a prophet, he told me everything, and also told me why I grew up with Fuxi With the same face?"

"Could it be that you have already reshaped the golden body? Then why don't you go to the heaven to save us immediately?"

"It's a long story. After reshaping my spirit, I didn't return directly to the real land, but was transported to another place. I just came out of that place just now. Who knew that I came out of the pit As soon as I climbed out, I saw Satan leading you and blowing sand around here, so I took the opportunity to hide and hide my breath. Seeing that you are alone now, I dared to recognize you."

Yan Mo nodded clearly, and said in a deep voice: "Then what are you going to do now? Are you going to fight Sandan directly, or go to save the gods and the people in the Palace of Hades first? Oh, by the way, Ziyi and Bailing are in Satan It is estimated that those few friends of yours were also arrested by him."

Zhang Yang nodded with a gloomy face, which he had already thought of.

"...Satan has too many hostages in his hands. I can't fight him rashly, but I thought of someone who can help us."



Yan Mo looked at Zhang Yang in surprise, shook his head again and again and said: "The Buddha is above the Nine Heavens. This time Satan and the God Realm engaged in such a fierce battle, but the Buddha did not appear. Maybe he had already given up on the Three Realms, or he had already given up on the Three Realms. Before that, it was already wiped out by Satan."

Zhang Yang said confidently: "The Buddha is merciful, and his strength is unpredictable. He cannot be easily eliminated by Satan. It's just that some things about him are entangled in his hands and feet, and he can't get away for a while."

Zhang Yang was about to continue talking, but suddenly there was a loud bang from the deep pit behind him.

"What kind of trap did you make in the pit? Can you stop Satan? He is the only one in the world right now."

Seeing Yan Mo's worried appearance, Zhang Yang sighed helplessly, patted him on the shoulder and said, "Don't be nervous, my remaining traps will naturally hold him back, so you don't have to worry, but you need to cooperate later I'm going to act in a play, first lie to him, and help me delay for some time, it doesn't take too long, it only takes one day and one night."

Yan Mo looked at Zhang Yang hesitantly, and seeing that his eyes were full of confidence, he nodded in agreement.

Zhang Yang lay beside Yan Mo's ear in a low voice, and told his plan in full. The two looked at each other and nodded in tacit agreement.

Yan Mo took a deep breath, straightened his back, and said to Zhang Yang: "Come on, I am a brass wall, I am not afraid of anything."

Zhang Yang looked at Yan Mo's face of going to death, dumbfounded, and helplessly raised his hand to his chest, and slapped him hard.

Immediately, Yan Mo's body flew upside down, and a mouthful of blood spurted out, staining the sand around him red.

"Ahem, I rely, are you my big brother? You are trying to beat me to death with such force?"

"If you don't let you see some blood, how can you act realistically? Didn't you also say it? You are a brass wall and an iron frame, so you are not afraid."

(End of this chapter)

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