Sweet marriage

Chapter 115 Love Rival Attacks

Chapter 115 Love Rival Attacks (8)

Lin Yiyang is very satisfied with today's harvest, and when he receives the money tomorrow, he will cheer up to accept this new challenge.

He is still quite confident. As an emotional expert, he should be able to handle the little secretary easily, but he doesn't know what the little secretary looks like.In short, don't be too ugly, or you will lose your appetite.

Lin Yiyang whistled happily, thinking too much, a woman who can be the president's secretary would naturally not be so ugly, maybe she would be a beautiful woman.

He took such a big business today, settled the bill with satisfaction, drove home and slept soundly.

After Fang Ruoxi arrived home, Fang Chengyu saw her haggard look and smelled a little wine on her body.

His younger sister seemed to have changed a lot since she joined Lei Zijun's company, and she always seemed to have something on her mind.He was a little worried about his sister.

"Ruoxi, you've been drinking. See if you've been unhappy recently, is there something on your mind?"

"Brother, I'm fine, don't worry about me."

Fang Ruoxi can only bear the pain in her heart silently.With a strong self-esteem, she dared not tell anyone what was on her mind.

"Ruoxi, if you are not happy working in Zijun's company, don't force yourself."

Fang Chengyu didn't know how to persuade his sister, it was really hard to guess what a woman was thinking.

"Brother, is there anything to eat? I'm a little hungry now."

Fang Ruoxi hurriedly changed the subject, she didn't want to think about those unhappy things anymore.

"Sister-in-law Liu has specially reserved food for you, go and eat."

Fang Chengyu sighed, it seems that he has to find time to have a good talk with Lei Zijun.

Fang Ruoxi was his only younger sister, who would love her if he didn't love her?He didn't want to see his sister being unhappy and frowning all day long.

It has only been a few days since she went to work, and she seems to have lost the laughter she used to have.

Fang Ruoxi couldn't eat at all, so she went to the restaurant to eat a few bites, and then went back to her room.

She summoned up the courage to take out the business card in her bag, hesitating whether she should contact him tomorrow.

After thinking about it, she decided not to care so much. For her own happiness, she had no choice but to do something wrong.She herself also felt a little despicable, maybe he would regret what he did in the future, that was for the future, and now she couldn't care so much.

The next day, Ruoxi called Qin Ming to ask for leave. She went out alone and bought a mobile phone card, which was specially used to contact Lin Yiyang.

She thought for a long time yesterday and decided to take this risky move.

After calling Lin Yiyang and sending him the money negotiated with him, everything was settled like this.

It was still early for Fang Ruoxi to finish all this, so she went shopping by herself and bought some clothes.

She drove home at lunchtime.

Fang Ruoxi's mother saw her daughter come back with big and small bags and asked, "Ruoxi, didn't you go to work today?"

"Mom, I asked the leader for leave today. After finishing the work, I went to the shopping mall. I bought you a piece of clothing specially."

Ruoxi took out the clothes she bought for her mother and handed them to her.

Fang Ruoxi's mother took out her clothes and looked at them, "Ruoxi, you have a good eye, I like it."

"Mom, I know you like purple clothes. When I saw this dress, I thought you must like it, so I bought it."

"Ruoxi, you've only been at work for a few days. Why do I feel that you've lost weight? Is there something wrong? Mom can help you out by telling me."

She has already seen Fang Ruoxi's changes in the past few days, but she didn't have the chance to ask what happened. She must ask the matter clearly this time.

(End of this chapter)

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