Sweet marriage

Chapter 116 Love Rival Attacks

Chapter 116 Love Rival Attacks (9)

"Mom, you think too much. It's just that I'm a little busy at work. I have to get used to it."

"Do you have a boyfriend?"

"Mom, I don't have a boyfriend. If I have one, I will definitely tell you."

"Ruoxi, you are not young anymore, it's time to find a boyfriend, I will find my good sister, and I will pay special attention to promising young talents for you."

Fang Ruoxi's mother is very confident in her daughter, such an outstanding daughter does not have to worry about being loved.She really should find a good man.

"Mom, let me declare first that I will find my boyfriend by myself, so you don't have to worry about me. I won't meet someone who introduces me, and you don't want me when it's embarrassing."

She was annoying enough now that she didn't want to find work for herself.

"You child, isn't mom concerned about your lifelong affairs? What's wrong with introducing someone to you? Don't worry! If it's not good, I will never let you go on a blind date."

"Mom, I haven't had enough fun yet. I don't want to find a boyfriend so early. I appreciate your kindness. Let's let this matter go and talk about it later, okay?"

Ruoxi had a bitter face, and spoke to her mother in a begging tone.

"Hey! I really can't help you, you can find it yourself! Now that you're back, let's go have dinner together!"

Fang Ruoxi's mother had no choice but to put this matter aside for the time being, as her daughter had her own concerns when she grew up, and she, as a mother, couldn't control it anymore.

After lunch, Fang Ruoxi went back to her room and sat on the bed thinking about what happened recently.

She didn't understand what was so good about that Chen Yiyi, why brother Jun was fascinated by her.

She thought of that handsome man Lin Yiyang again, and wondered if he was reliable or not.

I didn't think about this matter too much. Sure enough, women who fall into the emotional vortex will become very stupid, and they will do everything blindly without thinking about it.

Fang Ruoxi didn't have a good rest these days, thinking about her, she felt a little sleepy, so she lay down on the bed and fell asleep.

She had a dream, dreaming that Brother Jun lost his temper with him, and she cried very sadly in the dream.

She woke up from the dream with an "ah!", and she seemed to be able to feel the painful feeling in the dream.

After calming down, Fang Ruoxi realized that maybe she was really wrong.But now there is no way out, the money has been paid, she can only take one step at a time, she can't admit defeat until the end.


After Lei Zijun came back from the hotel, he didn't mention this matter to Chen Yiyi, and she naturally didn't ask him either.

Since she loves Lei Zijun, she must absolutely trust him. If he wants to tell herself, he will tell herself even if she doesn't ask.

Because there is no grudge in her heart and more trust, the relationship between Chen Yiyi and Lei Zijun is better than before.


Three days later, when it was time to pay wages, Chen Yiyi received her first month's salary, and she was really happy in her heart.She decided to ask Lei Zijun for leave, and she wanted to go home to see her parents. She hadn't seen them for a long time, and she missed them very much.

Thinking of the troubles she had caused her mother not long ago, she felt a little sorry.Now that she has a boyfriend, she wants to go back and tell her mother not to let her worry about herself anymore.

Before leaving get off work, Chen Yiyi came to Lei Zijun's office.

Looking at Lei Zijun who was working hard, she couldn't get enough of that handsome face.

Walking into him, Chen Yiyi knocked on the table, Lei Zijun looked up at her.

"What, miss me?"

With a smile on her face, Chen Yiyi replied softly, "Well, I miss you."

(End of this chapter)

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