Sweet marriage

Chapter 117 Love Rival Attacks

Chapter 117 Love Rival Attacks (10)

"Since you miss me so much, marry me as soon as possible!"

Lei Zijun smiled so charmingly that Chen Yiyi almost looked away again.

"Sorry, I'm not ready yet, let me think about it."

"How about 10 minutes of your time?"

"Too short, not enough."

"Then how long do you have to think about it?"

As Lei Zijun spoke, he walked up to Chen Yiyi and hugged her. She wasn't scared this time because she was used to it.

"What should I do if I have to think about it for a long time?"

"Then how about I deal with you now?"

Chen Yiyi's little face turned red in an instant. When did this stern Lei Zijun become so nasty, she almost couldn't bear it.

Lei Zijun couldn't resist Chen Yiyi's temptation, and kissed her red lips.

Chen Yiyi closed her eyes and began to respond to him.Lei Zijun felt his rising desire and let go of her in time. His self-control has become very weak since he met Chen Yiyi. He should have married her sooner.

Chen Yiyi touched her little red face, and stepped aside.

"Zijun, let's talk about business. I want to ask for leave to go home and visit my parents."

"Is there something going on at home? Do you want me to go back with you? I want to propose marriage to my future father-in-law and settle our affairs as soon as possible."

"Let's wait and see, I feel like we're moving too fast, and I'm totally insecure."

Chen Yiyi expressed her feelings in her heart. Although the men and women who got married now have things, and some of them are very happy, but she doesn't know why, but she lacks confidence. Maybe Lei Zijun is too good, and she is afraid that she will not be able to control him at all. .

"Yiyi, am I so unworthy of your trust?"

Lei Zijun was a little angry, he treated Chen Yiyi so well, but she didn't trust him.

"Zijun, don't be angry, I know you are sincere to me, but I have no confidence in myself."

"Yiyi, time will prove that my love for you will never change."

"I know you treat me well. Let's talk about business. I ask for leave. Will you approve it or not?"

"No problem, but I want to go back with you."

"You still have an important contract to sign next week, and I will definitely take you back next time I go home."

"That's the only way. I can tell you that when you go back this time, if the elders arrange for you to go on a blind date, you are not allowed to go."

If Lei Zijun hadn't sabotaged the incident last time, Chen Yiyi would have been cheated by that man.

"Don't worry, I will tell my father and mother that I already have a boyfriend. You should be satisfied now."

"To be honest, I still don't feel relieved to let you go back alone. I will miss you if I don't see you."

"I will miss you too, Mr. President."

Chen Yiyi smiled happily. She couldn't even imagine having such a handsome boyfriend.She hasn't told her friends about this yet, if she finds out, she doesn't know how she will react.

"How many days do you want?"

"At least a week."

Lei Zijun thought that he hadn't seen Yiyi for a week, and now he missed her a little.

"Okay, remember to call me, or I will punish you well when you come back."

"Zijun, thank you, I know you are the best for me."

Chen Yiyi stood on tiptoe and kissed Lei Zijun, and left happily.

Because Lei Zijun had something to do, he took Chen Yiyi to the gate of the community after get off work, and they drove away after saying goodbye.

Lin Yiyang has been squatting at the gate of the community for several days. He has not been idle these few days. He has done a comprehensive investigation on Chen Yiyi, and then moved into this community and became her neighbor.

(End of this chapter)

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