Sweet marriage

Chapter 118 The Mission of Seizing Love

Chapter 118 The Mission of Seizing Love (1)

When he saw Chen Yiyi walk into the unit door and enter the elevator, he followed closely.

"You live on the sixth floor too? I just moved in, so we are neighbors."

He had nothing to say, so he greeted Chen Yiyi.

Chen Yiyi heard him speak, and then looked at this man carefully, because she looked at him in a gentle manner, so she felt a little bit resistant to a man like Lin Yiyang.

Yiyi answered "Hmm!"

The elevator quickly reached the sixth floor, and Chen Yiyi got out of the elevator, opened the door and entered the room.

Lin Yiyang didn't enter the door, looking at Chen Yiyi's room door, he was unlucky at the beginning, and they didn't flirt with him at all.

Since when was he so unpopular, he smiled a little frustrated.The more difficult it is, the more it arouses his interest, and he doesn't believe that there is nothing he can't handle.

When Chen Yiyi was about to rest after dinner, she heard a knock on the door.

She opened the door and saw that it was the man she had seen in the elevator, she frowned and asked, "Is there something wrong?"

Lin Yiyang raised his bleeding hand for Chen Yiyi to see, "I accidentally hurt my hand while chopping vegetables, do you have trauma medicine at home?"

Chen Yiyi looked at his hand, feeling that it was seriously hurt.

"You wait for me to get it for you?"

"Wait, can you help me bandage it? I'm not very comfortable with it myself."

Chen Yiyi hesitated and said, "Okay, you come in first."

She didn't want to get involved with other men, but now that he was injured, Chen Yiyi decided to help him deal with the wound first.

Lin Yiyang followed her into the house.

Chen Yiyi found iodine and gauze from the cabinet, and helped him clean the wound, apply good medicine, and bandage the wound.

"It's okay, you can go back."

"Thank you, my name is Lin Yiyang, what's your name?"

Chen Yiyi was a little embarrassed, she really didn't want to have too much interaction with him, and she didn't want to tell him his name.

"Chen Yiyi." After hesitating again and again, she still said her name out of politeness.

"Then I'll call you Yiyi. I didn't expect to cause trouble with you when I first moved in. We will be neighbors in the future. If you need my help in the future, just ask."

Lin Yiyang seized this opportunity to quickly get close to her, keeping his eyes on Chen Yiyi.

"Mr. Lin, it's late now, I want to rest, should you go home too?"

Chen Yiyi was a little annoyed by him, she politely saw off the guests.

"Yiyi, you helped me, can I treat you to dinner another day?"

Lin Yiyang was not affected by Chen Yiyi's emotions at all, he still seized more opportunities to get in touch with her.

"You don't have to be so polite, it's just a trivial matter. It's okay to invite me to dinner, can you go?"

Chen Yiyi made a gesture of invitation, she really regretted helping him now.

Lin Yiyang felt a little frustrated, he, a handsome guy, had played electricity with her for a long time, but the other party didn't respond at all, instead he was a little disgusted with him.

"Okay, I won't disturb your rest, but I must invite you for that meal."

If there is no other way, let's withdraw first. Now that I have become her neighbor, there will be plenty of opportunities in the future. It should be easy to deal with her with my own ability.

Lin Yiyang reluctantly left Chen Yiyi's residence and returned to his own.

In order to get close to Chen Yiyi, he took great pains and cut his finger, just to have the opportunity to get in touch with her more.

She didn't expect that girl, she didn't pay much attention to herself at all, wasting all her hard work in vain.

(End of this chapter)

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